What might God's plan be?


Registered Senior Member
I doubt that we were created by a God, but what if we were?

If we were put here by God, and God has a plan for us, what could this plan be?

Does he expect to eventually "release us" to control our own lives, unrestricted. Perhaps this family dynamic that already exists here on earth is a model of what is to come with our relationship with God. Maybe we are his first experimental life planet in this universe, and after he's done with earth he will move on to create and nurture another planet, and more after that. Since we are his first, maybe we will be the new God's of this universe when He moves on to create another universe completely. Isn't that a wonderful thought?

Of course this idea of God's plan could not apply to the God of organized religion. The God of religion would never release us from the confines of his own tyranical ego. We are his slaves. Rather than embracing this parent-child dynamic(from which I could see real love and respect stem from- not the phoney love that religion forces), religion has chosen the lesser straight-forward route of the master-slave relationship, with an eternity in hell as the likely majority outcome. Religion's God is self-centered, so who really cares what his "plan" would be? Maybe, after armageddon, he has an eventual holy war planned between the occupants of heaven and hell. Ummm.......sounds delightful!
Perhaps this family dynamic that already exists here on earth is a model of what is to come with our relationship with God.
What would this family dynamic look like if you put it into words?
"Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you." Perhaps?
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Why couldn't the plan be as simple as to live and learn and enjoy life?

Hi, Laser Eyes, welcome to sciforums! I think we know the same God.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Why couldn't the plan be as simple as to live and learn and enjoy life?
That is the plan.

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

But while it sounds very straight-forward, unfortunately it isn't that simple most of the time. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are relatively few people on earth who can actually afford an epicurean lifestyle. It's a priviledge to be able to enjoy life.
But while it sounds very straight-forward, unfortunately it isn't that simple most of the time. I don't know if you've noticed, but there are relatively few people on earth who can actually afford an epicurean lifestyle. It's a priviledge to be able to enjoy life.
Actually it is that simple. The scripture you quote means that we should put real faith in God to provide us with what we need. Very few people do this so the scripture is rarely tested.

But it is a mistake to think that this world is how God intended the world to be. The world we live in is ruled by Satan, the Bible says that Satan is the god of this world. This corrupt world is far from the world that God intended. It's a temporary necessity and it's time is just about at an end. God will very soon intervene in human affairs and in the new system that will be set up there will be food for all, no-one will go hungry, there will no longer be the haves and the have-nots. Everyone will enjoy life in the coming system.
Originally posted by Laser Eyes
Actually it is that simple. The scripture you quote means that we should put real faith in God to provide us with what we need. Very few people do this so the scripture is rarely tested.
M*W: Laser Eyes, I appreciate your viewpoint. If we put real faith in God, we would put real faith in ourselves, because God dwells within each of us to some degree or another (that's based on our free will).
But it is a mistake to think that this world is how God intended the world to be. The world we live in is ruled by Satan, the Bible says that Satan is the god of this world. This corrupt world is far from the world that God intended. It's a temporary necessity and it's time is just about at an end. God will very soon intervene in human affairs and in the new system that will be set up there will be food for all, no-one will go hungry, there will no longer be the haves and the have-nots. Everyone will enjoy life in the coming system.
M*W: Everything in this world is ruled by Satan, including organized religions, Satan's greatest deception. God intervening in human affairs means to me that since we're still in the process of human evolution, we will finally reach our goal of Homo spiritus, and we will live in peace and harmony because it was the One Spirit of God dwelling in us for the duration of evolution so that he/she could create a perfect world through us. Because the human race has been the vehicle to carry the One Spirit of God, Satan really doesn't have any power over us unless we let him. As the one body and the one spirit, we can beat Satan. It's only the organized religions who will succumb to Satan's deception.
Actually, I've talked to god yesterday, and he spilled out all his plans to me.

But sadly, I won't tell them to you unless you accept me as the true prophet. So get down on your knees!

:D Sound familiar?
Or perhaps you could stop being a coward and love the world the way it is in all it's beauty, ugliness, pain, and pleasure. These are in fact not even opposites, but different states of matter.

25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

The funny thing is, nature kills animals, plants and people who think like this. Nature favors competition, and rewards those who suffer the most towards a goal (sometimes we suffer and gain absolutely nothing though). Strife is a necessity of evolution (if evolution even exists) Grow up.

It's only the organized religions who will succumb to Satan's deception.

Satanism comes from organized religion, so how can you say this? Pre-Judaic paganism did not dualism the world into concepts of evil/good, but saw it in natural phases of creation and destruction. As you know, creation and destruction are in fact subjective labels and are a matter of human perception.