What kind of research is being done by the people of this forum?


Registered Senior Member
Just interested in what the people here are researching. I have found that many of us are actually looking for the same thing, but from a different angle.

Myself. The Moon-Conspiracy. The 12th Planet, the 2nd Deluge etc. I have found some which i belive is credible evidence..It's the "One just knows" kind of things.

Also, how many people are visiting this forum nowadays? Shouldn't there be a lot more posts/topic than there are now here?

Come on, lets see some posts here :)

Greetings to Mana from H-kon.

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.





OK well ah when I do my most serious research I line my hat with aluminum foil to keep out the energy. Then I hum REALLY loud and see if the aliens will hear me, sometimes I think they do but they can't respond cuz of the foil. So far I think they have abducted me but all i got waz this lousy t-shirt.
Hello H-Kon, by the way the http://www.cyberspaceorbit.com is up date almost every week, so a good site to check.

and Dude were you been, on HoLY DaY.

And heres Adlerian with his t shirt on

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited May 15, 2000).]
You're curious as to the people who post on this board whether they are fruit cakes or intelligent people wanting answers to some of the biggest questions
concerning mankind. One researcher I know of, studies the way people react to these subjects saying its cutting edge humanity I have been researching the UFO subject for a long time (about fifteen years).My own encounters is what started me on my journey for the truth. The fact is the
government has been hiding a lot of information about this subject as already proven in a court of law. The sad thing is they are still able to hide what they
know about UFO's citing the subject is top secret. I have talked to many people
within and studied various cases. One involved landings on isolated mountain lakes which left perfect imprints of the massive objects. A former Project Blue Book official claimed it to be hard evidence that we are not alone and rightly so. The photo is very impressive
and was analyzed by the US Air Force
amoung other prestgious places.
Also I write on the subject which helps me continue my research.

MANA!!!! Who gave you my picture? Where did you get it from? What organization are you with? I need to know!!!

You know the code.

Remember: The Black hawk flies at midnight, repeat, the BLACK hawk flies at midnight...over.
i am searching for anything out of the ordanary, but mostly the existence of extraterrestrial life, prefferably intellegent, and i know for a fact hat there is other life out there, i just know.. but i am also into some gov't conspericy's and scifi culture.
and debating religion is also fun.

when christianity ruled the world, it was called the dark ages.

-dexter (nimrod242 :aol sn)
I will be commonsense man and will say that things are happening that are not of the public understanding (nor very probably of the concealed bodies in governments, organized religions and multinationals) and people aware of this for one or another reason are keeping some close eye on it. But there are those who prefer to see men in shorts running after balls.
Dear Mr. H-kon,

Regarding your question on moon conspiracy, Jim Lovell once replaide, " there are no ufos" i simple don`t know if he wanted to say , they are know all identified :)
Regarding my researchs i just make them here in Portugal and we have some interesting situations.
I also do some resarch in aeronautics.

Best Regards
I'm searching for The Truth, which seems to be really hard to find in this day and age. If you find it please E-mail me at fake@email.com. Thank you.
I guess this happens when one tries to ask a legitame question and get childish answers back.

Just confirmed my belief that i should be looking elsewhere.

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
I've stopped "researching", for the most part. My research was involving the paranormal, and it's extremely difficult to run an experiment with psychic ability when your subjects are all too willing to lie to you either so you'll think they're "cool and mysterious", or because they're a skeptic and want to "prove that you're wrong". Any "research" I do now is involving solely myself and the expansion of my limited abilities.

On that note, I read the Tarot, study my precognitive dreams, and try to find a way to control my "dreamwalking" which began about two years ago, which I still cannot control. The dreamwalking only occurs once in a blue moon, however, and I never know when it's going to happen, so it makes it hard to actually experiment with.

What I'm really interested in are two phenomena that seem to plague me - My "playbacks" (my term), and "Shadow People".

"Playbacks" are difficult to describe. Whenever I've told people about them, they dismiss it as "deja vu", though what they describe as deja vu doesn't quite fit my experiences. What happens is, at some completely unassuming time of the day, I'll have this...disassociated feeling, while some completely mundane sequence of events is taking place. And while these events are transpiring, I'm remembering that I had a dream of these events days, months, or sometimes years back, which is "playing back" like a videotape in my mind. It's as if someone videotaped something happening, went back in time, and played the event over again while it was happening. Adn while it's going on I remember the particular dream, where I was when I had it, precisely the time that it occurred..everything, but I only have a vague recollection of this information after it has passed. When I was a kid, this would happen constantly, at least three or four times a week, but now that I'm older it seems to have slowed down to maybe once or twice a month at most.

The second, "Shadow People", is someone else's term. I just called it that damn cat. The story's really too long to post here, and I'm tired so I'll just post this link to a website that posted it, along with a few other similar stories. I'm thinking of writing an article on this subject to submit to paranormalnews.com.

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."
I've been an Op in #UFO for about five years, and recently got booted because they got scared I was with a cult. (laugh!) What really happened was I got a promotion to 400 Ops status, and some got paranoid about it (probably because they didn't) and decided to spread rumors about me and get rid of me. They not only kicked me out of the room illegally (I had the manager's permission to do what I was doing!), but they deOpped me illegally, by not giving me a chance to defend myself at all. Then they permanently banned me, when there is no permanent bans in the channel rules!!! I didn't even know what was going on until it was all over.

I went into the channel, as normal, and was kicked out and told to contact magus, the manager, who was suppose to have already told me what was going on!!! LOL!!

I still can't believe it happened, and over nothing!! Not only am I not having ANYTHING to do with any cults, but I am certainly no threat to the channel!!! And it seems that there is no appeal for me. No one wants to listen, because they simply want me gone.

How can you get a promotion and be booted like that, in the same week, without a chance to fight back??? Five years I gave to that channel. Oh, and another fact, they got rid of anyone claiming to be my friends!!! I kid you not, they are still banned from the channel. Just for standing up for me. One of the other Ops actually quit because of how they treated me.

Anyhow, I've investigated all aspects of UFOs for some 25 years now, since I had my own sightings and encounters since age 3. At first I was scared, but now I know what is going on and it is more like contact, not abduction. I've learned a lot from them! And I also found out I am one of them, Pleiadian.

Go ahead, laugh at me. I'm use to it. LOL!! It doesn't change a thing. I'm still one of the 'Starborn'.

Jane Derry
Welcome to the board Tianca -No one will treat you like that here, thats for sure. You will find a lot of interesting people here that you will come to care for if you stick around :)

BTW - I think i have talked to you before, a long time ago actually, back then i was a pretty quiet Norwegian trying to get some more information. I hope it was you, because i still remember it vividly to this day :)

Pleiadean? I think i come from Aldebaran smack in the middle of Orion and the Pleiadeans, but i am not sure what race would be living there if there was any.

Of course, it's just speculation on my part :)

Welcome on board :)

.Religion is for those who fear hell, Spirituality is for those who have been there.
Guess I'm the only guy from Earth here...

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."

What I'm really interested in are two phenomena that seem to plague me - My "playbacks" (my term), and "Shadow People".

The second, "Shadow People", is someone else's term. I just called it that damn cat. The story's really too long to post here, and I'm tired so I'll just post this link to a website that posted it, along with a few other similar stories


Refer to the below links to get more of an idea about what you are experiencing. You will have to read through a fair bit to get to the relevant Shadow People part.

Feel free to mail me if you wish to discuss in greater detail.


Tony H2o

this link

this link

[This message has been edited by Tony H2o (edited June 23, 2000).]