What is the deal with stereotyping Jewish people?

Perhaps one day humans will see that it is people that do things for themselves not religions. If I want to become a doctor I will try to educate myself in becoming one. My religion doesn't automatically make me a good doctor. If I am not willing to learn whatever it is I want to become I'm responsible not my religion. I was a good plumber and electrician when I worked but that came only because I educated myself, I learned how to work with my hands, I took the time to listen to my clients but my religion didn't do anything to help me. I just hope humans will understand that who they are comes from what they do in life to become successful, not by some religion making them successful. :)
Its like an overgrown high school clique. Lots of we's and they's and most people want to be the popular jocks. There are the stoners, the nerds, the science geeks, the misfits, etc.
I don't know, where does everyone fit in there? Would most consider the Jewish people the rich snobby kids? Americans as brain dead jocks? Asians as science geeks?

Expert Findings

Psychometrics research has found that Ashkenazi Jews have the highest mean score of any ethnic group on standardized tests of general intelligence, at roughly one half to one standard deviation higher than the mean of the general white population.[5]
These studies also indicate that this advantage is primarily in verbal and mathematical performance; spatial performance is about 90, if whites are taken as the mean. Estimates vary from 107 to 117. [6][7][8][9]


Ashkenazi Jews have made disproportionately large contributions to presumably intellectual pursuits.
Though they are about a ¼ of 1% of the world's population, they comprise 28% of Nobel Prize winners in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economics, and have accounted for more than Half of world Chess Champions.[10]
(abu note: so jpost article is consistent with chess results.)

In the United States, Ashkenazi Jews represent less than 2% of the population, but have won 40% of the Nobel Prizes in science awarded to U.S. citizens, and 25% of all Turing Awards.

A significant decline in the number of Nobel Prizes awarded to Europeans and a corresponding increase in the number of prizes awarded to U.S. citizens occurred at the same time as Nazi persecutions of Jews drove them from Europe during the 1930s and the Holocaust reduced their number in Europe during the 1940s.[11]

Whether these differences may be attributed entirely to environmental factors or partially to genetic factors is not quite settled, reflecting the larger academic debate on group differences in intelligence.


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Whether these differences may be attributed entirely to environmental factors or partially to genetic factors is not quite settled, reflecting the larger academic debate on group differences in intelligence.
These achievements do not necessarily indicate a group difference in intelligence. Not even IQ scores, since they measure learning and attitude as much as raw intelligence. At least in America, Jewish families (like many Asian-American families) often push their children into academic pursuits. When I went to CalTech it seemed that about half the student body was Jewish. It wasn't because they were statistically smarter, it was because that's what their parents had always wanted them to do, and in Jewish families kids tend to go in the direction their parents push them. So they ended up becoming scientists and I suppose some of them won Nobel prizes. Many others became doctors and lawyers for the same reasons.

I daresay very few Jewish kids in America grow up expecting to be truck drivers or night watchmen, no matter how smart or stupid they are.
These achievements do not necessarily indicate a group difference in intelligence.

Yeah they do.

Not even IQ scores, since they measure learning and attitude as much as raw intelligence. At least in America, Jewish families (like many Asian-American families) often push their children into academic pursuits. When I went to CalTech it seemed that about half the student body was Jewish
IQ testers are well aware of this and adjust for it.
IQ tests work cross culturally and even inter-Intra-family--- with two children raised in the same household of different race- or twins raised in dfifferent households.

It wasn't because they were statistically smarter, it was because that's what their parents had always wanted them to do, and in Jewish families kids tend to go in the direction their parents push them. So they ended up becoming scientists and I suppose some of them won Nobel prizes. Many others became doctors and lawyers for the same reasons.
and Businessmen, Academics, Violinists, Media personalities and owners, etc?
I dare say there were more non-Jewish applicants in total to Cal Tech than Jewish ones and yet who got accepted and why?
It's not enough to want to go to Cal Tech, or Harvard or UCLA for that matter. You have to qualify.
(except for racial quotas/Affirmative action admitting unqualified)

I daresay very few Jewish kids in America grow up expecting to be truck drivers or night watchmen, no matter how smart or stupid they are.
I dare say very few Jewish parents want their kids to be Chess Champions, or Run NBC News, or particle physicians, for that matter. Doctors or Lawyers, Yes.

If you believe in evolution, (and you went to Cal Tech), one can, and Wiki and others do, go on to make a good case for this difference.

For 2000 years (and there are explanations that go further back) Jews were exiled in Europe, discriminated against, and denied land ownership and other rights. The most successful genetically, and otherwise 'fittest', were those who were the best merchants, scholars, etc.. not the most physically talented.

There are definitely differences in Racial IQ, not just 'learning' (IQ testers are not that naive) born out worldwide and on the Micro level too.

I know it's NOT PC, even verbotten.. but there are differences.
One can with PC say Blacks are better athletes, but can't say 'worse' in regards to anyone re intelligence. And yet to admit one is to acknowledge a difference can exist in the other.
I can't post pictures, charts or links yet but-- try this (without asterisk)


These Statistics aren't just statistics, but are born out by Life outcomes, even country and continental Outcomes. (GDP etc)
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I daresay very few Jewish kids in America grow up expecting to be truck drivers or night watchmen, no matter how smart or stupid they are.

And I'd say that not many kids from anywhere expect to be truck drivers or night watchmen but in life everyone finds out they cannot be doctors, lawyers or bankers to name but a few. To just say Jewish kids think this way is total absurity. What do you really think you were going to be when you grew up when you were only 7 or 8 years old? I'll bet you never remembered and if so I'll bet it wasn't some type of trash collector or security agent.
As you research further you might find that in most cases stereotypes are true. Many Jewish people are naturally good at math - hence being bankers, building and designing pyramids, among many others.
As you research further you might find that in most cases stereotypes are true. Many Jewish people are naturally good at math - hence being bankers, building and designing pyramids, among many others.

well, that's just stupid. :rolleyes:
Do you know what that means about black men and their nether regions!
Wanna start a Jewish parade?

Roll a penny down the street.

Don't take this personally. Its a joke!