What is wrong with monotheism?

Nothing, it's simply boring! People have grown bored with it, and then science came along, y'know....
What about the science behind "Creation" For example www.answersingenesis.com
I think it has a lot to do with science. I have gotten a lot out of it. Check it out, there is a book I read calling "Refuting Evolution" it is amazing. Take Care!
What do you think is boring about it?
Ebed El Olam
You wanna know what's wrong with monotheism? Nothing.

Then what are flaws that people see with Montheism and polytheism. Things that turn people away. For example whitewolf said, "science". Yorda, Cato and whitewolf what do you believe?
Peace to You
Ebed El Olam
Ebed said:
Then what are flaws that people see with Montheism and polytheism. Things that turn people away.

The fact that their gods are imaginary.
cato said:
I will have to agree, but I would also like to add that they are also illogical.

I'll kick your ass! ...I thought they were illogical also... before... because... i looked at them like you do...
The world being created by a loving God is not illogical. I would say that it is quite logical. Where else did we come from?
Ebed El Olam
ebed said:
The world being created by a loving God is not illogical. I would say that it is quite logical.
what!?! we have mountains (literally) of evidence that supports a naturally formed earth.

ebed said:
Where else did we come from?
you come to a science website and you have no grasp of evolution?
The idea of a loving creator is absurd. We have no concrete proof that he is either loving or a creator. We only have an old book, and through most of it he was really, really mean.

It wasn't until about 2000 years ago that God changed his tune (and to that of a trinity). Even then, all the evil and ambiguity God allows in his rational creatures is beyond forgivable. Besides that, the idea that you only learn the truth after you die, and after you've already committed yourself to dibelief and hell, is entirely unfair.

Why would God give us rationality, or the ability to question, or think that He's an illogical and contradictory creator, if he loved us? Why set us up to fall? God giving Man reason is like a woman drinking while she's pregnant. It's completely unfair and irresponisble, and the fetus has no choice in the decision, or in the results.
I bet if you asked anyone in Hell if they would rather have free will and still be burning, or not have a choice but be in heaven, they'd give up free will.
Why not give a huge exhuastive explanation, and then Sciforumers can have a whack at tearing it into little pieces?
Why not give a huge exhuastive explanation, and then Sciforumers can have a whack at tearing it into little pieces?
because there is no such explanation =] if there is, I would LOVE to watch how fast it is torn apart on this site. this site is like an infinite mine field of rationality, crackpot theories only have a matter of time before they are blown to bits.
Even rational theories are blown to bits by equally rational theories. I leave here feeling hollow, and believing nothing. I just turn my head off after I log off cause it's way easier than pondering my own ignorance.
Monotheism vs. Polytheism has one very fatal flaw. Or. Perhaps its a flaw. It's definitely a property.

Monotheism is the belief in ONE god. ONE truth. ONE way of living. But, this isn't the problem. The problem is that a great deal deal of a monotheist's time is devoted to denying the gods, truths, and ways of living of others.

History is full of Christianity's exploits. Defacing and destroying 'heathen' religions. Utterly wiping the knowledge of our past and our advencement through the ages in the process.

The druids?
Huh? Dunno. Some bearded guys in cloaks. Blood sacrifice. Maybe. Nature worshippers... HEATHENS.

Elysian Mysteries?
Huh? Heathens.


The list can go on and on, I've not time nor incentive to make a full acounting, but suffice it to say that Christianity has wiped a lot of knowledge from the earth. Gone. Kaput. Bye bye. The odds are that this knowledge will never be recovered. Never.

And all because monotheists have a monopoly on truth.

We can see this process at work in our own times. We can see it in Bush trying to change science to suit his own needs. We can see it in the Taliban destroying ancient statues. We can see it in lists of banned books. We can see it in lists of banned movies.

And what great moments in our history have been brought about by monotheism?
The crusades?
The dark ages?
The inquisition?
Certainly not the renaissance. Although I wouldn't doubt that they'd try to claim credit for out of one side of their mouth while denouncing aspects of it out of the other.

Monotheism is shackles. It's slavery. It's vanity and it's stupidity.

Of course, Polytheism has its problems as well, but at least they tend to be somewhat more tolerant of other philosophies. There can be warring factions within a polytheistic mythos. But on the whole, anything can be taken under the umbrella of the vast workings.

Welcome to sciforums.

The world being created by a loving God is not illogical.
Agreed, but only if it were true. The rules of logic require that valid premises must have an evidential basis – theist assertions concerning gods and creators have no such basis - they are only imaginative concepts – fantasies. Asserting that such a thing as a god exists is true is therefore outside of logic.

I would say that it is quite logical.
You have much to learn it would seem.

Where else did we come from?
No one knows for sure although overwhelming evidence suggests that abiogenesis is the most likely cause. But not knowing the actual cause is not evidence that a god is the cause.