What if...


Registered Senior Member
Lets say someone found some 100% waterproof evidence that all religions are nothing but stories.

What do you think would happen?

  • All priests would get fired?
  • Move on like nothing happend?
  • Religios prople would still be religous and deny the evidence
  • You would say "told you so" to your religious friend

Well that was just a few options that came up
Interesting question......

I really hope that happens, so people start questioning their beliefs....Is there a way to pray for that to happen....beside wishing for a third world war
:confused: :confused:
A real culture shock. Most believers seem to have been deeply indoctrinated from birth. It takes years to overcome such deep-rooted brainwashing, even when faced with irrefutable evidence most will have trouble accepting it. Denial I am sure would be typical and widespread.

The transition to accepting truth and the implications would be far from instantaneous.

It would help enormously if the revelations were quickly followed with guidance on how to replace those religious dependencies with hopefully something more productive.
I would imagine a war would be fought, as that seems to be the order of the day when mankind is faced with mass change. Good question, And one I would like to see become a reality.....
It's not gonna happen unless someone invents a timemachine.

But if it did happen I imagine chaos, confusion, riots, and idiocy would be a dominant part of the world for an unforseen amount of time.
Originally posted by Reid
Lets say someone found some 100% waterproof evidence that all religions are nothing but stories.

What do you think would happen?

  • All priests would get fired?
  • Move on like nothing happend?
  • Religios prople would still be religous and deny the evidence
  • You would say "told you so" to your religious friend

Well that was just a few options that came up

it already happened several times during our history and every time religious people would still be religious and deny the evidence.
Originally posted by Reid
Lets say someone found some 100% waterproof evidence that all religions are nothing but stories.
This is a very dull question. Everybody know that religions
are stories already.

They are all men made, perhaps inspired, perhaps in a transcendental state or simply by the pure nature of putting thoughts in paper.

Dose anyone know of a religion that hasn’t been written by men??

The bible descries young Jesus as a handsome person and a little womanizer, ...do you think he practiced oral-sex?
Re: Re: What if...

Originally posted by spuriousmonkey
it already happened several times during our history and every time religious people would still be religious and deny the evidence.

when? what evidence? show me how anything has been proven 100%!!!!!! NOTHING is 100% not even my own religion!
another parrot that needs 100% proof...

didn't know science had new requirments and had to state what percentage their proof had. ' in this article i present new data on...blabla...that proves for 73% that blabla is true:"

lets return to the real world and analyze in general terms what has happened to the world in the last couple of centuries.

first science took earth out of the center of the universe. That was quite a big revolution, but not enough to provide the final evidence that religion is false. The most recent revolution in our thinking was when Darwin put man back into the animal section. No longer was earth the center of the universe as religion had claimed, neither was man a special creation.

i can give you 99% evidence for these events, if you want more than ask someone else.
I would imagine a new religion would be created, which would explain why the last ones failed, and all those who couldn't handle not having a God would have a new religion to run to.
I think that if the evidence was 100% fullproof, it'll be the biggest culture shock ever imagined.
If aliens landed the day after, we'd be like 'Aliens? Whatever!'

The way everyone thinks will be changed forever!! I can't even imagine what my reaction would be
Re: Re: What if...

Originally posted by Microzoft
This is a very dull question. Everybody know that religions
are stories already.

They are all men made, perhaps inspired, perhaps in a transcendental state or simply by the pure nature of putting thoughts in paper.

Dose anyone know of a religion that hasn’t been written by men??


Microzoft, do you mean written down in the ten Commandment movie kindda style in fire and sparkli stuff and came down from the sky for everybody to watch with their own eyes??

Did anybody knew that when the pupil is opened more than it's optimum circumference, it becomes a medical term for short sightness, if stretched more it gets blind, and as one shrink the pupil, the longer sighted they get...how weird....So are we the most insightfull when we are blind?
Remember that simpsons episode when homer is smart for a while, and he proves God doesn't exist and shows it to Ned Flanders.

Ned takes a look at it and says "yep, that's air tight" and promptly burns it.

That's about right.
Hee hee, he discovered it while doing his tax returns!! That's amazing!!
A state of skepticism and suspense may amuse a few inquisitive minds. But the practice of superstition is so congenial to the multitude that, if they are forcibly awakened, they still regret the loss of their pleasing vision.

- Edward Gibbon,
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire