What makes you a Killer


Registered Senior Member
What makes man a killer is it because there is a jean in our genetic make up or is just that we enjoy watching others suffer or is it religion that makes us destroy our own kind. If we all stopped killing each other and worked for the good of each other there would not the suffering and hate, there would be enough for us all to share and enjoy life, as it should be. Perhaps its greed that makes us do the things that we do.WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU KILL
I'd say that Humans are capapble of killing because we evolved as a preditory species. We do not produce our own food from the sun, from heat, or anything else. we are incapable of eating rocks or dirt and living for very long, so we have the ability to kill. Had any individual during our evolution refused to kill anything in the name of their own survival, thatindividual would not have survived long to produce kids.

So we as a species kill be cause we have to to live. our food comes from the imposed suffering of other beings.

As an extention to that, to keep our reproductive possibilities open, we need an ability to fight of other individuals encroaching on our territory, so we need an ability to mentally and emotionally survive killing one of our own. In tandum to that, for the sake of species survival, we have also evolved a sense of guilt in killing one of our own through empathy. So for the msot part, we don't go randomly killing each other; we reserve that for special occations.

What would make me kill? If I were in a position to stop the death/suffering of many people through the death of a much smaller number of beings, and the long-term effects (7th generation methodology) were not overly negative, then I would very possibly kill.

Having never killed anyone myself, I can't say for sure, though. I'd like to say that if someone was attacking me, and there was no benifit in my surviving over the other person, I would let them kill me. I doubt it, though, as I tend to react in self defence when attacked. so all in all, I can't say until it happens. Then I'll come back and post my expirience.

Tool put things into a good perspective for me with the song "disgustipated":
I'll go with the psychological point of view. Killers kill because they like to feel in control. They enjoy playing God. At least that's what I think.

Most serial killers are average white males, with normal jobs. When they get described by friends/family they always tend to say something like "He was so nice" or "He would help old ladies cross the street."

When it comes down to it, certain humans kill because they feel that they are in control. It's a power thing.
I think you have the question backwards.

The question should be, "What keeps man from killing."

As lazy, selfish, greedy and opporturnistic as man is as a whole, I am surprised that more people aren't killers.
That question that have put forth has been argued by many.

Some take the side of survival, and ancestorial predatory behavior. Some look through the POV of psychology. I believe that it really depends on the situation. I am sure many of you would kill if you felt your life was threatened...(i started a thread on that..hmmm)....and some do it for the sick pleasure of it. Whereas many do it to avenge some cause of theirs and some do it for gains of something benefcial to them.

Killing is something that many do for many reasons. I don't believe that it can be narrowed down to any reason to describe why human become killers. If it could then they sure as hell would have tried to find a cure for it. So for now it has to be studied and treated case by case for many killers.
Originally posted by one_raven
As lazy, selfish, greedy and opporturnistic as man is as a whole, I am surprised that more people aren't killers.
Maybe thats why they aren't killers?
If I wasn't lazy and selfish I think I would probably be a murderer.
Lazy, it would be a lot of work to do it efficiently.
Selfish, I don't want to go to prison.
I agree with opportunistic, if the opportunity arises for me to murder someone I don't like with no fear of punishment I will do it.

I'm not judging me though, because I believe people are born to be murderers, in fact alot of evidence suggests this, they are born to be murderers but their upbringing may sway them from actually killing someone. If I had a more violent upbringing I have no doubt in my mind that I would be in prison for murdering some asshole. This doesn't mean everyone with a violent upbringing will be a murderer, but if they also possess the genetic blueprints of a murderer they will.
I saw a documentary on the subject and I wish I could remember more of the science.
I remember every single murderer they brainscanned had the same part of their brain innactive. A very small percentage of the population have this defficiency, of those who do not all become murderers. It is the combination of this and upringing that makes a murderer.
The amount of research and facts they explained on the documentary was extremely convincing.
And when they explained all the attributes and signs I realised I was nearly a murderer.
I missed out on the animal torture and bedwetting.
ritual killings as preventive measure?

My first guess is: an unhealthy mixture between arrogance and thoughtlessness. However, when you say “killer”, for me that means someone who has stepped beyond the built-in killing-prevention as a matter of choice. Someone fending off an attacker and killing him/her in the process is not a killer by my definition.

Arrogance: humans think/are sure they are the crown of creation. With this comes (on a more or less conscious level) the conclusion that therefore all other creations are less valuable. That’s the arrogance of the species. The arrogance of the single person comes with seeing him/herself as somebody very special and all others as inferior. Killers usually take it for granted that they will remain undiscovered for all what I know.

Thoughtlessness: related to the arrogance as a species above. Because the crown is the crown it is allowed what other are not. Killing other beings without necessity. Crushing a beetle. Shooting a sparrow. Other peanuts-things. With such acts probably comes that we get used to kill and that we do it without thought. Furthermore we can kill at a distance now, thus sparing us the immediate sight of consequences. Would then the RITUAL killings of human beings and animals have had the purpose of actually PREVENTING humans to become killers? Just by demonstrating that killing is a conscientious and sacred act that is not an every-day option for Mr. Average?
"What makes man a killer"

Killing someone.

Why you do it can be for almost ANY reason.
Self-protection, greed, anger, hate...
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
I'll go with the psychological point of view. Killers kill because they like to feel in control. They enjoy playing God. At least that's what I think.

Most serial killers are average white males, with normal jobs. When they get described by friends/family they always tend to say something like "He was so nice" or "He would help old ladies cross the street."
True, but only a very tiny percentage of the deliberate killing that goes on in our world is perpetrated by serial killers.
The self held psychosis that the person committing the act (eg, the self) is perhaps different, more important than the one they choose as a victim.
//that the person committing the act (eg, the self) is perhaps different//

...but then such a person would not be called "killer" only..
applies to others as well.
Originally posted by sparkle
//that the person committing the act (eg, the self) is perhaps different//

...but then such a person would not be called "killer" only..
applies to others as well.
It is my belief that a distinct social and psychological seperation between perpetrator and victim exists, if only in the mind of the killer. This is true in almost all examples.
:) I was thinking in another direction. Meaning that what you write to characterize a killer could also be applied to other (non-killer) types: a boss for instance.