what religion shouled we be if we shoued be


Registered Member
hi im new to this forum and as you will soon find out imnot either good typer or speller but yet im aged 38 and been around quite some time on earth,1st i ask its already confucing enough weather to belive in god or not cuase its all so confucing but supose we shouled belive in god which is the true religion i was batized chritian but thats about it never been to church not planing in doing so untill i really think i shouled be there a mosq or sinagog or mabe none mabe theres no god like ive read in other forums and its just the way we have been educated to be so my question is
which is the relgion that is most realsitc and truthfull if we had to chose

Just a friendly suggestion but you may want to write your post's on a word processing program first, then run a spell checker. That is what I do. Then proof read it really good because the spell checker will miss words that are spelled correctly but wrong in the sentence, such as there, their, were, where, etc. Besides that welcome to Sciforums. :)

PS. Since you originated this thread you can go back and correct the title. Just hit edit on your first post.
scorpionsf1: WELCOME
using cut and paste, and a microsoft word could help.
however in answer to your question, I was brought up muslim, but I am an atheist.
now you on sciforums, read a few post and even scan though a few old ones, and I sure you will find the right thing for you.
but if you were me it would be atheist without a doubt.
I was raised in the Lutheran Church because my parents were Lutheran. At seventeen, I came across A. E. Haydon's book, "The Biography of the Gods, a good read, but I think it's out of print now. Anyway, I shucked all religious consideration and rejected any rationale for the need for a deity.

BTW, I'm 66, and I keep a dictionary handy. Never finished school myself.
I would say we should all be members of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latterday Saints (Mormons). However we all have free will so we must follow the path we think is right. We need to study for ourselves and come to our own conlusion then humbly ask God in prayer if our direction is correct. We need to be in tune with the spirit and be willing to accept God's answer no matter what it is. If you already have your mind made up and are not willing to change then you will block God's answer.

James 1:5-8
"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways."
scorpionsf1 said:
hi im new to this forum and as you will soon find out imnot either good typer or speller but yet im aged 38 and been around quite some time on earth,1st i ask its already confucing enough weather to belive in god or not cuase its all so confucing but supose we shouled belive in god which is the true religion i was batized chritian but thats about it never been to church not planing in doing so untill i really think i shouled be there a mosq or sinagog or mabe none mabe theres no god like ive read in other forums and its just the way we have been educated to be so my question is
which is the relgion that is most realsitc and truthfull if we had to chose

You are very good at expressing yourself, and your spelling is phonetic enough to be surprisingly understandable.

Regarding Religion, you should pick that Religion which most has demonstrated that is endorsed by God Himself, and that Religion is Catholicism. Catholicism sources of Judaism where the Jews believed in God because God demonstrated His Powers through the Prophets. With the Advent of the Virgin Mary and Jesus Christ, we find that God placed His Divine Sponsorship on the Religion which Followed Their Teachings and Sacraments. God has demonstrated His Power through dozens of Saints, each one Equal to Christ in Miraculous Powers. And God has visited us in the Person of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who has appeared to Her Faithful in thousands of Historical Apparitions.

But I am not maintaining, here, that Catholicism is the only valid Religion. I am only saying it is the Best of the Valid Religions. A Religion is Valid only if it can make a credable claim that it has produced a Saint with God-Like Powers, that is, the Religion must show some indication that God has given it His Recognition and Endorcement.

Protestants have gone 500 years without their first Saint. Apparently hating, villifying and insulting the Virgin Mary is not a correct doctrine much pleasing to God. The Jews, ever since murdering Christ, have not had a single prophet, and their Religion has degenerated into a murderous fight over realestate in the Mid East. Islam likewise has been without a Saint. Islam does claim credit for the Sufi Saints, but on the otherhand their Mullahs condemn the Sufis as heretical, while a quick glance at origins would reveal that the Sufis are in fact not Islamic at all, but can be sourced to Zoroastrianism which was already a thousand years old when Islam swept in with the sword and insisted that everybody at least nominally follow Islam. The Hindus, like the Sufi Zoroastrians, have had a fair number of Actual Christ-Like Saints, and so any study of mystical Hinduism and Yoga would be well spent. Buddhism too has had its Saints, especially the Mahayana Branches of Buddhims, but NOT the amoral and almost atheistic Hinayana Branches of Buddhism which is little better than mere philosophical stoicism, which even the Romans had developed at least up to the same point as Gautama Buddha.

So, become a Catholic and do the Sacraments. Worship the Blessed Virgin as Source of All Grace from God. and Study Philosophical and Mystical Hinduism and join a Yoga Class. you will be doing okay.
Brutus1964 said:
We need to study for ourselves and come to our own conlusion then humbly ask God in prayer if our direction is correct.

