What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God?

What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God?

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    Votes: 4 40.0%
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    Votes: 1 10.0%
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  • 70-80%

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  • 80-90%

    Votes: 3 30.0%
  • 90-100%

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Registered Senior Member
What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God? By God I mean a person who loves us or does things, etc. like in Christianty, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, etc.

I ask not because I'm trying to prove a point or anything, I'm just curious as to other people's thoughts on this.

I think around 92% of the earth's population does not have a strong, if any, belief in a God as layed out in the Big 4 (Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism) and other major religions. I think over around 50% claim to believe in a God, but are closet non-believers.

I'll admit it, in public situation I claim to be Christian and believe in God, but in truth a I have a very weak if any belief that a God exists, and I think about 92% of the earth has this same mentality as I do that a God may exist, whether as a person or as a force of some sort, but not likely as there is zero evidence of interaction or communication between God and us, at least from my experience.

It's unfortunate, because that would be great if there was purpose, and a God, a heaven, and all that. But it just seems much more likely that there a God/person as told by the Big 4 relgions does not exist.

Note: I didn't start this thread/poll to prove a point or because I hate religious people. In fact, I think religious people are usually genuinely very nice and good people and we need more people like that around. I grew up in Chriistianity and consider myself a very nice person.
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What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God?

How do you propose to measure a "genuine, strong belief in God"?

It's likely that the intensitiy and consistency of a person's belief in God fluctuates, and so there are times when they feel very strongly about God, and other times when they are full of doubt.
I don't see how "belief in God" could be universally measured, across different religions.
NDS, why do you lie about it?

I guess NDS wants to feel the security and affirmation of being in a majority. I guess NDS is willing to delude himself with his own logic to obtain that feeling of being with the majority.

Fact is most of the people on planet earth believe a God exists. True atheists make up a very small minority indeed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
I guess NDS wants to feel the security and affirmation of being in a majority. I guess NDS is willing to delude himself with his own logic to obtain that feeling of being with the majority.

LOL, hi Adstar. Being in the majority helps my security, but even if I wasn't in the majority I would still have serious doubts.

Fact is most of the people on planet earth believe a God exists. True atheists make up a very small minority indeed.

Well, maybe where you live. I think your kidding yourself if you believe that most people firmly belief in a God and that one exists.

NDS, why do you lie about it?

The same reason politicians do. To look better in public. For some reason, atheism or agnostism is still looked slightly down upon, so I have to protect myself. I should have worded it different though, cause around my friends I dont claim to believe in a God. Only like when I go to church, or when I'm around people I don't really know too well.

How do you propose to measure a "genuine, strong belief in God"?

It's likely that the intensitiy and consistency of a person's belief in God fluctuates, and so there are times when they feel very strongly about God, and other times when they are full of doubt.
I don't see how "belief in God" could be universally measured, across different religions.

I love your process of thought, because I think the same way. You are exactly right. Even look in the Bible, and you will find many many references to different levels of faith or belief, strong or weak, etc.

In fact, "the intensitiy and consistency of a person's belief in" ANYTHING fluctuates, such as Global Warming. I have a 35% belief in the Global Warming thoery, that mankind has caused it. I like to look at belief in terms of odds. If I had to bet money on it, would I? If so I have over a 50% belief in that thing, right?

For example, I believe that it's possible that mankind and CO2 pollution could be the cause of Global Warming. But would I bet money on the idea that mankind has caused it (assuming it could be verifired, which I know is impossible)? NO. Why not? Because I believe that, in terms of odds, it's more likely that we are just too puny and small to be changing the long term climate of the earth like that. But that doesn't mean I think Global Warming caused by man isn't possible, or don't have at least a weak belief in it.

Also, as a side note on this topic, I think it's safe to say that NOBODY has 100% belief in God. I think the Bible, especially Jesus, supports this as well. Jesus said straight up that no one has ever even succeeded to attain the faith of a "mustardseed." I don't think God would expect 100% belief out of people anyway because 100% belief = knowledge, therefore taking the choice element away.

But for the purposes of this poll, let's put people in two categories:

1. Strong, firm belief - For the majority of this person's life, this person has had a strong, firm belief in a God, and has lived their life in a disciplined way or whatever way appeases their specific God.

2. Weak, not strong belief - For the majority of this person's life, this person has had a weak, almost non-existant belief in God and has lived their life care free, however they want.

I only know it is more than 0% and less than 100%.

LOL. Thanks.
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I guess 80-90 or even higher. firstly, most people on earth are uneducated and/or superstitious. uneducated people tend to have a strong belief in an afterlife. even when they don't believe in a god, so I included them in. second, most people (even educated) are superstitious - so I included them in as well.

It's why removing religion isn't necessarily going to work, so, with that in mind we should create a religion that doesn't suck.
What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God?

There is no way to get the answer to the question you have asked.

Here is a link that may be of some help.

The list is sociological/statistical in perspective.

Where do adherent statistics come from? (Where did your sources get their data?)

Total world population: 6,778,934,838

Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

The remaining 5.6 billion are believers. How strong their beliefs is another question. Don't know how to get the answer to that question.
There is no way to get the answer to the question you have asked.

Here is a link that may be of some help.

The list is sociological/statistical in perspective.

Where do adherent statistics come from? (Where did your sources get their data?)

Total world population: 6,778,934,838

Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

The remaining 5.6 billion are believers. How strong their beliefs is another question. Don't know how to get the answer to that question.
M*W: These data are from 2005. I wonder what the current statistics are?
Also, as a side note on this topic, I think it's safe to say that NOBODY has 100% belief in God. I think the Bible, especially Jesus, supports this as well.
Jesus said straight up that no one has ever even succeeded to attain the faith of a "mustardseed." I don't think God would expect 100% belief out of people anyway because 100% belief = knowledge, therefore taking the choice element away.

Your making the mistake of mixing up Belief in God and Faith in God.

Someone can Believe 100% that a God exists but the same person might have no faith in God. Faith here refers not just to belief but also TRUST.

The original Question was "What percentage of people have a genuine, strong belief in God" not "What percentage of people have a genuine, strong faith in God" There are two very different things.

Of course the numbers of people with strong Faith would be low. But that was not your original question.

And again the numbers of people who strongly believe that No God exists is also very Low.

Most supposed atheists are just agnostics in denial.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Belief is certainly not a certainty. Just as there are TV shows about UFOs. Belief, who knows?

Faith can set a pace but does not show which way to go. Unless one converses back and forth with their God , then, there isn’t a way to know which way to go. Life is reality while unreality speaks of immortality.
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The same reason politicians do. To look better in public. For some reason, atheism or agnostism is still looked slightly down upon, so I have to protect myself. I should have worded it different though, cause around my friends I dont claim to believe in a God. Only like when I go to church, or when I'm around people I don't really know too well.

you lie like a politician, to save face. about god. that's shitty. why can't you just be honest and say you don't know? and if someone can't except an honest answer, then why do you care about pleasing them, or being around them?
What percent of people have a genuine, strong belief in a God?

How can anyone possibly answer this question? What do you mean by "genuine"? What do you mean by "strong"? Are these objective criterion?

Anyhow, let's ask Mark E. Smith of The Fall:

I was once on a train with, among others, Mark E Smith. Tired of playing Pictionary, I announced that I could sense simply by looking, whether oranges contained pips. 'I can tell people's religion just by looking at their faces,' countered Smith. A VIP had just entered the carriage and eager to muck in, said to Smith, 'What am I then?' The whole carriage hushed. Smith looked him up and down. 'You're a cunt, pal,' he said.

Andy Darling, FHM May 1993