what if a human fell in love with a robot?

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Registered Senior Member
I mean just think about it. Let's go...1000 to 2000 years into the futur and let's say that robots and androids have comes as far as to have there own personality and intelligence.
So let's say...(I don't know) Susie Q falls in love with...B.E.N. (think Treasure Planet if you've seen it)
and so susie Q wants to spend the rest of her life with this dude. Do you think they would allow it? Would it be against the law? How would the publiv handle it? How would YOU take it?

Personally, I love a robot. So... just wondering how you guys react to this.
Hey they will have "ho" bots long before this so I don't see anything wrong with "loving" a robot... will the robot love back is the question: if it’s AI is advanced enough to emulate human emotions then yes, if not then its nothing more then a walking sex toy.

Watch the movie "Armitage III" ;)
as always loving a robot or anything else would probably considered morally wrong and wont be condoned by the church i'll bet, However the real question is not if we will have robots 1000 2000 years into the future but rather if we will still be around, im not paranoid about war, but its very likeley that humans will be dead before then.
It's called cyberdildonics!:D

Nearly there, except batteries don't last long enough:mad:
Why 1000, 2000 years? More like 50 to 100 years.

Since emotions appear to be implemented as neural networks then I would fully expect that advanced robots would have the same technology and could equally experience emotions.

But if computer technology continues to grow at its current rate then in 50 years time a robot would have an IQ level that would far exceed any human.

A robot choosing to lower itself to love a human would be the current equivalent of a human loving an ape.
Originally posted by Cris

But if computer technology continues to grow at its current rate then in 50 years time a robot would have an IQ level that would far exceed any human.

We won't have figured out how the brain works within 50 years, 300 years minimum but the 1000 years is more probable.

A robot choosing to lower itself to love a human would be the current equivalent of a human loving an ape.

I'm an ape, a great ape, a really great ape. I love apes.

A sex toy will be first, if you've seen the realdoll website you will see that there is a demand. By the way the *ahem* on the male doll is too small, it'll never sell.
As for love, what's that when it's at home, if you disect it, it just comes out as a freudian dependancy, so it would be easy to make the robot 'love' you, you just neglect the ability for independant thought and action, a neural trigger that produces a dependancy on needing the human for things such as recharging.
Give it a limited learning capacity and you have what you are looking for. You might seek a psychiatrist as well.
I'm all for being perverse but some things slide into the realm of just being very sad.
A truely intelligent machine would not understand what it is to love.

I'm surrounded by yellow!
Never try to time line something... they said we would not be on the moon for hundreds of years, 50 years before they landed on the moon.
Love is not a linear objective things such as 1s and 0s, it's a subjective thing that differs from person to person. Can a computer really replicate the firing patterns of the neurons to produce the outcome: emotion called love. Then can the A.I of each robot produce different firing patterns of neurons so the outcome still remains love but yet it differs in it's appreance completely from the the next robot, not like one software produced result in every machine. I mean love means completely different things around the world, in different society. What they consider love in some societies would shock us and vice versa so would the A.I have to take that into account also: it's nationality, it's ethnicity...seemingly it shouldn't have one since math is universal. Last and first and foremost: How sad would your life have to be in order to love a robot..i mean do you really not like humans that much..or have they really done something so bad to make you lose trust in them like that....if your looking for a love slave then go ahead but you just can't beat the spontineity of a human.

But the first task for humanity is to prove JOJOSPACEMONKEY wrong.
If we can do it then there is nothing to say we can't make robots that can to... and yes the human race is just a step in evolution and not the final step by a long shot. We will some day be replaced or extinct or self genocide…

so no JOJOSPACEMONKEY is very right in his statement.

I don't think many robots will be given the free will to make that choose.
How will you stop that? Once the technology exists then someone will make it happen. People like me for example.

We won't have figured out how the brain works within 50 years, 300 years minimum but the 1000 years is more probable.
We know how the brain works. It uses neural networks.

But reverse engineering the brain will give us an operational model even though we might not fully understand how it works. Developing accurate high resolution brain scanners should also result in patterns we could represent on a computer. Providing we accurately emulate the basic processing mechanism then we don’t need to understand how the brain works.

But I think you seriously underestimate the effect of exponentially self evolving AI seeds. Once we have a reliable learning seed then it will feed on itself and grow exponentially.

A truly intelligent machine would not understand what it is to love.
That doesn’t follow at all. You are intelligent, right? You are a biological machine, right? Are you saying you don’t understand what it is to love? Or are you saying that you are not TRULY intelligent?

Love is not a linear objective things such as 1s and 0s, it's a subjective thing that differs from person to person.
Are you sure? Each neuron fires at around 200 times per second. It has multiple inputs and a single output. The neuron is very much a digital device. If you think of a single neuron as being a like a small microprocessor then the entire brain is much like a massive network of 100 billion processors operating independently and in parallel. That to my mind seems like enough complexity to easily produce what you perceive as subjectivity.

Can a computer really replicate the firing patterns of the neurons to produce the outcome: emotion called love.
Why not? The brain does it. But for now we’d have to tightly link about 10,000 x 2GHz modern PCs together to achieve the same power as the brain. Well we can’t quite do that yet. Just give it a little longer, say 10 years or less.

Last and first and foremost: How sad would your life have to be in order to love a robot..i mean do you really not like humans that much..or have they really done something so bad to make you lose trust in them like that....if your looking for a love slave then go ahead but you just can't beat the spontineity of a human.
You haven’t made the leap yet in comprehending that once AI achieves equal and greater intelligence to humans with the same or better level of self-awareness and emotional capabilities then what would be so bad about loving something more capable than ourselves?

You need to stop thinking of robots as being mindlessly mechanistic and emotionless as they have been conventionally portrayed in science fiction.
I said "many" did I not... sure there will be some but most will be slave through and through.

Sorry I didn't mean to sound critical of you.

I said "many" did I not... sure there will be some but most will be slave through and through.
But you raise an interesting issue.

There will be a difference between an intelligent device and a self-aware machine. Once AI achieves the complexity that allows self-awareness then we have an ethical issue on how to treat them.
Yes but most likely in the unofficial truth of human self protection most sentient AI will be hardwire with protocols like Asimov’s laws to make them totally subservient. Only a few prototype AI and human soul copies (might) be given total free will. Actually even us Homo Sapiens do not have free will but have directives in placed by selfish genetics, these directives though are only enforce through emotions and impulse and can be over-ridded… I doubt we would put something like that in sentient AI, which would most likely have a multilevel thought process structure constantly checking hardwired commands and directives.
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