What is a halo?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: What is a halo? What is it made of? I know it's a christian symbol for holiness and sainthood, but it is absent in quite a few of da Vinci's paintings like The Last Supper. Does the halo represent one's aura? Is it a reflection of the sun or godliness? Why do you suppose da Vinci purposefully didn't include haloes in his studies?
What is a halo....?

On the night of January 24, 1950, an unusual photograph was taken during a speaking engagement in the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, Texas.
As the speaker stood at the podium, an apparent halo of fire appeared above his head.
A photograph of this phenomenon was produced, the only one of its film roll that developed an image.

George J. Lacy, an investigator of questioned documents, subjected the negative to testing [1] and declared at a news conference that, "To my knowledge, this is the first time in all the world's history that a supernatural being has been photographed and scientifically vindicated." The original of the photograph is in the archives of the Religious Department of the Smithsonian Institution.
maybe it's related to the snake eating its tail, symbolizing eternity, which are seen on some egyptian gods and pharaohs heads.
TheVisitor said:
The first time in all the world's history that a supernatural Being was ever photographed.