What is god expectation for humans?

maybe we should ask "What does God expect of himself"?

The God I know expects little but demands heaps.

The God I know is aware of humanities plight and is currently doing something about it.

The God I know expects a bright future for humanity and himself.

But this is only the God I know.

What about yours?
Apparently to "be nice to eachother".
Pretty lame, waste of a universe if you ask me.
At least moses wants something usefull, that something being macaroni pictures:D
I'd imagine that the God of religion would expect exactly what he's getting.

What would he want?

I'd imagine that he'd want to dramatically decrease the rate of those souls entering hell, while at the same time enforcing his personal belief that virtually everything should be a sin, and avoidance of hell should be an outrageously gay and unfair challenge.
Assuming your speaking of...

The Christian god;

Well this god, should not have any expectations, he is supposedly Omnipotent, so he knows exactly what is to be of humans.

If you speak of Allah, his expectations would be that Muslims unite the world, and only one religion would exist. His!!

Yin, I watched a very entertaining movie today. "BRUCE ALL MIGHTY" With Jim Carey. This is a hellarious funny movie, though it has a point. The point been that love will triumph. What else is god good for other than good entertainment?. I enjoyed the movie. If you get a chance, check it out.
Love is good.
But as a moral level standard, the expectation is too high to be realistic.
I don't thing god is controlling human through a rod or thread on our hands, otherwise he will not allow free will of whatever kind. In the rod case, human being will never learn to achieve anything.
I think god have positive goal for his expectation in term of system consideration and may intervene on vital moment, but not in individual case, it is just impossible unless we were all part of computor game.
As to the allah case, he has a too strong possessive feeling which is unhealthy because the rationality is stifled and not in a balancing position with desires.
The culture evolution of both beliefs has proven that which one gives a more fruitful life.