What is religion?


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A very simple question...
I myself have none and i dislike organized religion. Is religion mostly organization and discipline? If it is, i'm not religious. However, i think i believe in something up there...
You are more likely a deist, Linx. You probably believe in something that "created" everything and then walked away from all of it like a bad experiment. I would define religion as the practice of an organized theology.

But you can always find something.

Although I'm an atheist, I enjoy the music, rituals and majesty of the Roman Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches. And how can anybody disregard the beautiful traditional Christmas carols and the joy and happiness of old-fashioned Protestant gospel music?
African religions are different. There is no theology. However they are religions... More honest maybe. For them, supernatural and natural are related and the individual decides how he want's to relate with that...
"African religions" encompasses a lot; from the complex Christian theology of the Coptics in Egypt and other parts of northeast Africa to tribal practices that can be called little more than simple superstitious "beliefs" with hardly any system at all. At least of those native to Africa.
Religons all have traverse sins. The difference in religon is merely the names we use. Science is a religon because it concisely defines the laws of nature. Although there remains mystery to it. in my opinion the "god" of science will be called gravity (the greatest mystery in science). Basically life is too infinite to ever be explained fully in a concise language, you as an individual must develop your own terminology. how far you evolve in your religon is the "game" of life. just remember all the other religons are metaphors.

As far as the other difference in religon is the way we are born. Do we "start" as nothing, or are we born with evil. christians will say we are born with evil, muslims will say we start with nothing. i believe this to be the result of consumption in christian terms. the fact that we eat is the fact that we have time (reoccurring experience). The knowledge of time is what seperates us from the dead (effectively producing life), or in more accurate terms, nothing. this is why they say we should live for god. i think we should live like gods, which is the metaphorical 10 commandments, or whatever religons name you wanna use.
Calvin said:
Science is a religon because it concisely defines the laws of nature.
Sorry, but that's a load of crap.
Since when is the definition of religion 'a system that concisely defines the laws of nature'?

Calvin said:
Although there remains mystery to it. in my opinion the "god" of science will be called gravity (the greatest mystery in science).
What are you talking about?
Who defined gravity as "the greatest mystery in science"?
Even if it is, how does that make it "God"?

Religion is, simply put:
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

Science is not a religion. If anything it is the antithesis of religion.
Gravity is not God. Gravity is a simple force of nature.
I have come to think of religion as the worship of a diety or power beyond humans when it is practiced with ritual , dogma , and traditions. I see it as just that simple.
one_raven said:
Sorry, but that's a load of crap.
Since when is the definition of religion 'a system that concisely defines the laws of nature'?

What are you talking about?
Who defined gravity as "the greatest mystery in science"?
Even if it is, how does that make it "God"?

Religion is, simply put:
Belief in and reverence for a supernatural power or powers regarded as creator and governor of the universe.

Science is not a religion. If anything it is the antithesis of religion.
Gravity is not God. Gravity is a simple force of nature.

I never said it was "the" defintion, i used it as reasoning.

I'm talkin about the fact that Black holes emit information. I like your definition "belief in powers that govern". aka gravity. I say its the greatest mystery because it answers all the questions of the universe. well any that you could ask anyway. The ironic part is Science "set out" to be an alternative proof of existence and coincidentally through many observations has led us to back to one awesome conclusion. Mathematically socrates had it right with monism (the power of one). That was before jesus and his almighty god theory. i think the jesus story was an easier version for mankind at the time to comprehend. and if interpreted properly, not by the influence of money, then it is a good analogy, but then again so is the Kuran.

Science is a religon, you just have to look at the forefront and not at classical 17th century interpretations of gravity.
Gravity is equivalent to god. and it is a very complex force of nature.
Science is not a religion.

Religion is a organized system based on assumed truths, characterized by failure to hold true under scientific scrutiny.
Blindman said:
Science is not a religion.

Religion is a organized system based on assumed truths, characterized by failure to hold true under scientific scrutiny.

Science is an organized system based on assumed truths (observations), continuously tested to reveal its faults. Even science is subject to failure of holding true under scientific scrutiny.

I suggest you take a good look at gravity and the effect it has on everything (and i'm not refering to 9.8 metres per second squared). Its the destruction of science with science. Oh the irony!
What is religion?

Well it's any group of people who have the same faith, or lack thereof that comform to basically same ideals. That's my defenition here's another: Our compromise definition:

This website's essays use a very broad definition of religion: "Religion is any specific system of belief about deity, often involving rituals, a code of ethics, a philosophy of life, and a worldview." Thus we would consider Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Native American Spirituality, and Neopaganism to be religions. We also include Agnosticism, Atheism, Humanism, Ethical Culture etc. as religions, because they also contain a "belief about deity" -- their belief is that they do not know whether a deity exists, or they have no knowledge of God, or they sincerely believe that God does not exist. here

Though we usually relate religion to some form of worshiping a deity of whoms existence we have no evidence of existence.

This site is also helpfull; click

Thus we have a word "religion" with a very vaque and many defenitions.
