What is stellar theology, and why don't more folks understand it?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I came across a rare book recently entitled Stellar Theology and Masonic Astronomy, by Robert Hewitt Brown. No date of publication is given. I don't know who Robert Hewitt Brown is/was, but maybe more information can be found at www.kessinger.net.

In Part I, Chapter II, Brown states that "if we closely examine the elder forms of religious worship, we will find in most of them that God is worshiped under the symbol of the sun. This is not only true of those nations called pagan, but we also find in the Bible itself the sun alluded to as the most perfect and appropriate symbol of the creator."

I've posted a review below:

"This incredibly detailed book reveals the hidden meanings behind occult signs and symbols from ancient times, found in what should be termed stellar theology, and then carried over into our modern world. Also reveals how Freemasonry is connected to Judaism, Christianity and the Bible. Lastly, it shows what the ancients knew about astronomy and how it became incorporated into the various religions of the world. Brown explores the world's legends, emblems and symbols and how they were all connected to ancient astrological systems. Highly sought after, now back in print."

There are many books now in print on the topic of astro-theology and sun worship. This just happens to be one of the most rare books I have found on the subject.

I look forward to any questions, comments or discussions?
Why are you always running after these wacko fringe writers who do nothing all day but draw vague connections based on similar groupings of letters in ancient words...or rather the english translations.

What are you really running 'from'...?
I think she's trying to show that all modern religious fairy tales are born of idiots worshipping stars and rocks.
I think she's trying to show that all modern religious fairy tales are born of idiots worshipping stars and rocks.
M*W: Exactly. This is not "new" information. It's been around for maybe tens of thousands of years. What surprises me is why don't more people know about this?
Why are you always running after these wacko fringe writers who do nothing all day but draw vague connections based on similar groupings of letters in ancient words...or rather the english translations.

What are you really running 'from'...?
M*W: First of all, the wackos are the ones who believe in fairy tales of the gods. But those fairy tales had to come from somewhere, and my point is that the origination of world myths arose out of ancient humans observing the night skies and creating tales of the planets, stars and constellations. It's not a new theory. It is very old. You might be surprised to know that the authors of books on this topic are mainly noted scholars like Joseph Campbell, et. al.. It just so happens that there are more publications today on this subject, but there are also biblical scholars who wrote about astro-theology in the 17th and 18th centuries.

What am I "running from?"

Ignorant people and their religious lies.
But those fairy tales had to come from somewhere, and my point is that the origination of world myths arose out of ancient humans observing the night skies and creating tales of the planets, stars and constellations.
The anthropomorphic myths of the major religions arose out of a dissatisfaction with the astrological myths of prior civilization.

It was a revolution...not an evolution.
The anthropomorphic myths of the major religions arose out of a dissatisfaction with the astrological myths of prior civilization.

It was a revolution...not an evolution.

M*W: As I have stated many times before, I am not saying that I BELIEVE ancient solar/lunar worship is anymore truthful than any other ancient myth or religion. All I'm saying is that ancient solar/lunar worship is a fact, and it is a precursor of all other major religions. Also, I do not promote it as a religion.