What is space made of?

Space is made of out more stuff. That's the general gist that I'm getting from "Quantum Gravity" and "A New Kind of Science". Kind of a bizzare concept. They say that all matter in the universe is just a feature of space, so in reality, all that exists is space. That kind of makes sense because space only seems to exist with its relationship to matter. Think of a universe that has absolutely nothing in it. Would space exist?
space time is simple a plane of existance and does not need to be made out of anything but its self.
Isn't there stuff like radiation in space or is it just traveling through it. In that case, space would be a vacuum, wouldn't it?
it depends on how much space we are talking about, if you mean a chunk of space 10^-38m^3 then yes that could eb a vacum filled with nothing at all.
If space was not made up of anything at all then it will be imposible to keep size of one object relative to other.

Humans do U understand what the above line states ?
I would say space is made up of the following :

A gas particle or ion every cubic centimeter or decimeter,
Dark matter,
Dark energy,
and a whole hell of a lot of neutrinos.

Look out ! More discoveries are being made.
No Facial, those are just things that are in space. Yes, even in the deepest, darkest parts of space you're still going to encounter the occasionally stray photon or subatomic particle, but space itself is not 'made of' and physical substance, so far as we can tell.
Quantum foam. There's no true vacuum. Even in the vacuum of space, particles are being created out of nothing, then destroyed almost instantly.
I think space is just what its called. "space" Its what everything else is in.
i imagine that <bi>space-time</b> is a product of superstrings.

The strings vibrate in (<i>say</i>) ten dimensions and the`holes` in their topology give rise to the particle families and the different harmonies on them produce individual particles.

<my 2$>
And i also imagine that everything is interchangeable...

<i>Particle</i>-> <i>different particle</i>-> <i>space</i> -> <i>time</i> -> <i>another particle</i>
</my 2$>
Nasor said:
No Facial, those are just things that are in space. Yes, even in the deepest, darkest parts of space you're still going to encounter the occasionally stray photon or subatomic particle, but space itself is not 'made of' and physical substance, so far as we can tell.

Woops. I guess the definition of space you were referring to is more of the mathematical concept (volume itself) than what I interpreted, the astronomical (what's in 'outer space').

In that sense, then, space is a concept and is not 'made of' a physical substance, so far as we can tell.
By far, space is made of photons, as in trillions upon trillions more so than atoms, especially if you'd care to account for all of the resting photons, such as those associated with dark-matter and/or of what's surrounding an/or comprising that of a blackhole.

Goto; "Superconducting Photons via Atomic Oort Zones"

or into my URL: http://guthvenus.tripod.com/gv-photons-m3.htm

I've been summarily informed by God that absolutely nothing goes faster than Light speed, however Dr. Wang's god can apparently kick some serious photon butt up to 310 X light speed, although that effort requires an existing conduit or beam (photonic waveguide) and a fairly specific environment as to making that happen.

At least so far the likes of the NEC lab and of their resident photon wizard Dr. Wang have been exceeding the speed of light for years, yet the GR and QM folks are still freaking out because, that accomplishment essentially screws up every conceivable formula they've got, and then some.

As such something, perhaps quantum-string like, has been pushed to 310 X light speed, and as slight as it might be, said photons do manage to carry about a touch of mass.
Space has dark matter, dark energy and mostly hydrogen atoms floating around along with other types of atoms of different elements. It also has other galaxies and nebulas plus pulsars, black holes, neutron stars and a few other exotic things within it. Space is something, not nothing.
i think irish was referring to the "empty" space, rather than the stuff within it. quantum foam sounds about right.