What is going to be the future in the nect 5 years?

Genetic engineering ..... next big thing? :confused:

Genetic engineering has already been the next big thing for the last few decades. The first things that spring to mind are:

  • It plays an integral role in medicine such as the production of pharmaceuticals (eg. growth hormones and insulin), the production of many vaccines, and is vital for the basic research that underlies modern medicine (eg. creation of genetically engineered mouse models of diseases).

  • It is used to engineer bacteria for bioremediation.

  • It is used in industrial biotechnology for the production of many food additives (eg. citric acid).

  • It is used to produce modified crops with resistance to herbicides or improved growth or nutrition characteristics.
Didn't know china was a form of biological science or technology.
Not much of one, but thread's question does not concern only "biological science or technology" as you seem to think. Thread asks about the future five years from now.

My answer "China" to that question is based on China's rapid growth while the US and EU currently stagnate and rapidly expand their debts in failing efforts to stimulate their economies.

Long ago, when GWB still had a couple of years left as POTUS, I predicted that there would be a run against the dollar before Halloween 2014, which would rapidly turn into the worst ever depression for the US & EU. If that is correct, and with every passing day it seems more likely to be, then China is the future, in part by default. I.e.China will dominate the world economically before the thread's five years is up.
The question may be vague but its in the Biology & Genetics forum, hence why don't you keep it related to that topic?
The question may be vague but its in the Biology & Genetics forum, hence why don't you keep it related to that topic?
Ok, if you like I can add that in five years ONLY China (and some other Asian countries) will be doing any significant biological science or technology research, because the US and EU will be without funds for that. They will be struggling to buy enough fuel to keep from freezing in the winter, etc. - Makers of wood/coal burning stoves will not be able to keep up with the demand, etc.
Hercules I think Cat means genetic modification in Humans. For example augmentation. Which I think will happen but not for a while. Our understanding of DNA is... basic. Though I think that we will start augmenting people using robotics. (I would post links but I do not have enough posts yet :O)

Billy_T said:
Ok, if you like I can add that in five years ONLY China (and some other Asian countries) will be doing any significant biological science or technology research, because the US and EU will be without funds for that. They will be struggling to buy enough fuel to keep from freezing in the winter, etc. - Makers of wood/coal burning stoves will not be able to keep up with the demand, etc.

Your theory is a bit sketchy. The country itself is rich but the people are poor. And their current population they will be more disease. Actually I have read somewhere that STDs has been slowly rising in China.
... Your theory is a bit sketchy. The country itself is rich but the people are poor. And their current population they will be more disease. Actually I have read somewhere that STDs has been slowly rising in China.
Not really. You are just too new here to know that I have dozens of times explained the details.

For example on mechanism that is leading to the US (and EU) collapse see old post at:
and read a few pages of that thread.

For examples of China's growth organizational success, see thread: "BRIC news and comments."
Also see: http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=68643
Especially the paragraph just above the graph which explains why China's hybrid economic system it the best the world has ever had. (It avoids the major mistakes of the USSR and US's systems.)

I would be interested to know why you think STD are a greater problem for China than the west. I have few facts but the strong impression that sexually China is not nearly as adventuresome / loss morals / as the west. For example, ~3% of the population of Washington DC has HIV infection, and in China as a whole HIV is 50 times lower in prevalence (0.057% of population) - These fact from quick Google searches.
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Ok, if you like I can add that in five years ONLY China (and some other Asian countries) will be doing any significant biological science or technology research, because the US and EU will be without funds for that. They will be struggling to buy enough fuel to keep from freezing in the winter, etc. - Makers of wood/coal burning stoves will not be able to keep up with the demand, etc.

How pessimistic, but still not relevant, it matters not who does the science.

I would be interested to know why you think STD are a greater problem for China than the west. I have no facts but the strong impression that sexually China is not nearly as adventuresome / loss morals / as the west.

Not really. You are just too new here to know that I have dozens of times explained the details.

For example on mechanism that is leading to the US (and EU) collapse see old post at:
and read a few pages of that thread.

I don't know about this. Do you have proof of this? China is pretty interested in the arctic which has oil... Search that. I can't post any urls :(

Billy_T said:
I would be interested to know why you think STD are a greater problem for China than the west. I have few facts but the strong impression that sexually China is not nearly as adventuresome / loss morals / as the west. For example, ~3% of the population of Washington DC has HIV infection, and in China as a whole HIV is 50 times lower in prevalence (0.057% of population) - These fact from quick Google searches.

