What is the relationship between the Messiah and Satan (good and evil)?


horseman with a banner
Registered Senior Member
I am working on a work of sequential art. It is poetic and symbolic, a story about good verses evil that starts with Satan tempting Jesus in the desert. It is based on passages from the gospels. Also, the “story line” text is sprinkled with Old Testament messianic prophecies, as well as other verses from the New Testament that relate. Usually, I go to the art forums and talk art. I thought it would be interesting to talk more about the ideas within the work, and this seems like a good place for that.

I know that many are not into art/comics. But for this work, you have to consider the art and the text together. If you pass your cursor over each page, there are hidden commentaries that may help bring out the symbolism of the pictures and text.

We often consider the humanity of Christ during the temptation. But I think we should also understand that He was tempted in ways beyond His humanity (after all, He was the Son of God). And what was Satan’s motive in all this? My work speaks on these things.

Read parts 1, 2, and 3

Here is a sample.

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Nice artwork. Too bad it's just a silly Jewish fable, huh?

Here's a good site for Religious themed cartoons-

If you just said what was on your mind, I probably would not have responded. But you write "huh?" – I guess you are asking me if I agree. Of course I do not. I would not spend hours and hours on something that I considered "a silly Jewish fable" now, would I?

Anyway, thanks for the kind comment about the art. This is how I worship God. Some sing, do good works, and/or perform rituals, etc. I make art. I am not a professional artist that does this for money. I am actually a probation officer. Hello everybody. I joined up yesterday. Does that mean I am...fresh meat?
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Yeah, you gotta pretty mouth, boy... Jus' kiddin'.

But it is just a fable. There probably was a real Jesus, but the facts about him are spotty at best. I do think people spend hours and hours illustrating fictional stories, and they might even teach valuable lessons. You should illustrate the untold story of Jesus, without the supernatural mumbo-jumbo, incorporating the non-canonical gospels. As it is, you are just doing what countless people have done before.

But I do like the art, did you train anywhere? What are your methods? Do you use photos?
No formal training. I have a blogspot that gives some details about the art method. In short, I take photos for reference to do the pencil work and then paint away in an art program. The backgrounds are often photos that have effects applied to them in an effort to integrate it with the colored/painted pencil work.

I have never seen a work that dives very deep into the "supernatural mumbo-jumbo" as you call it. Most of the works scratch the surface of things. They seem more historical, rather than spiritual.

And a girl once told me that I had a pretty mouth...really.