What is your concept of heaven?


Valued Senior Member
I can not understand the continuous state of happiness promised in heaven.
It is something like condition caused by drugs?
If all my wishes come true then I do not feel happiness.
If I am winning all the time then I am bored.
I like fishing.If I always catch the fish I want then there is no challenge and the fishing becomes boring.
The same can be said about sports.If everyone is winning all the time then our spirit of competition is annihilated and gets boring.

Happiness exists only if there is unhappiness?
If in the Heaven no unhappiness this means that there is no happiness?
Or is it a happiness similar to that caused by drugs?

it's funny that you are asking this in a serious tone, like does it have gravity? will my pet be there? heaven is not bound by reality.

it's like asking what is your concept of a great new blockbuster and what elements would you want in it.

the stuff that goes on in religion section is quite fruity. what is going to be even more surreal is that theists will usually chime in and tell you what heaven is and isn't as if they know and got the inside track (as in some well-known and established fact). lmao
Heaven is "whatever you expect the afterlife to be". For some it's Heaven, for some it's Hell.

Heaven is like having an orgasm 24 hours a day.
I can not understand the continuous state of happiness promised in heaven.
It is something like condition caused by drugs?
If all my wishes come true then I do not feel happiness.
If I am winning all the time then I am bored.
I like fishing.If I always catch the fish I want then there is no challenge and the fishing becomes boring.
The same can be said about sports.If everyone is winning all the time then our spirit of competition is annihilated and gets boring.

Happiness exists only if there is unhappiness?
If in the Heaven no unhappiness this means that there is no happiness?
Or is it a happiness similar to that caused by drugs?

Trying to comprehend the way you may be in eternity will always fall down because we will be changed in eternity. You do not know what you will be like once changed because you do not know what the changes will be.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You go to this massive library beyond our comprehension of space and time, you pull out a book that looks interesting to you. It's someone's life. Right now you are reading someone's book.
Heaven is Heaven! We all go to Heaven, unless we confine ourselves to Hell, but even they eventually get out of Hell.

Heaven is Heaven! Think of the sheer possibilities!!!
Heaven is Heaven! We all go to Heaven, unless we confine ourselves to Hell, but even they eventually get out of Hell.

Heaven is Heaven! Think of the sheer possibilities!!!

that's similar to what god told me about those who were in hell. he said there was a way out, but they were afraid of the light, and did not want to see themselves in it.
You totally can- just imagine it! Use your mental capacity to develop your Heaven and guess what- that's where you end up!

Once again, Heaven is what everyone expects of it- some end up in Hell by their own will but make it out... everyone wins!

How hard is it to accept this simple concept???
Guys- you all passed the test- you're all self-aware... your story is worthy of inclusion to the Big Story.
I can not understand the continuous state of happiness promised in heaven.

Promised by whom? There are lots of different heaven myths.

I guess that some of them are simple wish fulfillment fantasies where people get anything and everything that they desire. Sometimes it's the promise that the painful afflictions of life will eventually end and things will finally be worry-free and happy.

Sometimes the myths are psychologically sophisticated and perhaps shouldn't just be summarily dismissed (as atheists are prone to do). For example, the Buddhists have lots of different heavens which serve as metaphors for different highly refined states of consciousness achieved in meditation.

It is something like condition caused by drugs?
If all my wishes come true then I do not feel happiness.
If I am winning all the time then I am bored.

That's a real problem. If you're omniscient, learning and discovery cease. If you never experience challenges and the likelihood of defeat, stout courage and fortitude in the face of adversity will be meaningless in your life. Many of our most important human virtues would appear to be pointless in paradise since they only make sense in conditions of imperfection.
We are sentient life- we defy the universe... we go elsewhere when we die... nothing is ever wasted!
That's a real problem. If you're omniscient, learning and discovery cease. If you never experience challenges and the likelihood of defeat, stout courage and fortitude in the face of adversity will be meaningless in your life. Many of our most important human virtues would appear to be pointless in paradise since they only make sense in conditions of imperfection.

that's if you consider the concept in relation to this present reality.

clue: heaven concept perhaps does not have the same laws.
It doesn't exist, its only a myth and doesn't make any sense when you think about it as well. But those who belive there is, that's your opinion.