We need to be in tune with the spirit and be willing to accept God's answer no matter what it is.
so what if God tells you, or me to bash my kids heads with rocks,
(like recently happened to some highly religious lady,)
am I to follow this Gods comands unquestionably?
scorpionsf1 said:
..so my question is
which is the relgion that is most realsitc and truthfull if we had to chose
I dont think you'll find much TRUTH in any religion,its all made up stories to explain the unknown in nature.

you want truth,try SCIENCE.
Q25 said:
so what if God tells you, or me to bash my kids heads with rocks,
(like recently happened to some highly religious lady,)
am I to follow this Gods comands unquestionably?



A past leader in my church once said "When dealing with things of faith or of the world, use your brain". If a voice in your head is telling you something that you know to be wrong, then you should know it is not from God. Even when Abraham was commanded by God to kill Isaac, he still questioned it. He went back to God probably countless of times and pleaded with him before he came to know it really was God's will and he must obey. God ended up not making Abraham go through with it. He only wanted Abraham to know how God would feel when He would have to sacrifice his only begotten son Jesus Christ on the cross.
Brutus1964 said:


A past leader in my church once said "When dealing with things of faith or of the world, use your brain". If a voice in your head is telling you something that you know to be wrong, then you should know it is not from God. Even when Abraham was commanded by God to kill Isaac, he still questioned it. He went back to God probably countless of times and pleaded with him before he came to know it really was God's will and he must obey. God ended up not making Abraham go through with it. He only wanted Abraham to know how God would feel when He would have to sacrifice his only begotten son Jesus Christ on the cross.

So, instead of differentiating between a Psychotic State, where voices in the head can be insisting upon crushing children with rocks, and the Voice of God which would never do such a thing, you insist that it is All God speaking to us, but we should use our brains and decide when to Obey God and when to tell God He is being ridiculous and should please leave us alone. God is fine only when He suits our thinking, but to be ignored when He doesn't.

You must be a Protestant.

It is one of Paul's original doctrines that if we disagree with any Apostles of Righteousness or even with Angels of Light, all we need to do is claim they are demonic and ignore them. Of course when the Pharisees had used the same logic with Jesus Christ, he had rebuked them for it and said what they were doing was the Unforgivable Sin -- the Sin of Insulting the Holy Spirit. But somehow the Unforgiveable Sin has become an integral part of Protestant Doctrine and you are all taught to flipoff the Holy Spirit the very moment you find Its Dictates to be inconvenient to your Protestant Lifestyles.

So, no. If you truly believed in God you would have no problem in saying that you would absolutely obey any command from God, not supposing for a fraction of a second that you had any right to second guess the Creator and Ruler of the Universe. .... And that if God asked you to bash in the head of some little kid, well, then, the little punk must have probably deserved it! Who knows, maybe it was some protestant who thought better of it when God told him to smash in the skull of little Adolfy Hitler.

My best advice is not to subscribe to any religion at all. Do not allow any man or organization or doctrine or dogma make up your mind for you. The question that you are asking is way too important to leave it in someone else's hands, and the answer is way too consequential not to ask. So I say, to ask it of God Himself and listen for an answer. Ask Him to show you Himself and the truth, and trust that if indeed He is God, then that should not be such a difficult request to fulfill. Ask for proof and guidance directly from the source. That is what I did, and now I know everything I need to know.


Leo Volent

If something truly came from God then I would obey him. But, I know he would never ask something that of me. You need to differentiate between voices in your head that come from God and those that come from the devil. There are only some things of God that Satan can counterfeit. You need to learn how to tell the difference. Also, God would never ask of anything from someone that was mentally unstable. That would interfere with a person’s free will, and God would never do that.
But if God told you to murder your son, wouldn't you assume that it was "something that you know to be wrong"?

And if he did command you to kill your son, like he did Abraham? What then?
Would it be his commandment, a test, Satan or would it be your own psychosis?
How would you really know?
It is obvious that MANY people have not been able to tell in the past.
Even Abraham.
What makes you so special that you would know better than Abraham did?
I don't understand hopw you would make that distinction, and even after you did, how you would be so sure you made the right choice.
How do you know the woman who crushed her kid's head was wrong?

That's a good question. Honestly, God said something to me once that scared me. It scared me because it sounded so outrageously outlandish that I thought it could not possibly be true. And knowing that God does not lie, I found myself asking "who in the hell is talking to me?" I tried to put the statement out of mind...to forget I ever heard what He said...chalk it up to the imagination that I never did have. But He kept explaining it to me...providing context which explained the truth about what He said to me. In providing this context...this evidence of truth...this understanding...I realized that what He had to say was indeed true, or valid, even though I must admit it to be proposterous in relation to what the secular or material world considers to be possible.

