What is strongest, good or evil?


Registered Senior Member
What is strongest, forces of good or forces of evil?

On the one hand, the forces of evil have more freedom of acting - they are not bound to follow moral or ethic rules; on the other hand this freedom of acting can turn on itself, its members feel insecure that the evil system will harm them without bounds. Further the evil system holds no hope of a good future; in other words if the evil soldiers win, the evil system brings a bad future to them anyway.

Think of the nazy system, what if the nazi had won, then the Germans would maybe be glad at the beginning that they won, however with time they would discover that they have to live under a nazi system of rule, whereby its members could have been subjected to evil (sent to concentration camp, interrogated with hurtful methods by Gestapo, etc). So the evil system is a loose-loose situation for its members any way you look.

The forces of good have atleast a win-loose situation, which is better. Therefore its members would feel more safe with this inherent fact, producing stronger faith for its soldiers.

Any comments?
There are many more "good" people in the world that would only like to live and let live. They would like to work, go to school, come home and do various other things that good folks enjoy doing. There are those few who want to take everything away from those who work hard to be good people by any means they can. There are fewer of them but because they are dishonest and decieve others they sometimes are hard to find. The "bad" people only want to take what they can by doing as little as they can by any means possible to make the good work for what they want which is to see others doing the work and not them. The bad amonst us are always wanting to do the least for the most.

Take for instance gambling. The good people know that it only leads to hardship and despair for the majority that gamble away what they earn. The bad people see that weakness and put up more and more gambling cassinos everywhere they can and take advantage of the good people that way, making it look from the outside a very nice way to have enjoyment while losing alot to them. That is the way of deception that has always been around. The past has curbed the gambling but recent times has allowed for it more and more. As long as there are good people that want a piece of the action there's always a place on the bad side for them to lose themselves to.
the world is not conveniently divided into the good and the evil. any divisions which do exist are lines that are terribly blurred. nobody actively promotes evil, they promote what they think is best--sometimes for them, sometimes for everyone.

furthermore, if good and evil were clearly defined and could be seen in entire governments (rather than varying degrees of corruption), neither would necessarily be 'stronger'. power derives from the people, but the people are easy to control if done properly. this works both ways.
I guess this depends on what you mean by strongest. If you're asking which one would win in a contest of warfare, then neither would, both are equally susceptible to destruction. Good is susceptible to the destruction wrought by evil, and evil is delf-destructive. If you're speaking in terms of the real world, then we aren't speaking in absolute terms. There is no absolutely good force (human anyway), nor absolutely evil. The forces of say, Hitlar was a mixture of good and evil, and likewise is it the case with, say, the forces of the US. In such a contest, victory goes to the one better capable of utilizing the forces at his disposal in strategic combat, and has nothing to do with good and evil (per se).
good and evil are two sides of the coin, one can not exist without the other.
one is no stronger than the other, it just seems that one is, cause usually evil ends in pain, and suffering.

(in a war, one side is the allies(good) the other the enemy(evil), but if you look at it from the aledge enemy camp, they are the allies(good)and the others the enemy(evil).
so it depends as to were your standing as to whether your good or evil.)

the biblical god and the god of the quran are evil gods, but they dont exist, they are but names in a book, it is man and only man that does the evil albeit under the guise of religion, but man can show immense goodness too, it's the mindset of evil(religion) the engulfs them, that is the cause of all mans ills, irradicate that, and peace will become mans guiding light.
cosmictraveler said:
There are many more "good" people in the world that would only like to live and let live. They would like to work, go to school, come home and do various other things that good folks enjoy doing. There are those few who want to take everything away from those who work hard to be good people by any means they can. There are fewer of them but because they are dishonest and decieve others they sometimes are hard to find. The "bad" people only want to take what they can by doing as little as they can by any means possible to make the good work for what they want which is to see others doing the work and not them. The bad amonst us are always wanting to do the least for the most.

Take for instance gambling. The good people know that it only leads to hardship and despair for the majority that gamble away what they earn. The bad people see that weakness and put up more and more gambling cassinos everywhere they can and take advantage of the good people that way, making it look from the outside a very nice way to have enjoyment while losing alot to them. That is the way of deception that has always been around. The past has curbed the gambling but recent times has allowed for it more and more. As long as there are good people that want a piece of the action there's always a place on the bad side for them to lose themselves to.

what is worse? a good man with a family who only wants to raise his kids up to be good like him and goes to church every sunday and tries his best to live up to a high moral standard, but works for a defense contractor that assembles missiles that will eventually be fired by soldiers at "good" people in other countries who have the unfortunate luck of being in the way?

or a guy who goes out and builds a casino on an indian reservation that will cause the people and land there to be revitalized from their current state of total destitution dating back to the time when the "good" christian europeans came to this country and stripped the native people of all of their land, wealth, and culture?

good and evil and their hold on people are relative concepts.
or a guy who goes out and builds a casino on an indian reservation that will cause the people and land there to be revitalized

The problem with that is many of the cassinos are there because of those people that are hired to manage the cassinos are not tribal members and even if they were they don't understand what's really happening to them. The tribes have little to do with the daily activities of the cassinos and therefore have no real understanding of where the money goes. I'd say that less than 10 percent actually gets back into the tribes hands as that money is passed through many companies that are with those who set up the cassinos to begin with. Today, even with cassinos, the alcoholism and poverty rates at over 80 percent of the tribes is well above 60 percent. Not much actually gets down to those who need it. Only 5 percent of the reservations have cassinos BTW.

