What if?


Just BE!
Registered Senior Member
Everything you believe about religion is wrong?
God does not exist?
Jesus is mythological?
Heaven and hell are what you make of life?
Your sins are you being human?
What if:

Everything you believe about religion is wrong?

That would make a difference of there were an only true religion, and its god were jealous and whimsical.
Otherwise, the question is indeterminate when it comes to this life.

God does not exist?
Jesus is mythological?
Heaven and hell are what you make of life?

Makes no difference in effect as far as living this life is concerned. Believing in God, Jesus and an afterlife does not absolve anyone from striving to live this life as good as they can.

If believing in God, Jesus and an afterlife would absolve anyone from striving to live this life as good as they can, and the truth would be that God does not exist and Jesus is mythological -- then such a person has knowingly allowed to let his life be hell.

Your sins are you being human?

Again, that would make a difference of there were an only true religion, and its god were jealous and whimsical.
Otherwise, the question is indeterminate when it comes to this life.
Awake said:
Everything you believe about religion is wrong?

d)))yeah, i'll go with that. if it's patriarchal religion, sure

God does not exist?

d)))yes and no. for those he exists for he exists; that this belief can go deep, when one reads reports of Westerers NDEs for example.
i am interested in how belief affects experiences in what i am calling the Imaginal Realm. BUt does that men 'God' exists? hmmmm. what? you mean the patriarchal 'God' who lords it over women and 'matter'? on a fundamental level i dont think so. it is a fasle belief, but that dont mean you cant experience it If you believe it in Imagination......i explore about this, i have no definate answers. i just feel that underlying superficial belief is a Deeper song

Jesus is mythological?

d)))Yes i believe this. i dont believe he is an historical character. in fact even if he WAS, that idea runs counter to the whole MEANING of mythology which in its pagan mode is NOt to be meant historically, but atemporally. NOW. what it means fo you theindividual NOW in liveing dying life

Heaven and hell are what you make of life?

or how fortunate you are regarding being born well off, or how ruthless you are getting dosh, and how unlucky you are to have to live in utter hell, and have it imposed on you by a mean arsed system that has no humainity. whose philosophy is mechanistic and joyless
but i believe all of this inequality actually exists preciely beCAUSe we are denied exploring our Deepness.
YES we have inn rer hells. i could how you this actually. i would give you an hallucinogenc and arrange a set and setting which would induce you to experience hell. in your visions you'd experience all the possible hells on earth VERy directly, and more. so what i am saying is is that denying us emotional exploration actually incites us to create actual hells on earth, and impose it on others--including other specieis- with no regard for their suffering. totally callous and indifferent

Your sins are you being human?

Well that is the indoctrination of 'original sin', which i hate. it guilts you right from the start. it is a strategy to divide you from yourself so as to rule you
itopal said:
Is this wrong?

Religion exists "in mind" as a defense mechanism against religious[-like] experience.

It is same as Jung is quoted as saying :
"Religion is a defense against religious experience".....and no, i dont think it is wrong.

the next thing is how would you define religious experience?
§outh§tar said:
Since all Gods are, by human nature, anthropomorphized, he has a point.

It is the very understanding that we cannot but anthromorphize that leads us to actively avoid anthropomorphic reductionism when defining God!