What is Jeruselem?


to really do a bunch of homework much can be found to render, that etymology has caused lots of confusion

Assyrian 'bab-ilani', or 'babilu', i.e. the Gate of God, is a Semitic translation of the Accadian 'Ka-dingirra-ki'; with the same meaning; literally: 'Gate + of God + the place'. The etymology of the name Babel from balbel, 'to confound,' which is suggested both in the Assyrian account of the story and in Genesis, is one of those popular etymologic errors which are frequently found in ancient authors."

the "holy city" of Babylonia from early times, and the seat of the Neo-Babylonian empire from 612 BC. In the Hebrew Bible, the name appears as בבל (Babel), interpreted by popular etymology to mean "confusion". Akkadian bāb-ilû means "Gate of God",

Hebrews 13:12
Wherefore, also Jesus -- that he might sanctify through [his] own blood the people -- without the gate did suffer;

Now to look at TODAY, which city on this earth houses the core religions of the west?

What city is the 'gate' that jesus suffered in?

is it possible, much of what people have been led to believe is damaged (to confuse)?

Etymology to the roots of Megiddo: Tel Megiddo (Hebrew) and Tell al-Mutesellim (Arabic). Megiddo is a tel (hill or mound)

Let us shift gears again and look at Zion. How does Zion fit into the imagery surrounding Jerusalem?

Zion is sometimes used metaphorically, at other times topographically. While the designation has changed across time, originally Zion was equated with the City of David, signifying the Southeast hill of Jerusalem.

The Temple Mount to its north was also known as Zion. From the Byzantine period, Zion has been applied to the hill south of the southwest corner of the existing Old City. Zion also designates Jerusalem as a religious capital, and has references to the Church.

11 In that day, great is the mourning of Jerusalem, As the mourning of Hadadrimmon in the valley of Megiddon,

Rev 16:16and they did bring them together to the place that is called in Hebrew Armageddon.

17And the seventh messenger did pour out his vial to the air, and there came forth a great voice from the sanctuary of the heaven, from the throne, saying, `It hath come!'

18and there came voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and a great earthquake came, such as came not since men came upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake -- so great!

19And it came -- the great city -- into three parts, and the cities of the nations did fall, and Babylon the great was remembered before God, to give to her the cup of the wine of the wrath of His anger,

20and every island did flee away, and mountains were not found,

jeruselem is what the battle of armegeddon is describing

ie...... judaism, islam and christianity....................the three ladies of the gate (babilu)

and if israel removes the muslim from the mount (dome)

now you all know what to look for

and then if jeruselem is leveled like zach, isaiah and revelations is talking about; then no more ladies (religions of abraham) to deceive

imagine if the root place of these three is gone (utterly destroyed, per bible)

So: What is Jeruselem