What is it with Jehova's Witnesses and Chinese people??


Sweep the leg Johnny!
Valued Senior Member
I rent out my house to post grad students, and the last few weeks we have had an increase of activity from the local JW's.

They used to piss me off but these days I've found a firm and polite No works just as well as fuck off.

However on their last 2 vists they were really surprised that I answered the door and said that they had come because they had been told there were Chinese people living in the house (there are).

One of the last chinese guys I rented a room to hooked up with some JW chick, so Is the JW faith(?) something that's big in china? what's with the recruitment drive for the chinese? I dont get it
From what family tells me JW's are banned in China and for some reason just as in Russia it tends to make JW's proliferate. If I'm correct then in China they simply can not do the door to door or advertise their religion in any way and that apparently even the internet is guarded for certain key words because the Chinesse Communist Party seems to think they're a threat because of they're outspoken nature.
Thanks for that Saquist - kind of makes sense - shame they dont :D

Evening synthesizer-patel!

I'm curious, what points of JW doctrine don't 'Make sense' to you? Are you well familiar with their belief system? TIA.

Have a spectacular evening, I'm off to work now, but do look forward to your reply. :)

Shalom Aleichem - Jesse.
I think China is the big market of Xianity. Anyone who's Anyone wants in on that one. I hope the Communist Party supports Buddhism. If China turns as fanatical about Christ as they were about Mao, may the Gods help us.
Evening synthesizer-patel!

I'm curious, what points of JW doctrine don't 'Make sense' to you? Are you well familiar with their belief system? TIA.

Have a spectacular evening, I'm off to work now, but do look forward to your reply. :)

Shalom Aleichem - Jesse.

It might be this part...

"Publications of Jehovah's Witnesses have stated that only God and Jesus determine who will survive Armageddon, but that only those serving God have any hope of survival"

That and they frown on all behavior they don't understand. At the least they are monotheists though.

or it might be this part...

"Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Satan is the invisible ruler of the world. He was at one time a perfect son of God but developed feelings of self-importance and craved worship that belonged to God."

Both of which were entirely made up and not based on any biblical works.

-יחזקאל- עליכם שלום -
From what family tells me JW's are banned in China and for some reason just as in Russia it tends to make JW's proliferate. If I'm correct then in China they simply can not do the door to door or advertise their religion in any way and that apparently even the internet is guarded for certain key words because the Chinesse Communist Party seems to think they're a threat because of they're outspoken nature.

its not banned in Russia, its just that they cannot go intruding into peoples houses all the time.