what iz the new worth of the catholic church??

what is the net worth of the catholic church?

kinda curious & i cant find the answer elsewehere.

Time for a back of the offertory envelope calculation.
There are 1 billion catholics.
Say the church squirrels away just £10 for each catholic per year.
Thats £10 billion pounds a year.

Now the church has been going for nearly 2,000 years.

It didn't always have a billion members
so we can't multiply the £10 billion by 2000.
Lets be conservative and multiply it by 1000.

Worth of church, £10 Trillion, Conservative estimate.
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It isn't a matter of public record, but I believe it was estimated to be between 10 and 15 billion dollars.... in 1965. I'm guessing it's a lot more now.
Take the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
44ft x 134ft =5896 square feet.

If you take the average cost of a Michaelangelo to be $1million per square foot that's nearly $6 billion right there.
The rest of the not very large chapel is covered with such things as tapestries by Raphael and Wall paintings by Botticelli and others.

I bet you wouldn't be far off that $10-15 Billion just in this one place.
Not much Michelangelo comes on the market to compare prices, but
this pen and ink drawing found in an old scrap book sold for $12 Million at auction.
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Since the Catholic Church is also recognized as an independent country, one would have to put a price on being soveriegn...priceless!
Since the Catholic Church is also recognized as an independent country, one would have to put a price on being soveriegn...priceless!

oh yeah, I forgot the Vatican was its own country. If the Pope killed someone, who would arrest him? Interpol?
Who would arrest the Pope? LOLOL They would cover up his mess so fast and some poor smuck would be charged with it.
Imagine a place where you would not be restrained by anything. Your word, your desire is law. What would that be worth?
Time for a back of the offertory envelope calculation.
There are 1 billion catholics.
Say the church squirrels away just £10 for each catholic per year.
Thats £10 billion pounds a year.


The 'numbers of Catholics' always quoted is baloney. Here in Canada our family is listed among 'Catholics'. Of seven individuals, 5 are atheists...one agnostic and one a non-Catholic Christian....zero actual Catholics.

The Popes visit to the USA and a figure of '70 million Catholics' is given. That includes some of my so-called 'Catholic' relations in the States whose only contact with the Catholic Church is probably viewing some fetish of porn stars dressed up as Nuns.
The 'numbers of Catholics' always quoted is baloney. Here in Canada our family is listed among 'Catholics'. Of seven individuals, 5 are atheists...one agnostic and one a non-Catholic Christian....zero actual Catholics.

The Popes visit to the USA and a figure of '70 million Catholics' is given. That includes some of my so-called 'Catholic' relations in the States whose only contact with the Catholic Church is probably viewing some fetish of porn stars dressed up as Nuns.

More about the nuns please.
i thought the italian police still investigate and procicute crimes in the vatican or is it only the swis guards?

That brings up another point, where is the vaticans jails and what are its court procidings ect?
This article is about a man who makes dolls and takes them to visit places.

He brought a few to Reno and got them married, which was nice,
so he decided to take some to the Vatican to see the Pope.

The Swiss guards were not happy about this.
Blasphemy is a crime in the Vatican.
The guards must have thought that any man carrying around big dolls must be up to no good.

He was incarcerated in the Vatican Jail and then transferred to an Italian prison for a couple of days. The girls would probably have enjoyed that.

He is still awaiting trial, but in my opinion this case was blown-up out of all proportion.
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Take the Sistine Chapel ceiling.
44ft x 134ft =5896 square feet.

If you take the average cost of a Michaelangelo to be $1million per square foot that's nearly $6 billion right there.
The rest of the not very large chapel is covered with such things as tapestries by Raphael and Wall paintings by Botticelli and others.

I bet you wouldn't be far off that $10-15 Billion just in this one place.
Not much Michelangelo comes on the market to compare prices, but
this pen and ink drawing found in an old scrap book sold for $12 Million at auction.

Is there no-one here who sees any flaws in this argument?
Or do you think that chopping up the Sistine chapel ceiling into square foot pieces and selling it off would be a good idea?
Aren't some things worth more than money?
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