What kind of lucid dream was this???


Registered Member

Ok this was a very strange dream I had last night but I'm going to attempt to explain it to you briefly. The dream started of with me somehow knowing that I was dreaming thus it was lucid and I was doing whatever I want as usual in a lucid dream trying to change objects with thought, people, whatever I wanted.... then I woke up.... I began telling my brother and some of my other family about lucid dreaming and how interesting it was and I was wondering if they ever had them. They seemed very interested in this and the conversation continued on and on. Suddenly I wake up AGAIN .... laying in my room this time I was very confused not knowing what just happened. Suddenly I figured out that I thought I woke up the first time and began telling people about lucid dreaming. This was very weird for me and I'm still trying to figure out what kind of lucid dream that was. Any input on this would be great. Thanks.
What's there to figure out? You had a single dream. The first part was lucid and the second part wasn't.
I often have lucid dreams where (in my dream) for example, I will hear visitors and I will get up out of bed and greet them, offer them a drink etc. Sometimes I even apologise for feeling groggy and tell them I was asleep.
I got stuck in dreams like that a quite a few times when I was a teenager. It could get very frustrating at times when it would often take about 6 attempts to actually wake up.
I went through a sequence of about five of them. I got so fed up with not really waking up that I began to scream and throw things just to see if I could get anyone to come in and wake me up. Didn't work. When I actually DID wake up, I was pretty pissed at my own mind for pulling that shit.

Once I was having a terrible nightmare, but it was semi-lucid. I coudn't control everything, but there were elements that were mine to control. I had "woken up" about three times before catching on to what was happening. I remember holding a door shut and calling out to my husband to "Wake me up before this thing gets in!". It worked. I don't normally talk in my sleep, so when coherent sentences started coming out, he shook me awake. (He, on the other hand, can carry on complete conversations in his sleep...)