What is God?


Registered Senior Member
Walking through the fields one day,

I saw a church where people pray
I wondered why these people need
to pray for something you cannot see
and so I asked right there out loud
What is God? And where are you now?

And then at once a voice returned…….

Some call me God, Allah or Jehovah
I’ve heard all the names over and over
Mohammed, the Buddha and even the Father,
The Lord, the One and also the Master.
Call me whatever, I really don’t care.
I’ll love you regardless, I’ve plenty to spare.

Dear child, I am here with you
in this field where flowers bloom
the air you breathe is where I am
now breathe me out I’m there again
I love you truly, yes I do
and I judge you not, my yes it’s true.

The bird you see up in the sky
yep that’s me, I won’t deny
that rock you see down on the ground
that’s me alright, all curved and round
keep walking and I’ll show you more
you’ve asked me, so I’ll tell you all.

You see the sun that shines so bright
that’s me you know, I am the light
the grass that grows beneath your feet
that’s also me, all nice and neat
and don’t forget that wondrous tree
the shade it gives all comes from me.

The clouds that form above your head
to warn you that there’s rain ahead
and when the rain falls from the sky
each drop is me, I tell no lies.
So yes child, it is me, no other
but quickly now, go find some cover.

The mountain ranges far and wide
in which you view with awe and pride.
The lakes and streams with water flowing
there’s more to see so keep on going.

The stars, the moon, the dark of night
that’s also me for your delight
and whilst you sleep and dream of things
I show you what your future brings
and when you awaken for the day
my light shines bright to show the way.

Out there beyond the deep blue sea
I’m everywhere the eye can see
the sand you feel between your toes
that’s me you feel, I say it so
I am man and woman and child as well
these things and more, if you listen, I’ll tell.

The desert plains so dry and hot
What’s that you say? ‘that’s all I’ve got’
Oh no child, you are misinformed
let’s see what else I’ve got in store………

All the creatures big and small
the ant so wee and giraffe so tall
the animals that live in trees
or in the ground or in the seas
it’s God that you have asked to seek
come closer now, come take a peek.

The Earth, the Sun, the Planets too
The truth is here, from me they grew
The Universe so wide and grand
It’s all of me, do you understand?
So now I’ve shown you what is me
Just ask yourself….., do you believe?

However if you don’t believe
that all of this is truly me
if I can ask you anything
just do for me this one small thing
go to your room and you will see
there in the mirror, yes ……….that’s me.

------ Nathan Gardiner
Hevene said:
Walking through the fields one day,

I saw a church where people pray
I wondered why these people need
to pray for something you cannot see
and so I asked right there out loud
What is God? And where are you now?

And then at once a voice returned…….
Some call me God, Allah or Jehovah
I’ve heard all the names over and over
Mohammed, the Buddha and even the Father,
The Lord, the One and also the Master.
Call me whatever, I really don’t care.
I’ll love you regardless, I’ve plenty to spare.

Dear child, I am here with you
in this field where flowers bloom
the air you breathe is where I am
now breathe me out I’m there again
I love you truly, yes I do
and I judge you not, my yes it’s true.

The bird you see up in the sky
yep that’s me, I won’t deny
that rock you see down on the ground
that’s me alright, all curved and round
keep walking and I’ll show you more
you’ve asked me, so I’ll tell you all.

You see the sun that shines so bright
that’s me you know, I am the light
the grass that grows beneath your feet
that’s also me, all nice and neat
and don’t forget that wondrous tree
the shade it gives all comes from me.

The clouds that form above your head
to warn you that there’s rain ahead
and when the rain falls from the sky
each drop is me, I tell no lies.
So yes child, it is me, no other
but quickly now, go find some cover.

The mountain ranges far and wide
in which you view with awe and pride.
The lakes and streams with water flowing
there’s more to see so keep on going.

The stars, the moon, the dark of night
that’s also me for your delight
and whilst you sleep and dream of things
I show you what your future brings
and when you awaken for the day
my light shines bright to show the way.

Out there beyond the deep blue sea
I’m everywhere the eye can see
the sand you feel between your toes
that’s me you feel, I say it so
I am man and woman and child as well
these things and more, if you listen, I’ll tell.

The desert plains so dry and hot
What’s that you say? ‘that’s all I’ve got’
Oh no child, you are misinformed
let’s see what else I’ve got in store………

All the creatures big and small
the ant so wee and giraffe so tall
the animals that live in trees
or in the ground or in the seas
it’s God that you have asked to seek
come closer now, come take a peek.

The Earth, the Sun, the Planets too
The truth is here, from me they grew
The Universe so wide and grand
It’s all of me, do you understand?
So now I’ve shown you what is me
Just ask yourself….., do you believe?

However if you don’t believe
that all of this is truly me
if I can ask you anything
just do for me this one small thing
go to your room and you will see
there in the mirror, yes ……….that’s me.

------ Nathan Gardiner
M*W: :cool: Super poem! :cool:
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: :cool: Super poem! :cool:

In africa as well,
The famine swollen stomach
of the sick fly infested dying child that's me
as well

Yes and more How about auswich
treblinka and dachau where millions were
cooked in ovens by loving images of myself
in black uniforms. That's me as well.

