what place do computer make for our future

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the technology of machines and computers allow us to do much more than we could do our selves, but we are still the ones in charge. Eventually there just may come a time when AI could do all the work we do better than we can. Assuming we are careful enough to still be in control some how, we will have little if any work to do. Perhaps this might be a bit depressing and we might be pretty bored. (This last sentence I write, I find to be both interesting and very revealing). Once, all the basic physical work that we are so accustom to doing is no longer required, really all we have left to pay attention to is our own feelings and mood. Beneath the surface of doing action after action we basically go through the feelings of pleasure and discomfort based perhaps on how we view "how good of a job we did."

Well back to what I was saying. Suppose that we get to the point where all we really have left to worry about is how we feel in general, (when we don't really have any stress forcing us to work). At this time we may very likely decide to find away to artifically raise our baseline mood much higher than it would be normally. Lets assume that we are careful and smart enough to do this safely and healthly. So now here we are in absolute emotional bliss... Is this heaven? What do we do now. Assume along the way we also are smart enough and careful enough to sort of merge with our super intelligent machines that are so smart and so capable and we make a simple very nice bond. We give the magical bliss of feeling alive and the computers give us unbelievable cognition and intelligence. My question would be. where do we go from here? This may very well be our future.
Some readings that are somewhat relevant:

Hyperion, by Dan Simmons
A theme here is that dependence on sentient AI has caused human innovation to sputter and more or less die out.

Creating Friendly AI
A long essay (book?) about what a non-human-threatening AI might look like. It's quite long...I've only managed to get through the first chapter so far.

Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect, by Roger Williams
Story about an AI that achieves godlike control. Warning: a few chapters contain some graphic violence and sexual content. May not be suitable for work environments.
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