What is an "adult" ?


Valued Senior Member
The law here states that 18 is the age of coming, and the age of the adult. However, most teenagers are already capable, and often have their first jobs and financial independence by 17. (I don't, but others do).

What exactly defines an adult ?
and then should the legal definition of an adult be raised ?
The law here states that 18 is the age of coming, and the age of the adult. However, most teenagers are already capable, and often have their first jobs and financial independence by 17.

Teenagers are far, far from being "capable" as adults!

What exactly defines an adult?

Mostly it's being responsible for ones own actions. And most teens, and even some in their early twenties, simple aren't responsible enough to be deemed "adults".

Personally, I think experience plays a major role in the "ideal" of adulthood. I know that when I was a kid, I thought I knew every-freakin'-thing ...but now that I'm an old fart, I realize how little I actually know even now!

Baron Max
1 : fully developed and mature : grown-up

Adulthood can be defined in terms of biology, psychological adult development, law, personal character, or social status. These different aspects of adulthood are often inconsistent and contradictory. A person may be biologically an adult, and have adult behavioral characteristics but still be treated as a child if they are under the legal age of majority. Conversely one may legally be an adult but possess none of the maturity and responsibility that define adult character.

Coming of age is the event; passing a series of tests to demonstrate the child is prepared for adulthood; or reaching a specified age, sometimes in conjunction with demonstrating preparation. Most modern societies determine legal adulthood based on reaching a legally-specified age without requiring a demonstration of physical maturity or preparation for adulthood.

Adult, especially in the sense of entertainment or other diversion, frequently appears as a euphemism for being related to sexual behaviour. Adult toys and adult games—which terms refer to games and toys that are closely related to sex, do not generally refer only to games or toys with which children are simply incompatible—are in this category, for example. This usage does indicate unsuitability for children, but the more immediate meaning is closer to "not legal for children." Adult education, however, does simply mean education for adults, especially for those past the usual age for either high school or university.

Some propose that moving into adulthood involves an emotional structuring of denial. This process becomes necessary to cope with one's own behavior, especially in uncomfortable situations, and also the behavior of others.

Some teenagers are very capable, but that there is more to being an adult than just that. I was a very responsible teenager, but I was/(still am) very naive. So I guess that makes a bit of difference. I don't know. Legally I'm an adult, but I don't feel like a very good one most of the time.
Hard to draw a line. Some teenagers are very sensible, forward thinking and responsible, some adults are idiots. Emotional maturity also has something to do with it...again, some teens, like Challenger, display plenty of that, and some adults still deal with their problems by lashing out at others.

Legally I'm an adult, but I don't feel like a very good one most of the time.

Same here. I'm more restrained when making decisions, more likely to think before doing something stupid, but I'm as volatile and instinctive when responding to emotional situations as I ever was, and as likely to do extremely reckless things when high on adrenaline.
Some teenagers are very capable, but that there is more to being an adult than just that. I was a very responsible teenager, but I was/(still am) very naive. So I guess that makes a bit of difference. I don't know. Legally I'm an adult, but I don't feel like a very good one most of the time.

Marie, I think that statement is pretty damned indicative of you maturing into a reasonable, responsible adult. Knowing that you don't know it all, and as importantly, admitting it, is a sure sign of maturity.

Baron Max
Naivety, is subjective, I think becoming closer to an adult is when you start separating your naivety from your idealism, as well as questioning your own beliefs, instead of others.

As for emotion, Adults should be able to reign their emotions, and not act on impulse.
(still gotta work on that).

Legally however, I think that the definition of an adult is blurred. you can have sex at 16, but can't drive, or do anything really serious. (Paintball too :mad:).
If you can't give a definition of adult, then you are not one. :)
Very few people of any age take responsibility for their own actions. 90% of people I have trouble calling adults. Most don't learn much good from experience. Most "adults" are not sensible or forward looking. Most talk & act like idiots. Most deal with their problems by taking it out on others in some manner or other. Admitting 1 doesn't know it all is a sign of maturity, not a sure sign. Some say that then demonstrate otherwise. Most people do very little or no questioning of their own beliefs.

you can add 2 more to your list, medical independence occures at 16, sexual independence in victoria MOSTLY occures at 16 (by mostly its limited in the case of situations where the person has a degree of control over you like a foster parent or a teacher untill 18)
Very few people of any age take responsibility for their own actions. 90% of people I have trouble calling adults. Most don't learn much good from experience. Most "adults" are not sensible or forward looking. Most talk & act like idiots. Most deal with their problems by taking it out on others in some manner or other. Admitting 1 doesn't know it all is a sign of maturity, not a sure sign. Some say that then demonstrate otherwise. Most people do very little or no questioning of their own beliefs.

You can add, most people are too concerned about the way others view them, rather than being honest to themselves, and thus tend to suspend all critical thinking.
You can add, most people are too concerned about the way others view them, rather than being honest to themselves, and thus tend to suspend all critical thinking.

Most people well into adulthood still lack this.
Most people well into adulthood still lack this.

Then is it really a definition of an adult ? Or are we really confusing the definition of an adult with someone who in most peoples minds, should be the ideal person ?

What if an Adult, is not someone who is perfect and honest and critically thinking, but rather someone, who doesn't have the time to think about such things?

Are we confusing adulthood with maturity here ?.
You can add, most people are too concerned about the way others view them, rather than being honest to themselves, and thus tend to suspend all critical thinking.

I've only met old people like over 65 not caring too much what others think about them. Like my grandmother and some of the professors that I've had. Where they actually said "I'm not out to impress anyone people can think whatever they want... Its truly inspiring to hear, but I know I am eons away from attaining that state of mind.
Technically, puberty seems a more accurate measure of an "adult," than a more arbitrary age say like age 18. The ability to bear children, marks adulthood. We sort of forget that, as "teenagers" is a rather recent "invention," historically.

Also, but of course, mental maturity and ability to make responsible decisions on one's own, and hold a job, also relate.

Therefore, "adulthood" likely does not come at the same exact age, for everybody. And then maybe some people just never seem to quite grow up, while others are acting already almost like responsible adults, at close to puberty.