My piece de resistance was Noahs flood
Imagine millions of me trying to breathe
their last. Wild eyed and trembling millions
of me gasping for that last lung full of air.
Greco said:
In africa as well,
The famine swollen stomach
of the sick fly infested dying child that's me
as well

Yes and more How about auswich
treblinka and dachau where millions were
cooked in ovens by loving images of myself
in black uniforms. That's me as well.

My piece de resistance was Noahs flood
Imagine millions of me trying to breathe
their last. Wild eyed and trembling millions
of me gasping for that last lung full of air.

To your soul, retreat,
You'll never be complete,
You live a lie,
But your soul still won't die.

And you'll cry out,
Because its God you doubt.
You reek in pain,
But your soul remains.

What good is death
When you take your last breath?
Your soul knows the way
Beyond genetic decay.

Shed your Earthsuit
And you won't grieve,
Because you know that your soul
Will never leave.

That's when you'll know
That life is quite odd,
All the while your Soul
Was simply God.
Medicine Woman said:

To your soul, retreat,
You'll never be complete,
You live a lie,
But your soul still won't die.

And you'll cry out,
Because its God you doubt.
You reek in pain,
But your soul remains.

What good is death
When you take your last breath?
Your soul knows the way
Beyond genetic decay.

Shed your Earthsuit
And you won't grieve,
Because you know that your soul
Will never leave.

That's when you'll know
That life is quite odd,
All the while your Soul
Was simply God.

:D Good one.
In the begining was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God.....
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us......John 1:1-14
I agree with this to a certain extent.
In the beginning was the Thought, then came the Word, the Thought and the Word was with God, the Thought and the Word was God. And the Thought and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
i liked all the poems, but i think that Greco makes an important subtle point. The first poem focused on all the wonderous things about the world, but that is not the only thing here, we do have famine, we do have disease, we did have the holocaust. If god is all, he is those also.
I agree with this to a certain extent.
In the beginning was the Thought, then came the Word, the Thought and the Word was with God, the Thought and the Word was God. And the Thought and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
Yes, very accurate...
I was quoting scripture, which is true - but to be more to the point and reveal on a deeper level what's lies there in the scriptures, there was a thought first.
We existed as thoughts in the mind of God before the foundation of the world, attributes of Himself yet to be expressed.
There's the answer to Job's question, given to Him of God;

Job 38:3 - Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me. 4 Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. 5 Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? 6 Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; 7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
If there is such a thing as God then why is it everyone doesn't either believe in it or practice other rituals that don't have a God involved with them and their cults or religions? If you say God is so great and powerful why is it over half of the world don't think it even exists at all? Seems if God was around it would make believers out of those who don't believe.
cosmictraveler said:
If there is such a thing as God then why is it everyone doesn't either believe in it or practice other rituals that don't have a God involved with them and their cults or religions? If you say God is so great and powerful why is it over half of the world don't think it even exists at all? Seems if God was around it would make believers out of those who don't believe.
M*W: People are looking for God in all the wrong places, and they won't find God there. God does not reside in a temple, synogogue, church, cathedral, Fellowship Hall, Kingdom Hall, Parish Hall, Northex, Buddhist Temple, Angkor Wat. God lives in all of creation but it can be seen in humanity. People just don't want to look there! They have this totally wrong idea that they are sinful and apart from God. Until people realize that God dwells within, they will continue to be led astray by their false religions.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: People are looking for God in all the wrong places, and they won't find God there. God does not reside in a temple, synogogue, church, cathedral, Fellowship Hall, Kingdom Hall, Parish Hall, Northex, Buddhist Temple, Angkor Wat. God lives in all of creation but it can be seen in humanity. People just don't want to look there! They have this totally wrong idea that they are sinful and apart from God. Until people realize that God dwells within, they will continue to be led astray by their false religions.

...Or perhaps they are not looking at all.
The idea of a god is completely independent to my life. There is never a reason for me to consider the preposterous idea of a being that has power over everything. Sure, science fiction and fantasy may purport such an idea, but I do not consider it real. It never comes to mind, or needs to.

