What is your description of the word "HOT"

Hot: remarkably or pronouncedly high in temperature; the opposite of cold. Exothermic; radiating or producing large amounts of warmth, or heat.
Something which is of beyond moderate heat. Such may burn upon touch. Elevated in temprature. Emits a feeling which the body reacts to, opposite of cold.

China? What you think a populated country is hot

Hot: 1, Another word for Fine looking woman
2, Bombay bad boy (god that so hot)
3, China (if Walker put it that way)

But put in this way: IT BURNS :D
It has 3 letters. The first one is an 'H'. 'H' is also used to talk about heroin.

The second one is an 'O'. We can draw a happy face in the letter 'O'. Example: :)

The third letter is the 'T'. We can use the 'T' to do bookkeeping. We write what comes in on the left, what goes out on the right.

My personal view is that it is a short word.

If you read it backwards, it says TOH.
Hot? This an excellent question, poluk.

A condition of matter that when oscillated (literally vibrated) in the frequency range known as infared. When any matter is oscillated in this frequency range, the atoms which make it up give off huge amounts of infared electromagnetic radiation that travel forever throughout the universe weakinging according to the square of the inverse.

Generally as a result of this 'heat", most carbon based objects tend to give off the gases which have been combined with it, such as a piece of firewood on a campfire. If the frequency is sufficiently concentrated, then the base gases within the given will ignite and burn, leaving behind only the carbon base and a few inert chemical elements generally.

Heat is that which allows chemical reactions to take place. Without heat, the chemical reactions that are normally assigned to lifeforms would be incomprehensible to most of you primates, including the ones of you who are actually paid professionals.

What an excellent question, poluker.

Heat is like trying to visualize a rubber band...or a guitar string that has been strummed. However, instead of getting the string to vibrate back and forth at anywhere from 20 to 25,000 times per second (sound waves), you would have the rubber band/guitar string vibrating at millions of times per second (I forget the actual range numbers & am too lazy to recall or look them up).

Heat is electromagnetic waves. Visible light is electromagnetic waves. So as with gamma, xray, and in fact any oscillation of any matter in our known universe. Your own body gives off infared radiation because the chemical reactions of your bodily functions cause the chemicals in your body to give off infared radiation as a result of the energy conversion which is taking place within it in producing usable chemical energy. Honestly, it's a forever question, with no end. Good job security.

AS Bowser might say, Poolyak, it's all very large!:)
hot- an area with very fast moving molecules

you touch it, you get skin-burnt
bruce willis

really realy really warm. (see also: bruce willis)
Nightfall likes old bald men!
:D :D