What if we are an "Aliens" experiment?



Think about it?
What if the reason we are visited so often is because our "Owners" are checking up on us.
To find out what "new" inventions we have discoverred?
To find out how we are managing our resources.
To learn how we react when face with a difficult situation.
Maybe in another Galaxy in a class room a teacher is comparing their world with the dying planet Earth.
Don't you think for a second that this is a plausable answer!
We are inferior to many species. We destroy ourselves and where we live!
AHA. A response, atlast.
Humans are so full of themselves with their creation and evolution they fail to recognise any other possibility to their existance.
We have leapt from one genetic change to another, evolution did not spot this. Evolution is a slow process not a sudden appearance of a new species.

To me this is an entirely reasonable idea. It is certainly possible that the human race is a hybrid species.

This would explain why aliens have been reported in near human like forms, something that skeptics claim would not be the case.
I have thought of this concept time and time again and have linked it to many things in our ideas of evolution and religion.
Eduard Meier made contact with alien life forms whom he described as the Nordic type, and many others have also put forth this description.
I know the concept of hybridisation sounds ridiculous to the religious and science factions, but in religion it would explain the ludicrous idea of a virgin birth. This is a perfect case of abduction and artificial impregnation - Christ could have been the next hybrid, but because of his special powers of healing he was unaccepted, a typical scenario of mans ignorance to something he does not understand.
Evolution suffers from the fabled missing link, a link missing because it does not exist. Hybridisation leapt from one species to the next in order to excellerate the process of intelligence. Then there are the cases of abduction, a sure sign of their interests in our developement, removing sperm and ovaries to examine the process of birth and the process of growth. Maybe one day they will decide to change us and introduce another species here on earth phasing us out as a species to allow a new breed to develop. But then again people think that I am a lunatic because of this concept, just goes to show the sad intellect of human ignorance - don't understand it, shun it, all in the name of science.

[This message has been edited by generalhurrss (edited June 22, 1999).]
If we are an Alien Experiment then I must conclude on behalf of the experimenters that:

It was a dismal failure....
That's the one THEORY that seems to anwser the most question plaguing ufology

..and Dave I wouldn't consider the experiment over just yet !
I don't agree with this one at all. Darwin would be rolling over in his coffin. Unless he was put here to distract us from the truth. Now I think about it theres a few guys on my block that look like they were the result of an experiment that isn't finished yet.
Hybridisation (Mavis spelling beacon where are you???)
Would explain why so many ancient cultures like the myans, aztecs, egyptians and aborigines show signs of alien interference.
Perhaps Adam was an alien and Eve was human??
Perhaps Darwins evolutionary proces is that of the "HUMAN" and just as generalhurrass said there is no missing link because that is where the aliens stepped in. It could explain the backward evolution of our species.
The possibilities are endless
Maybe when the bible said God gave Adam a woman, what it meant was that man was given an entity to breed with and it just got all religioned down to something that made more sense.
It is always a possibility that during the elusive game of chinese whispers (that the bible is) that facts could have been twisted or incorrect like God being a woman or Adam mating with an alien!
What if the dinosaurs werent killed by a kamikasi asteroid but by a bomb or something else????
When I have a piece of metal that I've left in the rain, I don't wait for it to rust into dust before I decide...."It's had it". You look at it and conclude that the metal is no longer any good to use.
If you chart an experiment, you don't have to wait to the end to draw conclusions. If we are an experiment, it's quite obvious the results will end in Armaggedon.(general, slow decay and degradation of society)
Conclusion: Aliens shouldn't have sex with monkeys..it just ain't right! LOL.
You could also shield the metal from the rain & then polish it to a greater brilliance then the original piece , just the thing our creators might be trying to do???
Well,we humans as a team could "sheild ourselves" from the rain- to stop the rust and make this a better world ( worsening society and environment ) - but we're not.
We could do it by intervening with the current process by putting in place a stategy to counter the present decline ( polishing )- but we're not.
We are rusting.
I haven't noticed any outside help lately, either.
By the way, Godfrey, How many "creators" do you think
are working on this experiment ??

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited June 25, 1999).]
I personally think that we were created by "aliens" but because of an order from God. We weren't created as an experiment any more than the rest of the intelligent species in the universe. However, because of many reasons we didn't develop as fast as other aliens of same age. The Earth and its inhabitants suffered perhaps many disasters and other civilizations had to help us all the time. Now we are making it mostly on our own, but these are the times that resolve our final course; can we prevent our destruction and thrive as a culture?

As for the "nordic"-looking alien type, I believe that there is intelligent life nearer than we think; perhaps Mars indeed has/has had intelligent life forms. If the case is that our own solar system has got other cultures-I think it really is possible-then I also believe that they look usually very much like us.
I have to disagree with you , the young adults that I encounter seem to be very well thought out . More so then the older generations , this could have something to do with the outside help that you do not see. As far as the experiment if there is one it would most likely be the undertaking of a single alien species
These Little icons are pretty cool!
If we are an experiment/ hybridised I think that it might be comming time for our fathers to step up and take a little bit of control over his child!. We virtually raised ourselves and considering the fact that the last known major alien interference was over 2000 years ago. We are doing alright. We weren't taught that killing our planet was naughty. if you know what I mean. Perhaps we are orphans now, daddy won't be dropping in to check on us anymore so there could be no hope for us at all! What ever the case or problem.
Or one could take the view that we are "daddy" ourselves, and the responsibility lies with all of us. That happens to be my view. I am also a daddy for real :)