what if...

Now that is a very interesting idea. The things people owe you, both good and bad.
However, as something to consider for hypothetical purposes, I find it a very interesting idea. What would you be getting upon death, if this was the way of things?
...And when it hurts when they mention my name, say you don't know me
...And if it helps hen they say I'm to blame, say you don't owe me

...But when you smile when they mention my name, don't ever know you
...And if you laugh when they say I'm to blame, don't ever owe you

:) :) :)
it would be as if you gained all of the things including what you had coming to you in a bad sense. so if you were a good person and had given much of your life, time, money, and cheese whiz then you will be rewarded with the same. if you were selfish and hoarded it all, then you would have nothing. even worse if you were a mean, disrepectful individual then you would be treated the same way.

now this is not to say that there cannot be a mixture of both. receiving good and bad.

and yes, you would receive your $5. it is something that someone owes you. now as to if it will be tangible at that time, one can only speculate.

a better example would be if someone stole your car then you would have a car.

my hypothesis does not include lost items.
and yes, you would receive your $5. it is something that someone owes you. now as to if it will be tangible at that time, one can only speculate.

I think hte real question isn't so much wheather the $5 will be tangible but wheather ill have anything to spend it on :D