What is an "intellectually dishonest atheist?"


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: What are the differences between "intellectually dishonest atheists" and "intellectually honest theists?" And, how do they compare with each other? What makes one 'honest' and the other one 'dishonest'?

I believe that it would be impossible to be an "intellectually dishonest atheist." If one doesn't believe in something, how can they be considered as dishonest? By the same token, if someone believes in something, how can they be intellectually honest if they cannot prove it or at least discuss it if proof is impossible? And, why does it matter?
No one believes in anything until its antithesis is realized. I guess its the inability to change ones belief after evidence to the contrary that is dishonest...interesting topic.
What are you saying here? That being an atheist automatically makes you an honest individual?

M*W: Atheism is without premises. It doesn't have symbolism or analogy. Atheism is. Atheism doesn't believe in supernatural gods. It doesn't pretend to worship any gods. Atheism is not a faith... it is a belief that doesn't have worship for man-made gods. Atheism represents the truth whereas christianity represents the lie. There is no god. No god to be found. No god who exists. No god who saves. No god who can lead a human to truth. There is no god@
What are you saying here? That being an atheist automatically makes you an honest individual?

M*W: No, but atheism does follow science and truth. Only christians believe in myths and demigod savior stories.
What are you saying here? That being an atheist automatically makes you an honest individual?

M*W: Atheists are honest people. They don't pretend to worship idols. They don't worship anything. They have no faith. Unlike christians who believe in dying demigod saviors, atheists just don't believe. There is nothing to believe. Atheists rely on science to explain things they don't understand. There is no god. There is no savior. There is no salvation.
M*W: No, but atheism does follow science and truth. Only christians believe in myths and demigod savior stories.

Atheism follows nothing, just the notion that there is no god(s). I've seen plenty of gothic kids who brag about being atheist like it means anything. They're no more founded in truth and science in their beliefs than the people standing on the corner who brag about being christians. Simply being an atheist doesn't make you honest or intelligent or in any other way superior to people who believe in god(s). It just allows you to laugh at their imginary friends.
Simply being an atheist doesn't make you honest or intelligent or in any other way superior to people who believe in god(s). It just allows you to laugh at their imginary friends.

I don't think she meant it as a "superiority complex" to be atheist.

You are correct, bieng an atheist does not make an honest person out of you, in many other regards, but at least the individual is being honest withhimself/hreself, in accepting reality as it is, not as a mythical existence.

Honesty though, is something of a moral stance. One can be Christian, Catholic, Muslim, and others may think that person is honest, and in many regards that person may be. However phylosophically, how can that person be honest withhimself? when he/she accepts a truth with no evidence, only to have "faith" in what others have informed him of being truth, from acient manuscripts, how can one judge themselves honest but yet believe in dishonest fairy tales? Theist don't seek for truth of reality, they already got the answers, they believe without question theier regional religions. All others be damned, or consider them "infedels" outsiders of the group, hive, regional collective.

Is this being honest? when people don't question their beliefs, when they accept literally ancient documents as truth, when killing, and murdering in the name of their god? Is this honesty to you?
M*W: What are the differences between "intellectually dishonest atheists" and "intellectually honest theists?" And, how do they compare with each other? What makes one 'honest' and the other one 'dishonest'?

I believe that it would be impossible to be an "intellectually dishonest atheist." If one doesn't believe in something, how can they be considered as dishonest? By the same token, if someone believes in something, how can they be intellectually honest if they cannot prove it or at least discuss it if proof is impossible? And, why does it matter?

definition from wikipedia:
Intellectual dishonesty is the advocacy of a position known to be false.
I would say that it is, according to that definition, perfectly possible to be intellectually dishonest as either a atheist or theist. nearly all theists, and some atheists claim that they know there is, or know there isn't a god. thus, to claim knowledge that one does not (and cannot) have would qualify as intellectually dishonest. since we do not know whether or not there is a god, we can't say if atheism or theism is, intrinsically, intellectually dishonest, but any claim by a theist or atheist that they know they are correct, would then qualify.

my two cents =]
M*W: You are speaking in riddles, and you make no sense. If you have something to say, say it! Speaking in riddles shows you are delusional.
Well that makes two of us then, madame.

But I suspect I understand the source of your utterances, even though I may not get the utterances themselves.

Just don't take out your animosity on the poor IAC...

International Astronautical Congress... ? Hmmmm... :rolleyes:

I really need to get serious here...