what is religion


Registered Senior Member
can anyone explain religion, i was always taught that there is only one god, and not to build false idles to worship, and yet a lot of people go to church, as the priests say you are in the house of the lord, why do you have to go to church to worship him, he is supposed to be everywhere, so you can pray to him at anytime and at anyplace, right?
Yes, you can pray anywhere, but it's best to pray somewhere where you can be alone:

"When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men... when you pray, enter into your closet and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father which is in secret." - Matthew 6:5-6

The reference to go into your closet has been translated in other versions of the Bible as "go into your inner room." "go away by yourself," "all alone," "your [most] private room," "enter into your chamber," and "go into your room."
the DEEPEST most primal meaning EXPERIENCING God is via a psychedelic sacrament

If you dont beliee tis all you simply have to do is require som FREE psychedelic mushrooms that grow in most climes. eat hem and journey into woods, hills and mountains etc

Then you will not only experience God but Goddess---in fact thet are really like two serpents........the Caduceus represewnts what i mean symbolically

in pre-patriarchal myth 'god' is the everlivingeverdyingeveregenerating pocess of life--is erotic energy,is the very psychedelic mushroom you've just ingested, is cyclic movement of Nature, IS Nature in all its wonder

YOU as an individual have the Right and Freedom to experience what i am speaking about

but look!! in between what i am saying and your hearing is a massive wall of patriarchal propaganda which includes materialistic propaganda

so you have to bware of tis

theformer claims 'God' is this fundamentalist, and/or a mythic historical character, and the rest is wordsand churches nd dogma
oh yeah forgot to add. look at ceilings of old cathedrals. what they remind you of?

they look like te tops of trees right?

this is rvealing the ORIGINS of Eartth religion, which the patriarchs appropriated

for Eartth religious celebrations was often in groves. Trees being sacred, as all Nature was seen as sacred
can anyone explain religion,

A set of practices and rituals designed to increase the energy of the adherents of the religion. The rituals physically change the body so that they body becomes more powerful, can produce more energy, and can handle more energy.

As this process continues, the person becomes mentally more and more elevated due to the extreme physical health they are in, as well as the increase in health from increased energy output. They develop the ability to connect their energy to other people. That is why church is a group thing. The group of adherents all link their energy together for the greater good.

You can see a movie portrayal of this kind of "connecting of people" process in the movie "Scanners". The original one. The movie is rather gruesome with special affects. Beware.

You might also want to go look at the "Isrealis Never Change" thread over in politics to see something related to this. The first post on the first page.

Religion is whatever the practitioners decide it is. Make your choice. There's lots to choose from.
can anyone explain religion, i was always taught that there is only one god, and not to build false idles to worship, and yet a lot of people go to church, as the priests say you are in the house of the lord, why do you have to go to church to worship him, he is supposed to be everywhere, so you can pray to him at anytime and at anyplace, right?
I assume you are speaking of the Christian religion, which was hijacked very early on by priests with a particular interpretation. The Gnostic Christians had different ideas about what constituted a church. For instance, the person to give the sermon was chosen at random every week.