What If There Are No Gods?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member

What if somehow it could be proven there are no gods & most theists accept it?
How would their lives change? Would their morals, attitudes or politics change?
How would they regard the few who yet cling to theism?
Its a science forum. We're supposed to challenge fantasies with logic.
What if somehow it could be proven there are no gods & most theists accept it? How would their lives change? Would their morals, attitudes or politics change?

They'd immediately turn into vicious, insane, maddened, serial killers with a bloodlust that knew no bounds. Morals? ...LOL! They wouldn't have any stinkin' morals! Politics? They all become liberals ....still vicious serial killers, but liberals because they wouldn't want to be executed if they were caught.

How would they regard the few who yet cling to theism?

They'd kill 'em and eat 'em!

Baron Max
Quite simply, the godbots wouldn't accept it.

We go through our whole lives believing in rational things only, and shunning those who believe in something that clearly makes no sense. But when it comes to believing in a nonsensical god-myth, we suddenly make an exception to that. Why is that..? Simple. Because even though we know such a myth is a contrived faerie tale, it's much easier to accept that god will "take care of your soul" after you die, instead of embracing the truth that in the end, you just become a pile of nondescript dust in the earth.

Death is too scary an idea for most humans. But that's why being an atheist takes courage. It's also frightening to know that you have only shot at life, and that when you use it up, you're gone forever. Your consciousness ends, and you simply cease to know and be because your one shot at life has expired.

It's saddening to see how many people end up wasting that one shot at life just to worship a being that does not exist, in preparation for what is -- in the final analysis -- nothing more than oblivion.

What if somehow it could be proven there are no gods & most theists accept it?
How would their lives change? Would their morals, attitudes or politics change?

For som beleivers they woud prolly be severly depressed if it was proved that ther God didnt esist... som beleivers mite be releaved from the fear of goin to hell... but the half-azzed beleivers prolly woudnt give to much of a sht an jus carry on as usual.!!!

How would they regard the few who yet cling to theism?

Som of the former "true" beleivers mite be sympthetic to those who cling to theism... cause they woud better understan how dificult it was to except the truth.!!!

Death is too scary an idea for most humans. But that's why being an atheist takes courage.

It didnt take no courage on my part to be atheist... i simply dont have beleifs that unevidenced stuff is true.!!!

It's saddening to see how many people end up wasting that one shot at life just to worship a being that does not exist, in preparation for what is -- in the final analysis -- nothing more than oblivion.

If beleivers are happy wit ther beleifs... is ther life a waste... ie... ant it up to the individual to juge whether ther life is a waste or not.???
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It's also frightening to know that you have only shot at life, and that when you use it up, you're gone forever. Your consciousness ends, and you simply cease to know and be because your one shot at life has expired.
This is why humanity is becoming increasingly insane with the loss of regard for the spiritual dimension.

In the absence of which, it really makes no difference what you do with your life, or whether you even live at all...the eventual result is the same.
I think that most people have a reasonable code of ethics not based on theist beliefs. If some how all were convinced that no god or gods existed, I would expect most to behave decently.

I would expect many religious types to become seriously depressed because belief in god & a continued existence after death is an easy way to deal with thoughts of individual mortality.

My most serious problem with becoming an atheist was learning to deal with my eventual death (and the death of loved ones) without becoming depressed.

What if somehow it could be proven there are no gods & most theists accept it?
How would their lives change? Would their morals, attitudes or politics change?
How would they regard the few who yet cling to theism?
nothing would change. I mean, if you think about it. This is what happened in Communist China. And, nothing much changed because of it. Yes, a lot changed, but that was due to Communism, not their becoming rational.

Actually, I onced asked my Chinese friend and he said people were told there were no Gods and to deal with it. And people whimpered for like a couple of days and then got over it and started working for Communist Heaven on Earth. It was kind of amazing how quickly people accepted there were no Gods. Pretty fast for most people. Those few that just couldn't, were sent to camps where they eventually did. But, most people didn't require this, they just believed what they were told to believe - which was there are no Gods. Most people are Sheeple anyway - which is why they believe in the first place. Only a small minority NEED to believe. As I understand they can be picked out of a crowd and mentally gang-pressed into Scientology with easu using a "magical" Theta meter. People who need Gods are in fact pretty gullible.
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