And in regards to context, I never let a statement or scripture or law stand alone in and of itself. The interpretation and meaning is always in the context. The context provided is the entire volume of scripture...even that which may have been hidden from the majority of the population by the political agenda of organized religion...and life experience...what you know and understand to be true and right according to what you have lived through...because this is the way that the Holy Spirit teaches you...through the entirety of your life.

The first thing that I would ask of God would be "what about thou shalt not kill?" It's relevant...lol.

The story of Job comes to mind as context. Keep in mind that God did not actually have Abraham kill his son in the end. I think that the question is are you willing to give up anything and everything that is of this flesh and of this world for God? Do you trust Him that much? Abraham did apparently. And so the question for you would seem to be why did Abraham trust God that much? There is meaning and truth in the answer to that question. The truth being...if God is who He really is, then who are you to question Him? Questioning Him would be ludicrous. And the sentiment that this discussion provides is the rationalization of faith. There was a long history of interaction between God and Abraham prior to this event/request. A history of communication and interaction that fostered Abraham's complete trust in the Lord.

I can't judge or speak for the woman who killed her children. I do know that there is a test of spirits, and that some people do not choose to test them because they are so fascinated with them and their power, they do not question. It all boils down to your intentions...as to what spirit gets ahold of you and influences you the most. They are certainly identifiable...and you have to be very specific as to direct your interaction. What you want is what you get basically. Lots of people don't really want the truth, they want a scapegoat. God is no scapegoat. Trust me, He's balls to the wall anything but, and I'm feeling that right now, but it's worth it...it's so worth it.

And if the test is unadministered at the onset, there is always the fruit of the spirit to observe, and is usually most obvious.

And there is something that you should know about me and that is I don't necessarily "believe" in psychosis. I know from experience...and from direct observation...that we are all influenced and affected by the spiritual realm far more than any of us are aware.

God is not the author of confusion. That is scripture, and I would stand on it in any relevant situation.

And after all, God did give Abraham a glimpse of what it might feel like to sacrifice your own innocent son. Perhaps to bring Abraham some needed or requested understanding?

Love you,

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Open-minded enquiry. Look at yourself first, really think and know what you believe. Communicate with others. Study other religions and other sects that have some of the same tenets that you believe. Compare the different philosophies (you may find they have many things in common). Believe what you know in your heart to be true and that is where you are in this life. It all depends on keeping an OPEN-MIND.
scorpionsf1 said:
hi im new to this forum and as you will soon find out imnot either good typer or speller but yet im aged 38 and been around quite some time on earth,1st i ask its already confucing enough weather to belive in god or not cuase its all so confucing but supose we shouled belive in god which is the true religion i was batized chritian but thats about it never been to church not planing in doing so untill i really think i shouled be there a mosq or sinagog or mabe none mabe theres no god like ive read in other forums and its just the way we have been educated to be so my question is
which is the relgion that is most realsitc and truthfull if we had to chose

HI nd welcome. and i can read what you say. dont be intimidated. i am bad speller too...or bad typoer--my actual spelling is good, its just the rest haha

ok, about yer question. i would advize you what i have learnt and do. really look at the belief systems that promise some reward in 'spirt' and dengrate Nature. Ot claim that Nature wiill be 'made better/'pufified'....these beliefs reveal a deep pychological split between Nature and matter, subject and object, male and female, etc. where they assume tha these extremes of experience are truly abstact and separable

i therefore suggest you consider Nature. You are ACTUALL living in Nature. it provides all your needs, food, clothing, water, heat, etc. you weren't dropping into it but ARe it.
So you need to discover original earth religious principles which the patriarchy demonized
this means accepting yourself as you ARE. as a dynamic continuum. sometimes 'bad' sometimes 'good' and inbetween. sometimes sad sometimes joyful, etc
Also consider having hallucinogenic experience, which allows deeper aspect to spiritual feeling of being in Nature...of BEING Nature, and thus integrating a dep respect for Nature and community, which includes all other species
which is the relgion that is most realsitc and truthfull if we had to chose
There isnt one, only one that might be right for you personally, for me i have no religion, i am an agnostic atheist and it works for me and is a choice im very happy with even though many people find it doesnt work for them, all i can advise is looking into as many things as possible, especially buddhism and agnosticism, hopefully you can find people and talk to them to get an idea what its about(i advise multiple people not just one), theres nothing you should or shouldnt believe, only what is right for you.
Step Right Up, Step Right Up, Our God Is The Best God, Guaranteed To Give You That Saved Feeling! Don't Listen To The Competition, Their Salvation Is Faulty And Made With Cheap Materials, Only We Provide The High Quality Eternal Bliss After Death You're Looking For!