What is the most likely immediate developmet after the human being?


Nature has taken millions of years for coming to the stage of so called present human being .

What is the most likely immediate development after the human being?
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here is a funny but somewhat encouraging pic

Nature has taken millions of years for coming to the stage of so called present human being .
This statement does not really mean very much to me. I could have accepted 'nature has taken billions of years', or 'nature has taken tens of thousands of years', but 'millions of years' seems to be the wrong order of magnitude either way.
Life arose on the Earth (or drifted in from interstellar space) around four billion years ago. So it has taken nature billions of years to produce homo sapiens.
Homo sapiens evolved from his predecessor around 150,000 to 200,000 years ago.
I am also intrigued by your phrase 'so called present' human being. What on Earth does that mean? Who is doing the calling?
And I have an underlying unease in your use of the word stage that you are thinking of evolution as having a direction, of man being the pinnacle of evolution: that kind of thing. Please tell me it isn't so.
What is the most likely immediate development after the human being?
More of the same.
Intelligence will likely increase: The world has been made sufficiently complex that high intelligence is required to fill in tax forms and operate the remote controls.
But once we start tailoring our own genetic structure, then almost anything is possible.
how about a direct feed of the playboy channel into eyeballs?
woudnt that be nice?

nice? and than a malfunction in the system...EM bomb...and the channel goes dead and all you will see is gray dots and lines dancing in the screen
with genetic manipulation proberly same same but different.
I agree with nickelodeon the people will proberly become more sexy with gene selections with only minor "impossible" differences compared to present day humans from estics like green hair or practical different bone growth for someone born and raised on mars for example.

For intiligence, people will proberly use atributes like the lemon helmet from the hitchhikers guide, I can understand the benefit of being a human calculator who can make sherlock holmes like connections. But sometimes/most of the times their more of a hasel then a joy.

Also their proberly be neanderthals around
Nature has taken millions of years for coming to the stage of so called present human being .

What is the most likely immediate development after the human being?

Bacteria are the most successful organism on the planet. It's not like evolution has a direction and humans are the pinnacle of it so far.