What Justice?

Da Vinci

Impossible is nothing
Registered Senior Member
We have no justice system in the US. Think about it. If you have money, you have a good lawyer, subsequently you get away with a crime. If your poor and have an appointed defense attorney and your innocent your going jail.

Just look at OJ Simpson. He hired an expensive (costing $4 million), high profile legal team. He got away with the brutal murder of two people while his children slept inside. While Jessica Coleman a pregnant teen who had her baby in a bathroom and fainted landing on top of it and killing it (involuntary manslaughter) was sentenced to 6 years in state prison. She was only 15 at the time of the crime.

Is this justice? Or the result of having money?

Money is always the answer.
Poor people get defense attorneys called Public Pretenders. They are lying scum. I have had to deal with them before. They screwed me over because I tool their advice. When I decided to defend myself, I won. Never trust those idiots.
What is Justice?

'Justice' is a whitewashed, socially acceptable (meme) feel-good term for REVENGE!
Nothing more.
Cottontop3000 said:
Were you guilty?
No I was not guilty. I was mouthing off at an officer for making racist comments, and he fabricated a fake charge that was completely false. Public defenders usually have no clue what the hell they are doing. They will never in any case advice a person to plead not guilty. They will always tell a person to come to some sort of settlemment. When I listened to that idiot, it landed me in jail because the moron gave me screwed up advice.

When I took the case into my own hands, I won, and the case was thrown out. Anybody with half a brain could have seen what was going on with my case. Unfortunately these attornies have brains enought to be told what to do and what to think, and to get through a college education.
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Wow cool skill. I am glad you had the education and enough gumption to do that.
The system is pretty faulty. I know when I plead guilty the judge asked me 3!! times if I was sure that was how I wanted to plead. I told him that I was guilty though, I couldn't fight it and win. He then proceeded to let me know, and be aware that my pleading guilty meant that the other persons involved had 7 years to counter sue me, and I would have to pay them. Was I willing to do that? (Thank GOD they didn't lol) But, I was informed of my rights. The judge lowered my sentence, and fine because of the guilty plea. And all of us expected the people to jump on board for more money, so the judge figured he was doing me a favor.

Pleading guilty isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Infact, you can get in MORE trouble for pleading guilty than not guilty in most cases. So many people are told to fight it either way. Then the state gets paid some how, and you still go to jail. (DOH!) how does that work. It is worse when you have no money for a decent lawyer. You don't know your rights. and the appointed lawyer usually isn't going to get much mullah out of you, so they don't work so hard. It's not about justice any more. It's about how much money do you have to say your sorry?

nameless is right. It IS a socially acceptable feel-good term for revenge. :(
it isn't actual "justice".
PHPlatonica said:
It's about how much money do you have to say your sorry?
No-one cares about 'sorry'. Sorry is Sunday morning playfantasy.
Everyone, judge to jailer to Bush's mama, simply wants their piece of the 'action'.
Ever heard of the 'Criminal Justice Industry'?
The upside of 'disillusionment' is that, eventually, one is no longer left with 'illusions'.