What is the Soul?

Alan McDougall

Alan McDougall
Registered Senior Member
The Soul in relation to the Cosmic Mind

The brain is not the soul of mind; it is the hard drive, the processor of your mortal body. The mind downloads constantly onto the brain right up to death and a little beyond and that is why some of us remember events from a near death experience

The “the Soul” personalized is an infinitesimal part of God in man. Just as a drop of water from the ocean has all the ingredients in the ocean, this “the Soul” has all the powers of God.

However, just as a drop of water from the ocean does not make up the ocean, the “the Soul” of one person does not make up God’s “the Soul”. All the drops joined together become the ocean; all the “the Soul’s in the universe together make up God’s Cosmic

Our “Soul” is a microcosm and creates the macrocosm universe and more until it all consolidates into the godhead.

. “The Soul” can become part of the environment and embrace the entire cosmos.

I know this is true, because during my NDE I became like god for a few wonderful inexplicable moments outside of linear time and space. (Just thought I was godlike)

The speed of thought transfer I think is more than the speed of light. In a millisecond, “the Soul” can reach the farthest galaxy, billions of light years away.

What is thought what consciousness is??

All known tests, will not find any indication of “the Soul”.

There is no single location for the “the Soul”. The human “the Soul” is distributed throughout the human body and its environment.

Every cell has its own “the Soul” and has the ability to function independently or jointly with all the cells of the body.

For example, a neuron is capable of deciding whether it will transmit information to another nerve cell and, if it will, to which one among the thousands of cells with which it is in contact.

Just as each of the thousand pieces of a splintered mirror will show the same reflection of an object as the whole mirror, each cell reflects our “the Soul” and each cell in the universe we humans etc, reflects the Universal Soul called by us as God

Alan McDougall
None of which has any evidence whatsoever.
I know this is true
False. You believe it's true. You don't know.

The speed of thought transfer I think is more than the speed of light. In a millisecond, “the Soul” can reach the farthest galaxy, billions of light years away.
This is pure unadulterated nonsense.

All known tests, will not find any indication of “the Soul”.
Now what do you suppose is the most likely explanation for that?
It is between the pectoral muscles.



Right at the first grey shade mark. I base this on the shock.
None of which has any evidence whatsoever.

False. You believe it's true. You don't know.

This is pure unadulterated nonsense.

Now what do you suppose is the most likely explanation for that?

Oh!! how I envy your omniscient powers when I said speed of thought I did not mean the speed of human thinking (Which is painstakingly slow) I meant the speed of human tranfer thought across distance of space. It must be a sad place for a person like you to be in, one who never accepts anything other than his/her own speculations.

Note;There are some things you do not know and somethings you are never going to know. Human beings are a composite entity and we only advance through the combined efforts of many beings in our vast network of thinking and exploring minds
Oh!! how I envy your omniscient powers when I said speed of thought I did not mean the speed of human thinking (Which is painstakingly slow) I meant the speed of human tranfer thought across distance of space. It must be a sad place for a person like you to be in, one who never accepts anything other than his/her own speculations.
Oh dear, you assumed my comprehension is as bad yours seems to be. I didn't, for one second, assume you meant the speed of thinking.
And, FYI, I'm not speculating. There is no evidence that human thought can "transfer across space", nor is there any evidence that (even if that were possible) it could be done at supra-light speeds.

Note;There are some things you do not know and somethings you are never going to know.
Correct. But the difference, apparently, between you and I is that I don't go around making things up about the stuff I don't know about.
Just think of the word 'shocked', not shocked with outside sources.
In other words you STILL can't explain your post.
Can you give an example of shock that doesn't come from an outside source? (Or did you actually mean "with"?)
In other words it's yet another post of yours you're just going to leave dangling.

Why do you hang around and search for posts where you can verbalize your mocking and vitriolic negativity on nearly every posts except your own

Like the rest of us, you only believe "you know nothing" yet you persist on getting a negative hurtful comment in at every opportunity

Why don't you post something meaningful except this negative nonsense!
Why do you hang around and search for posts
You see? Yet another false assumption.

where you can verbalize your mocking and vitriolic negativity on nearly every posts except your own
I don't "verbalise" anything.
"Vitriolic negativity"? My, someone's feeling sensitive. Maybe, if you didn't post insupportable rubbish you wouldn't feel that way.

Like the rest of us, you only believe "you know nothing" yet you persist on getting a negative hurtful comment in at every opportunity
Oh and another assumption. My comments are hurtful? How do you think I feel about your specious drivel?

Why don't you post something meaningful except this negative nonsense!
Why don't you actually respond to my points? YOU made the initial assertions: back them up or don't make them.
Have you (ever) considered posting something meaningful?
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The Soul in relation to the Cosmic Mind

The brain is not the soul of mind; it is the hard drive,.................. reflects the Universal Soul called by us as God

Alan McDougall
This has been done to death over the last four years did you have to start another thread, couldn't you just have added to that one. Heck the last post on it was only yesterday. "Arguments for the soul's existence"
Mods please merge these threads.
Oh and Alan I suggest you do a search before you post up another thread, thank you.