Most cassinos are a company owned but managed by "outsiders" that funnel the monies into their bosses pockets elesewhere in America rather than keeping in the cities or reservations that have those cassinos. It's all done very legaly today so no one knows what's really happening when it comes to money and how much is really made at those cassinos. Say 1 million was made in a night, how much do you really think gets onto the books?
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In christian terms good is stronger but also in christian terms evil is more dominant but any evil can be rebuked in Jesus name.
well according to christian doctrine i'm evil and damned. rebuke me in jesus' name. i dare you.
There's those that give and those that take advantage of those that give. Be wary of those wanting something for they are not going to be giving much in return.
The problem with that is many of the cassinos are there because of those people that are hired to manage the cassinos are not tribal members and even if they were they don't understand what's really happening to them. The tribes have little to do with the daily activities of the cassinos and therefore have no real understanding of where the money goes. I'd say that less than 10 percent actually gets back into the tribes hands as that money is passed through many companies that are with those who set up the cassinos to begin with. Today, even with cassinos, the alcoholism and poverty rates at over 80 percent of the tribes is well above 60 percent. Not much actually gets down to those who need it. Only 5 percent of the reservations have cassinos BTW.

actually this is almost completely untrue. i used to live about a mile away from an indian reservation that had a casino built on it. it was managed and run by tribal leaders in conjunction with the private company that built it according to a really strictly defined set of rules as laid out by a contract that had been negotiated by some really hard nosed native american lawyers. i think that you show a lot of nerve in attempting to portray these people as basically ignorant tribesman waiting for a handout from some fat cat white man. theyve come a long way from the people that sold manhattan for 24$ worth of beads. they live in our modern world, not in the stone age, and they are capable of adaptation just like us. and i'd also love to see you back up those statistics of yours with any kind of measureable fact. first of all there is a reservation out in northern california where the tribe has total control of it and all its profits and through mutual agreement has decided to divide the profits equally among the reservations' people each year. in 2004 this dividend yeilded roughly 300,000$ per family living on the reservation. these people went from run down shacks to just shy of beverly hills in less than a decade. similar things took place on the reservation near where i used to live. the tribe was larger so the improvement was not as drastic but it was definitely a step up from what basically amounted to a run down native american ghetto of complete squalor to a thriving upper middle class community, because of the money they made from the casino. there may have been some tribal leaders that were foolish enough to get taken by gaming entreperneurs early on in the "indian casino movement" that has swept our country, but trust me, it was a long time ago that they learned how truly beneficial these enterprises could be to their communities and they have gotten progressively smarter and smarter about how they design such an undertaking.

heres a couple of exceprts from an article about indian casinos in california. it seems theyre making so much money that their sovereignty is being threatened due to the state governments want for extra tax dollars:

from the American Enterprise Online
Casinos and Indian Sovereignty
By David Yeagley

California Indian tribes with casinos are bringing in over $5 billion annually (2003), and have become the largest contributors to California political campaigns.

...Casinos have unfortunately made sovereignty an explicitly economic issue. Never mind an Indian tribe's inability to sustain itself through production, trade, and economy; never mind the tribes inability to defend itself with its own military force; never mind the boundaries of the reservations which are passed into and out of freely, without passport. No, the definition of sovereignty today rests wholly on taxation.

...And casino dollars are quickly destroying the Indian status of being sovereign. If Schwarzenegger's Indians are required to pay taxes or to share income, then, however much profit they do make, they have forfeited sovereignty. They have bought federal recognition for the price of paying state taxes. The IRS is waiting like a vulture over Indian country.

and theres this from http://www.kstrom.net/isk/games/gaming.html

Gambling is big biz -- close to $400 billion a year and growing. Americans outspend all their other forms of entertainment and self-education put together on gambling.

There are some 557 federally recognized reservations. About 33% do have some form of commercial gaming now, and 29% more hope to. But many -- on reservations far from population centers and with nothing in particular to attract tourists -- are not successful. For those who are, though, it is just about the only business success story that Indian reservations have ever had.

But for monetary benefits to average tribal members, casinos are most beneficial to very small tribes, fairly close to major urban areas or areas already well-developed for extensive tourism. A very successful casino whose revenues are looked to by a tribe with 33,000 members to make up a deficit of centuries of poverty is not going to go anywhere near so far as the same type of casino will to satisfy a tribe with only 300 members. And that -- the small remnant tribe fairly near major urban areas -- is the type whose casinos tend to be scoring the biggest. The larger tribes were put into remote outback concentration camps -- far from land the white settlers wanted for anything. Hard to get there, and nothing very attractive is around for tourists anyway.

so while it is not true that every indian tribe with a casino makes a ton of money from the enterprise, they do seem to do a halfway decent job at retaining the money they earn in an attempt to drag themselves out of a century or more of poverty through one of the only (and im sure unintended) advantages that the whites ever gave them.

if the state of california is looking to tax the tribes themselves because they make so much money from the casino business, id say theyre not losing the shirt off their backs from predatory white casino owners looking to cut the tribes out.
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charles cure .......

Interesting but again I state that in many instances there are "outside" management teams brought in to run the business for most tribes don't understand how it all set up. True, there's some tribes that have enough savvy to run them but they are the exception not the rule. Just go into any cassinos that are on reservations and see how many Native Americans you see there actually working doing anything. Where I've been,Seminole, Miccosukee and Cherokee all had white managers as well as white dealers, food vendors, and all most every job at the cassino.
No person or thing is all good or all evil.
Everything is about good counterbalancing evil to maintain the equilibrium that allows the universe as we know it to continue.