What is Love?


Musical Creationist
Registered Senior Member
The dictionary has definitions of love. Different languages have different definitions.

In a theology discussion, I think the definition of love is the final acid test for questions regarding doctrine.

For example, I ask someone what they think love is according to their doctrine and then I compare. When someone has a delimma about doctrine, I ask "What does love say?"

This is what the bible says love is:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

The bible says God is love, by definition: God=Love.

It also says love supersedes all the old testament laws by fulfilling those laws. For example:

If someone practices love then they won't murder, steal, bear false witness, covet, commit adultery, etc.

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contradictions and preachin

see what you do woody....you could have asked US what we feel love is. but you preach waht the bible says it is. which is totally contradiction when we know in A C T U A L I T Y what christians have DONE, ARe doing, and WILL do in the forseeable future. which aint love. so......contradictions, and meaninglessness
woody: you said This is what the bible says love is:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not selfseeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

but you missed these out love is murder, love is cruel, love is hurting, scaring and shaming, love is god's wrath, god is this love.

however love in reallity is much much better than that.
Or more likely it is a chemical imbalance within the body, brought about by certain stimuli (different for everybody), that has certain effects on the production of dominant neural pathways within the brain and is prone to cause irrationality. :D

Rather pleasant irrationality, though. ;)
OK, so nobody knows what love is, or cares enough to share it. I suppose nobody here really cares much.
ok, i'll be bold and say what i feels it is then:

Love is seeing THROUGH falsness. it is being strong enough to stand on its own and say...ok, 200, 000,000 of you say that--but i feel it's wrong and i dont want no part of it. and when they say 'so that means you hate us?' you say 'no i dont hate yous, i just see what you are belivin is false and is destructive

a child can sometimes see through the false. see through false masks/personas. that is love

Love is for Nature. If you get cuaght up in midsets that seek to trash and destry Nature is that love? no, it's ignorance' same with dodgy beliefs that divide people. they may feel loving with their own side, but their ignorance is FUELLING potential hatred, conflict that causes all forms of violence. so love then is standing up and say to all your loved ones...'i am seeing through this game' and wehn they turn on you, then it still is love what you are doing. but joining a gang or war to blow the other side (who are also lost in ignorance/the game) to bits aint love, is it? ...if you go and blow some little chhild;'s head off, or their legs sos they cant EVEr play EVEr again. that's that! is THAt love?
Love is an experience produced by chemicals in the brain.

Don't turn it into what it isn't.
Woody said:
OK, so nobody knows what love is, or cares enough to share it. I suppose nobody here really cares much.
you was'nt asking what people thought, you were just preaching , are we surposed to guess what you want.
love is a feeling of intense affection, given freely and without restriction.
love is to be enamored.
love is an intense affectionate concern for another person.
love is a temporary insanity, and in some case (most)permanent( a devine madness).
love, can be seen in the eyes of your children, and/or your fiance or husband/wife.
love has nothing to do with non existent fantasy figures, in these cases love is but a word.
If God=love, why the need for God, then? Just worship love instead, the hippies got it right, then.
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Actually, I disagree with such a philisophy. Love is the source of violence and war. When you love your country, there's nothing too horrible that you wouldn't do to preserve it. To love one thing is to hate another. Loving everything is meaningless. Fear of mutual destruction will save the world, not love.

You finally said something I can relate to.

Fear of mutual destruction will save the world, not love.

So nobody here has ever had a relationship where they love someone else like a parent, a spouse, a brother, or a sister?

I only got one more question, Is London the troll capital of the world? :eek:
Love is a human emotion, indeed, I would say that love and hate are two sides of a coin.

Of course, love is no longer just a basic human feeling, it has been changed by our culture and now has loads of connotations and interpretations that have been heaped upon it through ages.

If god is just a fragment of human emotion, that's fine with me.
Dreamwalker said,

Love is a human emotion, indeed, I would say that love and hate are two sides of a coin.

Most people would agree with you, but I think Fear is the opposite of Love. Think about it: where there is love there is no fear, where there is fear there is no love. It's kind of hard to love someone you're afraid of. It's kind of hard to be afraid of someone that loves you and vice versa.

Hate seems to be the opposite of love.

A mystery :D
I would say fear is the root of all emotions, it is the most basic one. All else is constructed on fear, which in turn, is an effect of our want of survival. This is not only the case for humans, also for animals.
Love is just a way to create bonds to endure a common fear.

Hate and Love are opposites? Well, I think they are linked to one another, so I would still choose the sides of a coin for a metapher.
woody said:
Most people would agree with you, but I think Fear is the opposite of Love. Think about it: where there is love there is no fear, where there is fear there is no love. It's kind of hard to love someone you're afraid of. It's kind of hard to be afraid of someone that loves you and vice versa.
so does this mean you are coming round to our way of thinking, fearing gods wrath as opposed to getting it's love, = god is not love.
Woody said:
The bible says God is love, by definition: God=Love.
bibles full of crap
God is not love,
God is an imaginary creator of the Universe,allmighty etc,...

love is a human emotion.

those are two completely different things

I suggest using dictionary next time
so lets clarify it.
woody said:
where there is fear there is no love. It's kind of hard to love someone you're afraid of.
the above are your words woody.
so I repeat, fearing gods wrath, as opposed to getting it's love, equals, god is the opposite of love.
so does this mean you are becoming an agnostic/atheist.
you did say, you cant love and fear a thing.
incidently, you knew exactly what was mean, by my previous post.