What is the best evidence either for or against alien visitation?

Commander X

Registered Senior Member
What is the best evidence for or against alien visitation. Although, I will admit that I'm a definate "Believer", I will also give my against evidence too. Here is my for evidence: As I have said in other threads, the one thing beyond all others that has convinced me that we are currently being visited by beings not of this world, is the famous Mexico City UFO flap in 1991. At the time of these sightings, there were thousands and thousands of citizens outside looking up at the sky. Why? Because, at this time in the Summer of 91, there was a solar eclipse that was viewable for the people of Mexico City. As people were waiting for the eclipse to begin, they were outside with their video cameras and telescopes and such, and were amazed to see more than 18 metalic disks hovering in mid air, above the most populated city in the entire world. More than a dozen of these citizens filmed these disks, simultaneously from different locations all throughout Mexico City. The video was analyzed by specialists, that confirmed that the objects that were hovering were indeed real objects. This story made the front pages of every newspaper in Mexico, and was also all over the T.V. In fact the Government of Mexico issued a statement the following day saying to not worry about the objects in the sky, because no one was hurt, and no property was damaged. The Government refused to comment on whether these objects were actual spacecraft from another planet, but that whatever they were, they didn't harm anything, and for all the citizens of Mexico to stay calm and not worry about this incident. Now, when I first saw the footage, it was like 1994 or so. Three years after the incident took place. I was totally amazed, that this incident wasn't on the cover of every newspaper in the United States and on every news program in the United States and around the world for that matter, the day that it happened. To me, it was absolutely obvious proof, that we were being visited by beings not of this earth. Yet, it recieved absolutely no coverage in the United States whatsoever, even though it was on the cover of every newspaper in Mexico. Obviously, now I know that this is a very common situation, regarding the media in the United States not covering major UFO events. (To this day, less than 1 out of 100 people know that 15 police chased a UFO for more than a half an hour in Iowa) Anyways, I believe that the Mexico City UFO Flap in 91 was the thing that truly convinced me that this is a true phenomenon. It was an Epifany if you will.

My against evidence is: I'm still troubled by the lack of any real physical evidence that simply can't be denied getting out. I know that the government within our government, obviously has an unlimitted budget and resources to make sure that this doesn't happen, but you would think that someone that has access to real hard evidence would basically sacrifice their life to once and for all, make it known. Yet, this hasn't happened.

So anyways, that is my best for, and against evidence regarding the alien situation, I'm curious to hear your opinions.
If the Mexico City piece you're talking about is that suspiciously clear footage of big rotating craft moving slowly over the city, I call fake on it. The way the people were staring all gape-jawed and pointing looked too staged. The story wasn't carried by the US, nor did it seem to be carried by any other newspaper in the world. In my town there is a very large Latino population. Papers from Mexico are commonplace on the stands. None of them carried the story. The footage itself is easily replicated with low-end graphics software. In fact, one of my customers reproduced the effect dubbing out the "saucer" and dubbing in a football. He evn dubbed in his own voice and mixed it in with the locals saying "THIS is football! What you guys are playing is soccer!" This guy is a casual hobbyist. Imagine how far a dedicated graphics nut could go.

Video footage will never suffice for me. A quick tour through Silicon Graphics, Inc. pretty much did that in for me. That plus a class in video productions. Little unidentifiable pieces of metal don't do it either. I believe they're around (and I don't know why I do), but I won't believe we have hard evidence until one crashes into my lawn gnomes, I guess. Then I can guarantee there's going to be alien corpses...

You are almost certainly correct when you say that that piece of footage of the large rotating saucer is a hoax. However, that is not one of the videos that Commander X is talking about. It is a film that I'm familiar with and it was shot a long time after the eclipse event.

I too am sceptical about a lot of video stuff that we see. However the circumstances of how they were recorded need to be taken into account when judging the validity of the footage.

In this particular case we had eighteen different people, none of who knew each other, all videoing the same thing independently. Coupled with the fact that thousands of people also witnessed the same thing pretty convincingly proves that the objects were real. Whatever they were is another question.

The story was carried on the front pages of the Mexican papers. I know because I've seen copies of them. It also promted an on air discussion program which went out live on Mexican TV over many hours. The program itself is a watershed in UFO history due to the fact that an object buzzed the TV studio while the program was on air.

The sceptics can say what they like but this was no ordinary UFO wave.

[This message has been edited by Spadge (edited June 29, 2000).]
thank you spadge for putting oxygen right about the Mexico dish footage...........seems oxygen always has something to say but he seems to be off the mark with the incidents that people are talking about.

as for evidence i think some of the NASA footage need looking at more.......the info and footage from STS 84, STS 96 and STS 101 as well as other missions DOES ASK QUESTIONS.

the NASA pages on the YUFOI site have lots of this footage and info......very interesting and i know the guys who work on the site and they do have footage that asks more of people like NASA, now if these objects are Alien spacecraft i dont know but they ARE UFOs

[This message has been edited by chucky (edited June 29, 2000).]
Oxygen, obviously footage can be faked, but the Mexico city footage, as already explained was being shot simultaneously by over a dozen different individuals in different parts of Mexico City and surrounding suburbs. These people were unrelated and all their footage was deemed authentic from a non biased video analyzier, who I believe was based in Mountain View, Ca and who is also very aware of what can be done with SGI workstations. But lets just say that for a moment these are faked videos. You have to understand that more than 12 different people in 12 different locations all throughout Mexico City and the surrounding areas, would all have to have access to SGI equipment in addition to the knowledge of how to operate such equipment. And that would only cover the video. You would still need to hire a cast of thousands of people on the streets, that would have to lie about seeing 18 UFO's hovering in the Sky above them. The bottom line, is that in this particular instance, there was real craft that was flying in the sky, rotating, and creating a gas like discharge under the vehicles that is consistent with anti-gravitation vehicles. Even the Skeptics, are aware of it, and their only recourse is to say that these vehicles are top secret military vehicles that were made by humans. Now, I don't personally have a problem with them being top secret military vehicles made by humans, but the fact that they were flying over Mexico City, on a day with thousands upon thousands of people witnessing, is pretty much impossible to believe. Certainly, the Mexican government couldn't afford top secret air craft like this, and if the U.S. wanted to test fly aircraft like that, they would at the new Area 51 in Colorado, not over the most populated city on our planet.

One sidenote, is that footage that was taken I believe in the very late 40's/ early 50's in Utah, shows more than a dozen disks hovering, and it looks almost exactly like the Mexico City Footage, except that it was shot in the very late 40's, early 50's. Explain how they got SGI's in the early 50's. I thought so.