What is Christianity's Weakest Link


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Is there a particular part of Christianity that in your opinion brings it down, makes it worthless or even laughing stock?

Many in North America are exposed to it on a daily basis but for some of us the whole religion is poppycock. A Bible full of contradictions, a God that sacrifices His own son(sort of), plus several events and personages that do more than raise an eyebrow.

Even a believer may have an opinion on where the religion is weakest. Surely atheists have their own ideas.
in the words of one prominent bishop, the only problem with christianity is that its not practiced properly
thats the problem with religion in general - the higher the values, the less likely people will be able to adhere to it
in the words of one prominent bishop, the only problem with christianity is that its not practiced properly
thats the problem with religion in general - the higher the values, the less likely people will be able to adhere to it

Who sets those values LG? Are they set by the various hierarchy or is it a matter of personal interpretation of scripture? Not trying to be smart, just looking for answers.
Who sets those values LG? Are they set by the various hierarchy or is it a matter of personal interpretation of scripture? Not trying to be smart, just looking for answers.
the values are part of the system of discipline (seven deadly sins, ten commandments etc)
the value of hierarchy is something like the value of maintaining a road. If a road is too poorly maintained you can easily end up going somewhere else if you try to follow it.
that letting himself get crucified was an act of love.
and a good role modeling.
we are still cleaning up that mess.
What is Christianity's Weakest Link
The story of A&E, without them causing original sin, which they could not have possibly done, the story is so full of holes it could get used as a sponge, all that came after was pointless.
For me the most confusing part is how a Jesus grumbling on his way to the crucifix [for sedition] became a saviour who died for everyone's sins.
S.A.M, Muslims believe in Jesus. The only difference is that they think the wrong person was crucified. IOWs, Jesus fooled them.
The way that we are meant to love God when evidently he does not love us (if he/she/it exists).
The weakest part of Christianity is the same as any religion - the absence of evidence that might show that the claims have any truth.
The weakest part of Christianity is the same as any religion - the absence of evidence that might show that the claims have any truth.

That is the weakest link in many things. There is no real evidence to confirm evolution. And that is the truth. As a matter of fact evolution has major problems when you get right down to it from the beginning. These are things that cannot be explained and no can answer. So then why should i believe in evolution?
I have one for you guys.

Where did blood come from? Sounds like a stupid question, on the surface. But think about it and give me the answer.

And remember - you asked for this.
Let me guide this along. There is no blood in bacteria, you say 'bacteria mutates', i say 'so what'. When did blood appear?
That is the weakest link in many things. There is no real evidence to confirm evolution. And that is the truth. As a matter of fact evolution has major problems when you get right down to it from the beginning. These are things that cannot be explained and no can answer. So then why should i believe in evolution?

So why not give us a few examples of where evolutionary theory falls down rather than make sweeping generalisations.

You say there is no real evidence to confirm evolution. You are wrong.
Beleieve me Myles, i have no religious motivations and i can understand the questions people have. It is a personal choice but i have no interest in religious .vs non-religious.

So why not give us a few examples of where evolutionary theory falls down rather than make sweeping generalisations.

You say there is no real evidence to confirm evolution. You are wrong.

I did not make a sweeping generalization. I asked specifically about blood but you will want to talk about the easy stuff. Even then you need a certain amount of faith to ascribe to simple life forms evolving into extremely complex lifeforms. The thing is that people see bacteria and how powerful they are and assume too many things. And i think that is where the problem is.

I asked about blood but we take it for granted, this fluid that allows organisms to rise to another level.

It is just the same and i would be rehashing all my previous posts regarding this issue. I asked questions and no one can answer my questions.
Is there a particular part of Christianity that in your opinion brings it down, makes it worthless or even laughing stock?
Well, in general the "weakest link" is that there isn't really any evidence that any of it is true. Other than a 2000+ year old book that also has stories of talking plants and animals, people surviving in the stomachs of whales, and people magically conjuring things out of thin air.

If you want to talk about specific problems rather than the general lack of evidence that any of it is true, there's the fact that several places in the NT bluntly say that Jesus' second coming will occur some time fairly shortly after his death - within a generation, at least. Since it hasn't happened yet, it appears that the bible is at best impossible to be taken literally. If you took it literally, Jesus would be back by now. Since he hasn’t come back, the bible is either non-literal or wrong.