What if the Magi were the three stars in Orion's Belt?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Today the media is focusing on bible stories, religious places, and biblical traditions. As I was listening to the story of the Magi, I thought, what if the Three Wise Men were personifications of the three stars in Orion's Belt? I looked it up on wikipedia, and I see there could be an astro-theological connection. What do you think?

M*W: Today the media is focusing on bible stories, religious places, and biblical traditions. As I was listening to the story of the Magi, I thought, what if the Three Wise Men were personifications of the three stars in Orion's Belt? I looked it up on wikipedia, and I see there could be an astro-theological connection. What do you think?


wiki says that they're referred to as "the 3 mary's" by some spanish and latin people, and "the 3 kings" by some westerners. they don't go on to explain some compelling reason why though; it just seems like an arbitrary assignment.

then again, i do think there is something to astrology. i think that the same truths are displayed in all things and all ways because it's all connected, and everything is a part of something larger than itself, and subject to the same law (the universe), and a common destiny.
That is a beautiful thought.
It was a bitterly cold night in England last night. The sky was absolutely clear, and I noticed the wonderful constellation of Orion striding the sky as I got in my car to return home after a particularly enjoyable Christmas day.
I wish I had read your idea.
I'll think of your comment the next time I see it at Christmas.

I've just checked to see if there is a variation in colour to match gold frankincense and myrrh. Unfortunately not. They are all blue-white super giants.
They are all at approximately the same distance though, give or take a hundred light years, so they do belong together.
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The Bible does not specify the number of wise men/magi/kings, but only refers to them in the plural sense.
I looked up at the sky one night thinking,
"If God Exists, then the stars and constellations are not what we have been taught they are. They would have a REAL Meaning relating to the Creator of Existence."

I saw "Orion's Belt" and I asked in my head, "Well what does Orion's Belt REALLY stand for then? The Thought/answer quickly popped into my head "The Three Wise Men."

I thought it was awesome to get a response from God so quickly. (At least I think it was Him)

Then I thought: "At Christmas time, Most Kids are taught about santa instead of Jesus Christ. Is it a coincidence that "Santa" is an anagram for "Satan"? I now realize "Slut" is an anagram for "Lust".

I'm not a very religious person, I don't follow a definite religion. Although I DO Believe in God and Jesus Christ. I don't follow or practice anything specifically.

I do pray to God, Have received help/had prayers answered.

Have you ever SINCERELY Pondered Something/Wanted to know something, WHILE you have no preconceived expectations of what the answer will be?

I've done this several times and a Flood of thoughts come to my mind when I do. I think it might be God answering my question.
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They are all at approximately the same distance though, give or take a hundred light years, so they do belong together
The farthest is more than 500 lightyears from the nearest.

If the other stars of the constellation are taken as their gifts, there are bright colors visible - Betelgeuse and Rigel, especially, contrast red and blue-white to the naked eye (a fun thing to point out to children, who often have good eyes).

I see the constellation as a water strider, seen from below - when carrying food or ("gifts") in the belt position, the shadow they make on the bottom in shallow water looks much like it.

http://www.cirrusimage.com/bugs_water_strider.htm for the food carrying position
http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/common_water_strider.htm for empty handed strider shadows - looking up, they are bright rings
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oh man

My God, this has got to be one of the dumbest theories I have every read. The magi were stars? LOL. LOOOOOL! Lame lol.
Medicine woman, no offense, but you're an ignorant jealous moron, jealous of Christians and jealous of their leader Jesus. How can you be this dumb in an age of instant knowledge? Learn to use a search engine. How hard is this: "bible evidence"? Can you even copy and paste that into a search engine? So dumb. "Mythhistory"? God, go back to collecting dirty feathers and marbles, stuffing them in little pouch, and calling yourself a scientist as you dance around crying for the sky to rain on you. What a deluded fool.
chosenbygrace on a science forum? Is that like an oxymoron? Or just ordinary trolling?:shrug: Anyway what do I know, except even if I was religious I couldn't call myself that.:D
How hard is this: "bible evidence"? Can you even copy and paste that into a search engine?

Maybe if you did, you'd realise there's not one scrap of evidence found in Roman literature to support the existence of Jesus. This is odd, considering they rather liked chronicling things.
Medicine woman, no offense, but you're an ignorant jealous moron, jealous of Christians and jealous of their leader Jesus. How can you be this dumb in an age of instant knowledge? Learn to use a search engine. How hard is this: "bible evidence"? Can you even copy and paste that into a search engine? So dumb. "Mythhistory"? God, go back to collecting dirty feathers and marbles, stuffing them in little pouch, and calling yourself a scientist as you dance around crying for the sky to rain on you. What a deluded fool.

The whole story is an idiotic myth contained in a book filled with idiotic myths too numerous to name in any reasonable time frame.

I am amused by so many IFS in case of magis and star of Bethelhem. Nobody has the foggiest what they were.

Please tell us explicitly who they were, whence they, where they vanoished, most importat, why were they needed to certify the birth of a most heavily prophecied messiah.