What is a contemporary christian?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I heard a conversation yesterday where one of the talkers stressed that he was "a contemporary christian." Thinking about what he said, in my mind I understood that being a "contemporary christian" had to be different than say a "regular old christian," but I didn't know for sure. I thought christians were pretty much the same for 2000 years or so. I thought that was one of their selling points. What does it mean when someone calls themselves a "contemporary christian?" How are they different from "regular old christians?" Do "contemporary christians" get more perks than "regular old christians?" What are they leaving out of their belief system, and why is "contemporary" better than "age-old?"

Thanks for your replies!

~ M*W
Isn't it just another name for born again, IE born into todays Christianity.
Aren't they just trying to change there label to make it sound intelligent.
comtemporary christian are one that are not nazi, not warrior, not persecutor, not all the fucking shit the regular old christians were
in other words there are nice people :p
who believe in jesus (at least)

you know, It is not possible to be a regular old christain without going to hell. :p

I am joking of course (I feel like I have to say that being afraid of being put in a category), there are of course good regular old christaian while there are bastard comtemporary christian

here good and evil are based on my personal judgement.
I believe it is another way to get the young to view their dogma with new styles and ways with words.
Actually there never had been any real consensus regarding Christianity.

What you need to do is read a few books... or even just go to Wikipedia and follow around from topic to topic for a couple of years until you actually might have some idea of Reality that corresponds to the Real World.

M*W: I heard a conversation yesterday where one of the talkers stressed that he was "a contemporary christian." Thinking about what he said, in my mind I understood that being a "contemporary christian" had to be different than say a "regular old christian," but I didn't know for sure. I thought christians were pretty much the same for 2000 years or so. I thought that was one of their selling points. What does it mean when someone calls themselves a "contemporary christian?" How are they different from "regular old christians?" Do "contemporary christians" get more perks than "regular old christians?" What are they leaving out of their belief system, and why is "contemporary" better than "age-old?"

Thanks for your replies!

~ M*W