What powers would you like?


Registered Senior Member
For example, if you could chouse to have any kind of powers, which powers would you take? And how would you plan to use them?

If I could have any I would probably take them all, but if I was having to just pick something it would probably be telekinesis simply because it is impressive and empowering. The next best would probably be seeing the future or telepathy. Telepathy would be awesome because, well, it is always good to be informed and knowing what other people are thinking is informative. Seeing the future is good for the same reasons.

How would I use these abilities? Who can say? I would probably have a lot of fun with them because that is just my personality. I can definitely see myself sitting on a lawnchair on my roof while my hammer nails new shingles down on it's own. That would be hillarious. I would probably use telepathy or seeing the future to win money (poker or lottery). Why not, money makes life easier.
Hammering in nails and winning a lottery?

As said by Norbekov, people aren't given this powers, because they won't be able to use them wisely :( . Does one really need telekinesis to hammer in a nails?

Norbekov in his books claims ( once again ;) ) that we, people with 5 senses, are like sleeping. We are born, go to school where we are made all a like, then to collage where we become sheeps with a degree in something... marry, make kids and finally retair and die...

This was a bit off topic... so, we do have 5 senses

1. taste
2. smell
3. touch
4. hearing
5. seeing

And each of this senses is much more effective then the previos one. Like smelling is much more effective then tasteing, as well as seeing is much, much more effective then hearing.

While there are two more senses that are "turned off". Little kids do have them more-or-less working, but finally they are shut down by the education. Try asking a 4 year old kid, in which hand you're holding a red sweet and in which a green one, and he'll answer right.

This senses are
6. intuition
By looking at someone you intuitively know his name, character, jod, car color, etc, etc... Also you might look at an object and tell things about its owner. Or look at a stock-chart and know which one's going to rise. You'de be able to chouse one millionear project from 10 or 100 bancrupt ones.

7. forming events
This is a sense by which you can not only see or feel what is going to happen, but change it according to your will. For example, you can chouse a bancrupt project and make it a millionear one!

Compearing us, 5 sensers, to them, people with 7 senses, is like compearing someone who can't see and hear to us...

Hard to imagine, ah?
Originally posted by bratok
And each of this senses is much more effective then the previos one. Like smelling is much more effective then tasteing, as well as seeing is much, much more effective then hearing.

Don't know about that, I can hear things that are behind me that I can't see. I can hear things that are obscured from sight. Hearing is pretty good. Also, your range of hearing varies from 20Hz to 20,000Hz, (if you have good hearing) sight, well, we can't see infra-red, nor much into UV, so our range of frequencies is less (just x2).

Plus of course, without hearing, there'd be no speech, and the implications of that are immense.
Ok bratok, so you are saying that I don't develop powers because I would misuse them? If this is true then explain to me the mechanism by which this works? Does God give these powers to people who will use them right? I mean, you say to me that children more or less have these two extra senses, which would seem to me to mean that everyone has them, not only people who would use them right.

Basically you are saying that these psi powers exist, but the reason we don't see people doing the kind of crazy things we expect people to do with them (mostly personal gain) is because nobody who would do those things can use them. It seems kind of like a trick.

Anyways, no I don't need to telekinesis to hammer nails, but I just think it would be cool. I don't NEED a lot of things. I don't need to speak to communicate, but it makes it easier. I don't need to taste to eat, but it makes it more enjoyable. I don't see why if we had these powers it would be wrong to use them to improve your life. And who is the Norbekev guy?
Well... as I understand it, god ( the creator, nature or how ever you'de like to call it ), has given us all 7 senses. Only we somehow managed to dull them off.

While there are certains "schools" that teach people how to activate all their senses, this schools are kept more-or-less a secret, so that people won't start useing this powers the wrong way. But while teached in this school, people obtain a new look at things, at the world and on everything else... they rise hight above the everyday people with their little problems. After this, they are only able to to use their powers wisely and not show them off to simple people, who won't be able to understand them.

Lots of this knowlege is hidden in the poems by Omar Haiam ( or Haiyam, not sure how he's in English ). While an ordinary person would only see wine, love and drinkers in his poems... the one who this knowlege was ment for would know that wine stand for knowlege, love means looking for god, drinker means someone, who has already lots of knowlege, jar means mind, etc...

One poem ( 4 lines ) contains about 270 pages of instructions, as claimed by Norbekov.

Now about who's this Norbekov, afterall.

Here's what he says about himself. It was autotranslated from Russian, so bear with it ;) .


