What is death?


Searching for Truth
Valued Senior Member
Kind of a weird question maybe, but I'm quite interested in how you guys would define death- feel free to use science- maybe physiology- or philosophy- whatever it takes for you to capture the concept of death. We know a lot about molecular biology and physiology and other related fields of science and then there is the philosophy on the subject- So with all that we know so far.....

Question: What is death?

Peace be upon you ;)
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It depends how do you look at it: Some religious people accept it as a step towards judgement day, or reunification with their creator.

Non-religious people see it differently. One way of seeing it could be that "a natural process which can be delayed".

Yet I can see those religious people who will do everything to live longer if opportunities were there. They will line up to receive latest scientific solution to delay death, and they will also say "our god told us to protect our bodies, it's our duty". Some other religious people would consider these attempts as challenging to god's will, just as they are doing today against abortion or stem cell issues. Again, they will line up to get the latest human invention too. These lot will probably claim that "we are trying to stay alive longer in order to carry out god's message and fight against infidels bit longer".

Assumptions, assumptions. I can not imagine a thousand years old muslim who is still talking about god's miracles, heaven and earth, yet being taken seriously at the same time.

Death is a challenge for us, like other creatures. We take it more seriously in our own ways.
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