What is Kadath??

A creation of H.P. Lovecraft as far as I know, as in "The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath"
A fictional place.
I have one at home. i never bother to use it though. my uncle chris, who never lies, told me that he had one in college but it was broken during a frat party. good luck with yours.
ah, crap! one of the characters in the book I'm writing is named ka'Deth. I may have to change it, to keep people from thinking I was copying H.P.L. dangnabbit!
I know its from H.P. Lovecraft, but i read somewhere about ruins in the arctic somewhere, with a missing tv crew, anyone have any idea what im talking about?
Antartica story is fiction, check out their faq

There may yet be remnants of ancient civilizations under the ice, but these news stories are fiction and if misquoted are misleading
kind of like a game. Look beneath the surface, there is real gold to be found, but lots of fools gold as well.

man was lovecraft really that creepy in real life that there are still people around who think what he was writing about was all true?
The best way I could realte its meaning is as the "remote mountain-seat of the Dream gods."


The Statement of Randolph Carter

The Dream Quest of Unknown Kadath

The Silver Key

Through The Gates of The Silver Key

Read the above-listed texts and you will surely learn what "Kadath" means.

These are some of the best stories I have ever read.
They all include a familiar set of characters and a quaint, cosmic mythology of sorts. All quite Lovecraftesque.

They are brilliantly written, cryptic, and enthralling.

I highly recommend "Celephais." All of you will love it.
They're all exceedingly enjoyable, but I understand if some of you are disinterested. However, I entreat you, read "Celephais."

Here is another which I am ashamed to admit I have not read, though I will do so either tonight or on the morrow. It pertains to the same topic as the others:

The Cats of Ulthar

Here is an archive of all Lovecraft's stories and their texts. There is a considerable number of them.

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I want to grow up and be just like Kuranes. Drug-induced sleep and ruined life, the whole gig. All the way, baby!
Thank you for the links, and if i remember correctly, most people considered H.P Lovecraft crazy, i picked up a game not to long ago based on a lot of his works called eternal darkness, and in my personal opinion it reminded me of a few of his books