Loss morals? I am sorry but that is racist. I will turn a blind eye on that.

I do not see any relevance in your argument. You only posts links to what you wrote and HIV is not the only std. There is Syphilis, AIDS(Though it is caused by HIV), Herpes do I need to say more?

Type Syphilis on the rise in China.
5 years?

Not much....a bit of happenings in systems... more interface of TV, internet, phones, etc.

Most other science plugs along without a lot of fanfare.

Longer term....definitely more emphasis in bio-engineering...especially led by China and India.
I suppose the OP might have meant to ask: “What is going to be the next big thing in genetic engineering in the next five years?” That’s a different question to the one that was actually asked.

It’s hard to know what will come within the next five years. On the whole-organism level there will be the continued creation of modified organisms, such as fish in aquaculture (see above link) and crops.

On the cellular level there will be continued efforts to realise the dream of gene therapy and therapeutic cloning for treating degenerative diseases. In a way this can be considered genetic engineering of humans (at a somatic level). Correcting inherited genetic defects is a Holy Grail of medicine that has so far remained unachieved except for some very specific circumstances/examples.
ahh the confucianism golden rule!! its true China is taking over!

maybe they will geneticall engineer rice to taste better... or "Chineese" chicken to actually fill you up...
A major thrust in technological development is the whole energy spectrum. Research is already building up, and this will continue. New ways to generate electricity without carbon emissions. Biofuels. Electric cars. Synthetic fuel. New energy efficient appliances. etc.
EBay plans to move to China (and from the quote below, obviously hopes to merge with the "Chinese EBay," Alibaba).

"... Alibaba dominates the Chinese domestic market,” Donahoe {CEO of EBay} said in the interview. “We are the leading cross-border global e-commerce and payments network. I don’t view Alibaba as a competitor. I view them as a colleague and a potential partner.”

Donahoe is in Hangzhou, headquarters of Alibaba, to speak at Alibaba’s annual Netrepreneur Summit. Donahoe said he met with Ma {owner of Alibaba} last night and the two appeared on stage at the summit, seated in armchairs, joking with each other. Ma turns 46 today and Donahoe wished him a happy birthday. ..."

Billy T comment: EBay's Donahoe can see where the future is. China already has more Internet users than there are Americans. Unlike Americans, their salaries are increasing about 15% / year in real purchasing power. Chinese love to haggle / bargain over price as much as Arabs do. EBay should appeal to them. EBay seems to be giving up on the declining US market:

" ...“Over time, we will look for opportunities to partner or joint venture or work together with Chinese companies,” Donahoe, 50, said in an interview today in Hangzhou, China. “We’ve, in essence, exited the domestic market.”..."

All quotes from: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-...ina-internet-market-chief-executive-says.html

Billy T comment:I am surprised by EBay's plans to exit the US only market as I would think they would be doing well as hard up Joe American looks for 2nd hand bargains. Perhaps I misunderstood the last quoted part in bold? What do you think?
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EBay plans to move to China (and from the quote below, obviously hopes to merge with the "Chinese EBay," Alibaba).

"... Alibaba dominates the Chinese domestic market,” Donahoe {CEO of EBay} said in the interview. “We are the leading cross-border global e-commerce and payments network. I don’t view Alibaba as a competitor. I view them as a colleague and a potential partner.”

Donahoe is in Hangzhou, headquarters of Alibaba, to speak at Alibaba’s annual Netrepreneur Summit. Donahoe said he met with Ma {owner of Alibaba} last night and the two appeared on stage at the summit, seated in armchairs, joking with each other. Ma turns 46 today and Donahoe wished him a happy birthday. ..."

Billy T comment: EBay's Donahoe can see where the future is. China already has more Internet users than there are Americans. Unlike Americans, their salaries are increasing about 15% / year in real purchasing power. Chinese love to haggle / bargain over price as much as Arabs do. EBay should appeal to them. EBay seems to be giving up on the declining US market:

" ...“Over time, we will look for opportunities to partner or joint venture or work together with Chinese companies,” Donahoe, 50, said in an interview today in Hangzhou, China. “We’ve, in essence, exited the domestic market.”..."

All quotes from: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-...ina-internet-market-chief-executive-says.html

Billy T comment:I am surprised by EBay's plans to exit the US only market as I would think they would be doing well as hard up Joe American looks for 2nd hand bargains. Perhaps I misunderstood the last quoted part in bold? What do you think?

Again not biology!