What is God Module in brain? (in English please)


Valued Senior Member
Guys in English,

what is God module in brain ... well ok may be a little technical (i know basic genetics and biology )

You mean the "God gene," as described by that guy in that book which was discussed in a Time magazine four years ago? It's a few genes that make people predisposed towards religion (beliefs, rituals, "the experience of the divine," spirituality, etc).
Actually i heard that there is a god module in a section of temporal lobe that makes us think all spiritual thoughts etc. is there any evidence of this ?

Just wondering if someone had heard of it ...

Actually i heard that there is a god module in a section of temporal lobe that makes us think all spiritual thoughts etc. is there any evidence of this ?

Just wondering if someone had heard of it ...


Yeah I remember that too...from a medical lecture once I attended.
It's not a "god module," it's an area of the brain which shows a lot of activity when a person is "having an experience of the divine;" the same area of the brain is used at other times during experiences that are not associated with religion.

From the TIME article I mentioned earlier:

"Other researchers have taken the science in a different direction, looking not for the genes that code for spirituality but for how that spirituality plays out in the brain. Neuroscientist Andrew Newberg of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine has used several types of imaging systems to watch the brains of subjects as they meditate or pray. By measuring blood flow, he determines which regions are responsible for the feelings the volunteers experience. The deeper that people descend into meditation or prayer, Newberg found, the more active the frontal lobe and the limbic system become.

"The frontal lobe is the seat of concentration and attention; the limbic system is where powerful feelings, including rapture, are processed. More revealing is the fact that at the same time these regions flash to life, another important region—the parietal lobe at the back of the brain—goes dim. It's this lobe that orients the individual in time and space. Take it off-line, and the boundaries of the self fall away, creating the feeling of being at one with the universe. Combine that with what's going on in the other two lobes, and you can put together a profound religious experience."

I think he's talking about the pineal gland, which produces DMT, the "spirit molecule". Strong doses of DMT create transcendent experiences, especially in near death situations.