What is the worst lie you told your parents?



What is the worst lie you ever told your parents and did they ever discover your lie? :bugeye:
Parents & Lies!

That is a very good point. Parents do tell their children lies thinking that it is providing entertainment or protection. That is a very keen observation...thank-you.
Re: Parents & Lies!

Originally posted by celeron3466
That is a very good point. Parents do tell their children lies thinking that it is providing entertainment or protection. That is a very keen observation...thank-you.

Santa Clause
The Easter Bunny
The Tooth Fairy
"I love you"

They were full of lies!!:mad:
Only So Far...

I followed you up to the 'tooth fairy', but then I lost you.
They sold him on the myth of Xtianity and the myth of being loved. Nasty myths.
Don't you think the thread is going a little off track at this point? The worst lie I've ever told my parents was that a mark on the back of my hand was that I was 'doing fine' at a summer camp (over the phone) right after I had been given a black eye that covered up almost my whole left side.
i lied to my parents all the time. mostly small things. like "sure i'll take out the garbage". can't think of any really big ones. if it was something important i told them the truth, but i never really had anything to hide.

i guess you could say i was a pretty unethical kid. i had absolutly no problem lying if i thought it was something of little or no consequence.
The worst lie I ever told my parents was that I was going to spend the night with my best friend Cinde (in high school) every weekend. She'd also tell her parents the same thing! We'd stay out all night, driving our Trans Ams around to gad knows where, doing gad knows what. Did that for MONTHS and MONTHS and had a TOTAL blast UNTIL.......................

Well, you guyz probably know the rest. :)
I was always told "don't do as I do, do as I say", but I soon got bored of this and did what I wanted. I usually got found out though. Now I still generally do what I want, but they don't find out. :D I was never any good at lying.