What is the purpose of parapsychic talent?

Mr. G

Valued Senior Member
If there's an evolutionary, survival-related purpose to parapsychic talent, what might that be? How did evolutionary processes select for such talent in only certain individuals?
*puts on psychic hat, focuses on girl at party...*

You want to take off your shirt...
To take one example: the ability to read the mind of an enemy would surely give you a survival advantage.

As to your other point: many psychic says that everybody has psychic powers. Many people just don't use them.
Well, considering there is no such thing, it has no purpose other than to possible give some deluded losers something to yap about.

This is the parapsychology forum. I think the original post kindof assumes, for the sake of argument, that paranormal powers exist, at least <i>prima facie</i>. Of course, maybe the original post was aiming at a later proof-by-contradiction type of argument.

Either way, there's no point simply shutting down the thread without discussing the point.
Are we talking about parapsychic talent analogous to people who have IQ of 200?...rare but it is there and provides an evolutionary advantage....while idiots think, no one needs such amount nor the idiots believe such people exist....
Originally posted by Mr. G
If there's an evolutionary, survival-related purpose to parapsychic talent, what might that be?

Well, one of the interesting ideas I've seen is that perhaps the ultimate purpose is to evolve an Earth UniMind (all right, I got it from a comic book, but it's still an interesting idea) or Gaia (that one comes from the Second Foundation trilogy). These powers may permit us all (or at least those who will accept) to join together into a single mind and become "one with the world". In the process, we would stop arguing over the management of this world (because we'd all simply begin working together) and begin looking at how to move out into the universe.

I know, sappy comic book tripe. But, hey, when you're talking about evolution, you're talking about thousands or millions of years and who knows where we'll be by then. :p
if you ask the rite question you will get an answer!

but you may not understand the answer because as Kguru
says about the 200 iq thingey
we cant all understand each other little own an entirely different reality!!!
you have to accept a different reality exists (as a possiblility)
before you can constructively manipulate it in fluid cognition.

ps .......
intuetive thought is under attack!!!
you need to open your mind and heart so others may see your intensions clearly!!!
then you may find someone who can answer you!!!

good luck
i hope your quest is just and with learning.

groove on all :)
Hey BatM:

I like the Earth Unimind or Gaia concept. The way you can find out if that works or we are evolving to that extent is simple.

If there is a Gaia mind forming, then that mind will attempt to preserve the planet so as not to be destroyed by man or external forces. So the mind will create an environment where the intelligent workers (like T-Cells) will try to counteract such threats. The homeostasis automated actions - comparing the human body and mind to Gaia where as different body functions to the Gaia physical attributes.

Beyond Earth...the Gaia would want us and our progeny to spread our wings in the Universe...right...

Just a thought....

If that is the case, then there is a personal benefit that can be derived from this paradigm.....
Originally posted by kmguru
I like the Earth Unimind or Gaia concept. The way you can find out if that works or we are evolving to that extent is simple.

If there is a Gaia mind forming, then that mind will attempt to preserve the planet so as not to be destroyed by man or external forces. So the mind will create an environment where the intelligent workers (like T-Cells) will try to counteract such threats. The homeostasis automated actions - comparing the human body and mind to Gaia where as different body functions to the Gaia physical attributes.

Ummm, your "will create" should be "will attempt to create". Just as our bodies can have things go wrong with it (cancer, epilepsy, parkinsons, diabetes, etc.), so too could Gaia.

Beyond Earth...the Gaia would want us and our progeny to spread our wings in the Universe...right...

If that is the case, then there is a personal benefit that can be derived from this paradigm.....

Well, there are three ways (that I can think of) for looking at this:

  1. We'll move out into the galaxy and find others moving out into the galaxy in similar ways, combine with them, and form a Galaxia.
  2. We'll move out into the galaxy, find we are alone, populate other UniMinds, and eventually form a Galaxia (and a Universia?).
  3. Like a cancer, as we move out into the galaxy, we'll corrupt others through UniMind influence and destroy individuality (can you say "resistance is futile"?)

    What personal benefits do you see?
Originally posted by James R

This is the parapsychology forum. I think the original post kindof assumes, for the sake of argument, that paranormal powers exist, at least <i>prima facie</i>. Of course, maybe the original post was aiming at a later proof-by-contradiction type of argument.

Either way, there's no point simply shutting down the thread without discussing the point.

There is even less point in discussing mindless bullshit as if it were reality.
We are the Unimind...resistance is futile....

Based on my personal observation into the cause-effect scenario in my own life and what is happening in the world, the underpinnings of religion, prayer etc, I speculate (not even a theory) that:

Beyond individuality, there might be a common architecture for a distributed intelligence that connects all of us for sustaining the planet and its evolution. Under these circumstances, it is possible to develop an awareness of such mechanism and use it for your personal gain as long as your personal gain is in line with the Gaia (or whatever name) objective. As long as both objectives are in synch, your personal efforts to reach that objective becomes easier because there are other minds that are at work for the same objective, whether knowingly or not.

While, mankind has been aware of such underpinnings and saying the "God's will" - it is the understanding that eludes those that espouse godhead and its rule - for self interest. Once one understands the current of evolution and the framework of Unimind, then one can align ones own boat in the direction of the current and get picked up by the force/current/wind in that direction.

It is a difficult process like the T-cell is aware of the persons agenda, but we are a little more complex as the organism goes and hence should be able to comprehend however minutely to work towards our advantage.

I have used this understanding in my own life to my advantage. However, it will take me another 10 years or so to make it a theory and not a series of co-incidences - when it becomes statistically significant.
he he he


my hat is off to you!!!

you rock!!!

dont give all the secrets away.
it may create anti matter!
if ya get my drift!
and we all know there is currently more anti matter than matter
if we could be so arrogant to name it anti!!!

groove on all

PHYS ICS = the art of getting hick-ups OUT OF FIZZY DRINKS.