From the Author
Now - again - I sit, I go, sometimes I run around of a table, I think, I think, I think... How to tell, what not somewhere, sometime, and directly here and now really there are people which have opened in great secret Divine power?

How to tell, to not do much harm, to not offend you, to not cause feeling of inferiority? How to state so that everyone reading, at all distinctions in perception(recognition), has received the maximal advantage(benefit) for itself?

How to save you today's from misunderstanding, íåïðèÿòèÿ my mistakes of the past?

On all these "as" there is an answer of my main adviser and the instructor - my intuition. But îáúåâðîïåèçèðîâàííûå masks which is compelled a burden according to Instructors, in eager rivalry áóáíÿò to me in ears: they can not understand you! Etc., etc.

First I too had very big doubts and mistrust, that it is, is especial when it was necessary to compare words of my Instructors to the validity of world around. But when I have seen their opportunities, at me the cry of indignation, misunderstanding, insult for their injustice has escaped:

- Egoists! You think only of yourselves. Having Great force, do not want to share her(it) with people.

In the world it is so much dirty, wars, misfortunes which you can remove one movement, one desire! And you are borrowed(occupied) only with high matters, self-improvement.

Better would think of people which can cure, feed, make happy. And instead of the help you sympathetically nod a head.

Many times bewildered asked and was indignant:
- Why, why, why?..
They looked at me with contempt and an indulgent smile:
- When you will start to comprehend and open in yourself true force, itself you will decide to help whether or not.

Since then has passed... About, My God! Thirty years has passed!

Now only, it seems, start though somehow them to understand, and that it is not sure... But one I know precisely: in their eyes not was and there could not be contempt. There was a kindness and ãðóñòü In love, speaking with the kid - pochemuchkoj about love.

This book - the next, pity attempt to adjust communication(connection) between the world of usual people and the world of people with superopportunities, the world In love.

Between this and two worlds the enormous bottomless precipice lays. Which time I try to construct of improvised materials the bridge, to throw it(him) from one edge(territory) to another with hope, that someone from possible(probable) interlocutors still searches for a ferry.

The in love, reached(achieved) conditions of the greatest love and power and free from wordly vanity, look at usual people, as father and mother on ill children. Look at them with pity and compassion, knowing what to help it is possible only for units.

Well, has written, and now I am waited with impacts from two parties(sides) simultaneously.

On the one hand - beating that I break some interdictions of the Instructors, for primitiveness of a statement, for possible(probable) profanation of high ideas and involuntary disclosure of some secrets.

On the other hand - an indulgent smile usual âûñîêîíàó÷íûõ minds(wits) of the world sleeping and a tub of a dirty on my head.

Meaningly I go on òàðàí all opinions, doubts and self-opinions. I put on a kimono êàìèêàäçå... Or how it is correct to tell?


Still slightly, even some minutes I want to stay myself, without any artificial environments! I want to transfer on a paper my true condition.

When through some pages we shall meet, I shall begin absolutely to anothers. But remember: day and night where I was, than was engaged, true my condition is...

... A moonlight night. A deserted coast. The sailing vessel alone rocks on waves. It(he) just has returned from travel to other worlds. Sails are penetrated with winds of distant wanderings, impregnated with spirit of Great love, Harmony, True.

They still shine that virgin cleanliness of clouds which meets only in that measurement. Each rope still stores(keeps) brightness, precipitancy and power of lightnings, mystery of miracles, îòáëåñê cleanliness, aroma of strange plants.

Feelings yet were not in time to return from magic flights in other time, other spaces, measurements, the worlds.

Someone's sad sigh and âñõëèïûâàíèå have forced me to regain consciousness from nostalgic memoirs....

Silly tiny áóòîí÷èê scaredly looked out from under a collar of mine øòîðìîâêè. Two seconds back when I already was going to come back to work, the kid secretly has hidden there, fondly hoping to see in the another's world especial, with anything not comparable beauty.

The poor creature! As it(he) was mistaken! It(he) could not assume, that will get in the terrible world sleeping!

If I would notice it(him) earlier necessarily would save from disappointments. You see I knew, where I come back!

In his(its) huge eyes - dewdrops the amphitheater of the garbage heaps, a stage filled with a moonlight where has already thundered a solemn hymn to a stomach and passions was reflected. Executors - chorus peak - nikujushchih òóñîâùèêîâ.

And already tender warm breeze with an easy rustle pulls out(frays) îáðûâêè memories of this nice(famous) event, sweeping dust of memoirs.

Two droplets - teardrops have slid on a thin stalk and were hopelessly dissolved in dusty ñêëàäêå clothes.

