What is!


Registered Senior Member
What is = slam-dunk?
What is = a crock of wheat smut?

I keep reading these words on different Web sites & do not understand.
Thanks for your help.


Come-on!!! You must be kidding?!? A slam-dunk is the high-leap that Basket-bal players slam the ball into the basket with a high dunk!!!
<img src="http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~alyssa13/xmen/jean.jpg" border=1 alt="Jean Grey"><br>I'm <a href="http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~alyssa13/xmen/jean.htm">Jean Grey</a><br><a href="http://www.eden.rutgers.edu/~alyssa13/xmen">What X-Men Character are You?</a>
Apparently, I'm Remy....


"Look out and lock up your daughters, everyone, we're in the presence of Remy LeBeau. That's right, you're that smooth-talkin' Cajun boy with a flare for making women swoon and a great love for all things shiny and steal-able. Sure, you're forever on the run from your past, but there's no reason why you can't run from it in style, oui?"
Here is a clip where I saw Slam-dunk,it has nothing to do with sport!
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Establishing and operating an effective cradle-to-grave fissile Materials Protection, Control and Accounting system is no slam-dunk. The MPC&A system the Russians inherited from the Soviet Union was poor. Other successor states – such as Kazakhstan – inherited practically no MPC&A system at all.
But Thanks for the reply!
Hey Odin,

Smut is a grain fungal disease.

Since I grow rye (on a small scale) I'm particularly heedful of the fungal disease known as Ergot. People go temporarily insane from eating Ergot infected rye bread. A constituent of Ergot is LSD. I remember reading of an outbreak of Ergot poisoning (also called St. Anthony's Fire) in France in the 1950's. Men were chasing their wives around with butcher knives. A mother wailed uncontrollably as she imagined her children were being ground into sausage up in the attic. Others thought they were being eaten by Tigers or bitten by snakes. It was pretty weird.


Thanks Orthogonal,very interesting.
When I have seen it used on the web,it must have meant a pile of sh%t.
I understand now thanks.