And you are right, your gods dwell within. Within your minds. Basic philosophy and psychology. What is real is in your mind. The only problem with the idea of a god is the lack of verification and lack of complete third party perspective. You can ask a fellow follower of a religion what he thinks of the supernatural activity in the universe and he will tell you God is all or something to that effect. Ask someone not following anyone or anything and he will tell you, there is no supernatural being controlling the universe. I use these terms generally, respond to them as such. Note that I did not mention whether or not the judeo-christian idea of god controls or watches. That isn't the point of this. The point is - your gods are real because you think they are real. Others do not think your gods are real because they don't need that false comfort and reassurance. That is why it is called belief and faith. People can have different ideas and still think they are the right ones. I accept the possibility that I may be wrong - if the rules of logic and science and everything humans have worked to understand for the past 2 or 3 thousand years are wrong, and there is/are god(s) controlling the universe, but I have absolutely no reason to think so. My life is better without it. I am happier not pretending to agree with elders about blatantly fucked writings and ancient ideas that no longer function well in our society. I am happier not living in a realm where whatever I don't understand I immediately attribute to "god's will" or god's doing and completely disregarding all evidence to the contrary of my inherently flawed beliefs. I used to accept what my elders told me. When I began to think for myself, I realized that nothing would happen to me if I didn't attend services. And I realized that there is no spiritual connection with anything. Through the rules of empiricism and simple logic, I realized that most supernatural, paranormal claims made by the religions and people claiming to be in that religion are purely myths. Myths just like those in the Odyssey. I would sooner believe in the Odyssey than the old or new testaments because it has better stories. That is all. Divine intervention and all that... is pure drivol. Completely made up in order to further certain people's hold over others. Control to a single leader and to maintain a rule of monarchy over all. Much like we are not in a democracy here in America, it is a republic with a dictator in the place of a leader.

Well, that was fun. I am tired. Goodnight. (I am not going to pray... because it doesn't do anything. I was Jewish. Jesus was Jewish. So what? When followers form a group following some guy's teachings, it is called a cult.)
Ellimist said:
...Or perhaps they are not looking at all.
M*W: Thank you for your insightful post.
Ellimist: The idea of a god is completely independent to my life.
There is never a reason for me to consider the preposterous idea of a being that has power over everything. Sure, science fiction and fantasy may purport such an idea, but I do not consider it real. It never comes to mind, or needs to.
M*W: I understand your complete independence from god in your life.
Ellimist: And you are right, your gods dwell within. Within your minds. Basic philosophy and psychology. What is real is in your mind. The only problem with the idea of a god is the lack of verification and lack of complete third party perspective. You can ask a fellow follower of a religion what he thinks of the supernatural activity in the universe and he will tell you God is all or something to that effect. Ask someone not following anyone or anything and he will tell you, there is no supernatural being controlling the universe. I use these terms generally, respond to them as such.
M*W: First, let me say that I believe there is only One god that dwells within all creation. I also understand the concept of the DMT molecule causing religious hallucinations. I don't believe in some supernatural being who controls the universe. The god I believe in is not supernatural, but a natural force (a positive force) in all creation, and it doesn't go by the name "God."
Ellimist: Note that I did not mention whether or not the judeo-christian idea of god controls or watches.
M&W: First, let me comment on the "judeo-christian" name. According to Jews, there is no such category. The two are not compatible. One is either Jewish or Christian, but not both.
Ellimist: That isn't the point of this. The point is - your gods are real because you think they are real. Others do not think your gods are real because they don't need that false comfort and reassurance. That is why it is called belief and faith. People can have different ideas and still think they are the right ones. I accept the possibility that I may be wrong - if the rules of logic and science and everything humans have worked to understand for the past 2 or 3 thousand years are wrong, and there is/are god(s) controlling the universe, but I have absolutely no reason to think so. My life is better without it. I am happier not pretending to agree with elders about blatantly fucked writings and ancient ideas that no longer function well in our society. I am happier not living in a realm where whatever I don't understand I immediately attribute to "god's will" or god's doing and completely disregarding all evidence to the contrary of my inherently flawed beliefs.
M*W: I don't believe in "gods." At least this is what my mind understands. There is no "god controlling the universe." Never has been! And I will also agree with you that the NT is "blatantly fucked writings." Perhaps you are on the right track in not believing the lies. I guess it's truly better to believe in nothing than to believe in lies. The way I see it, "God's will" is your will. God 'r' Us. We are both human and divine. We don't just represent God on Earth, we ARE god on Earth.
Ellimist: I used to accept what my elders told me. When I began to think for myself, I realized that nothing would happen to me if I didn't attend services. And I realized that there is no spiritual connection with anything. Through the rules of empiricism and simple logic, I realized that most supernatural, paranormal claims made by the religions and people claiming to be in that religion are purely myths. Myths just like those in the Odyssey. I would sooner believe in the Odyssey than the old or new testaments because it has better stories. That is all. Divine intervention and all that...is pure drivol. Completely made up in order to further certain people's hold over others. Control to a single leader and to maintain a rule of monarchy over all. Much like we are not in a democracy here in America, it is a republic with a dictator in the place of a leader.
M*W: I agree with you here also. I didn't accept what my elders told me either. There is no supernatural god controlling us. Religions should be banished, because they only deliver lies to control the masses.
Ellimist: Well, that was fun. I am tired. Goodnight. (I am not going to pray... because it doesn't do anything. I was Jewish. Jesus was Jewish. So what? When followers form a group following some guy's teachings, it is called a cult.)
M*W: That's why its better to believe what we will but not to organize, because you're right, forming a group will just flare the egos. I'm happy to stand alone in my beliefs, but I know I'm not alone!

You are awesome, seriously.

Sorry if there was a misunderstanding, I did not mean to imply you had multiple gods, I just use that term to denote all religions in a general sense in my rants...

So, do you consider yourself "spiritual" as opposed to religious...?