With melancholy in soul I take a holdall with on duty jokes and jokes, frank õàìñòâàìè, roughnesses and disgusting insults, with instructive tone in a voice, artificial boastfulness and paints for a make-up.

I should know language which will be clear there where I go, manners and customs which there are accepted! Otherwise they at the best will not notice me, and in the worse - will break off on a part, as unlike them!

Huge effort of will I push myself into a tiny megacity - "circus - chapiteau". Which time I come into this noisy mad place to tell about eternal travel and adventures. But whether will hear?

From my griefs I think out êëîóíñêèå tomfooleries to please what life from birth to death it is reliable çàìóðîâàíà in a close crypt of the present.

For the sake of what I have come in this circus where all tickets are bought up oustanding øóòàìè and clowns of the life?

I know! For the sake of those rare spectators who do not want to remain only gapers more, for the sake of those who in the depth oppress vaguely suspects about true life.

Can be, it you?..

I come into a make-up room of a circus, a name to which " world of usual people ". Here smells as sawdust of the cut paradise trees, urine of the lions humanized up to full civilization, bears and tigers.

They are trained for entertainment of lazy public and already lost for boundless woods and savannas.

How to mention to this public about the present life? How to wake her(it)? How to tell about wakefulness?! To tell so that have even listened to the end before ðàñòåðçàòü!

Ïðîîðàòü whisper so to not disturb ocean sleeping but to help to wake up to the one who is in a drowsy condition.

How to support the one who already few times has slightly opened eyes, but, frightened seen, immediately it was narrowed eyes and now very much tries to fall asleep again.

It to the aid comes to it(him) "àêóøåð". It it(he) - my future interlocutor. And that it was easier to it(him) to wake up and follow for the Way, we shall chat for the beginning about that about ñåì. And Beloved it(he) will find road to the house itself.

And then the purpose of the book will be achieved.

But it is impossible to forget about other, transformed the life in terrible experiment, not knowing in what!

Therefore I sit now before a mirror and I draw a smile of the idiot in all person. Let learn(find out) itself.

I shall draw, for the greater expressiveness, blind protruding eyes in glasses, same clever, as at them. I shall be trained is elaborate to cry out their false trues, even more in a pointed manner, than they shout each other from tribunes. Then they will accept the exact copy for a masterpiece êëîóíàäû.

Oh, as they will be ìàòåðèòüñÿ in my address to roar above my nonsense, awkwardness, not guessing at all, that laugh at themselves!

Last preparations before an output(exit). Has come it is time to remove aside those fine and deep experiences of soul which I nobody in a condition to transfer.

Ah, as though I would like though once to take you with myself in travel! But alas...
It is necessary to me to reincarnate.
Where mine øóòîâñêîé a cap of the scientist? Where mine ìåäàëü÷èêè-áóáåí÷èêè, asterisks - na-pogonchiki? Whether we shall consider, all on a place: the doctor of pedagogics, the doctor of psychology, the doctor of medicine, the academician there, the academician here, the professor here, something there the president...

And now we shall warm up vocal chords: up to - o-o, ðå-å-å, ìè-è-è-è, ôà-à-à... About with - ole... About with - o-o-ole ìèî... êó-êà-ðå-êó-ó-ó-ó, êóäàõ-òàõ'òàõ! At, yo-mine! Has failed!

Attempt number two... Already it is better.
Let's try again... Êõå-êõå... Already it is cleverer.
Éåõõ! Once again... Absolutely scientifically it turns out!
- Hello, the most respectable äûðêà from public!
- Dear clever men and clear heads!
- Ladies - sirs and other, other, other...
Now, now I shall tell... Now I shall tell... Something clever, well, very clever: " Mother êóçüêèíó for a leg!.. ".!
All! The clown is ready! It is time on an arena! We are waited with great rotten tomatoes!
- Here I come!


Good Luck!
My super power would be to turn invisible. Think of the things that you could do.:D. :I would have said that 4 days ago but ever since i saw the X-Files episode about the invisible guy it has turned me off to that fantasy, so now if i had to choose a super pwoer it would be the power to read minds. Now that could work to your advantage;) :p .

post-panic power may be interesting..
I mean, when you suddenly experience something that cause enough fear to be called dangerous, you suddenly unleash this hidden power to turn the situation upside-down
My power would be one of sheer godliness . . . in other words . . . I'd know what women wanted . . .
I'd choose the power of making everyone see the truth, want to see the truth and act compassionately to everyone else.