What is a metaphysical quasar?

That's what I don't know. I'm looking to find out what quasar has to do with anything metaphysical. Why would the word be associated with it at all? I'd appreciate your giving me any info that you have. Thanks!
quasar is an obsolete word in astronomy, its what they used to call some funny looking nebulos objects in space that they could tell werent stars but before they had telescopes powerful to see that they were other galaxies.
and on that note i wouldnt be surprised if a branch of science had a word for something that confused them that was then co-opted by some new age phenominon
Noun: Quasar

A star like object that may send out radio waves and other forms of energy; large red shifts imply enormous recession velocities

It is like a dead star floating through space usually emitting huge amount of RF energy out of the entire body or two ends.

In short it is not obsolete but a legitimate phenomenon.

As a side note, they are not anything special, they are moderately sized (but because of their high RF output appear big on RF telescopes). They are just hunks of radioactive post fission-fusion rock that act like powerful radio stations.