What I believe...

Zero Mass

Registered Senior Member
Somebody asked me one night (while drinking heavily and typing philosophy) and this is what i wrote, while drunk (I corrected grammer and stuff the next morning) I apologize if I rant. I also went back and brushed up the language a little, and added sections for clarification. I hope you enjoy this ranting, and I would value your commentary on it.
So here it is, an intelligent mind mixed with booze:

1A) Agnosticism: The doctrines of the agnostics, holding that certainty, first or absolute truths, are unattainable, and that only perceptual phenomena are objects of exact knowledge.

1B) I am an agnostic because I know that we live in a corporal world. The only things that we are able to observe lie within the boundaries of the natural realm, and so the only thing that we can ever prove are those things which we live with.

1C) Things like god and other paranormal myths and beings lie within the supernatural realm. The supernatural realm is beyond science, it's very basic definition means beyond nature. This means that we will never be able to prove the existence of things like god and ghosts.

1D) That is all a horrible cop-out. It is just stupid that millions of people believe in places like heaven and hell, people like god, and experiences like life after death without ever before experiencing such things. These people believe that there are things that they can never ever see or experience, and that humans can never prove with their time here on Earth.

1E) All this makes little sense to me, but under the strict definition of the doctrines of agnosticism, which is only a school of thought dealing with the ability to understand things, under these doctrines I understand that there is no way to prove or disprove the existence of the supernatural.

2A) Why then am I also and Atheist? If I understand that there is no way to disprove the existence of god, then how can I claim that there is no god for certain?

2B) I don't KNOW there is no such thing as god, but I believe that there is no such thing as god. I understand that it is impossible to have any knowledge one way or the other, and I believe that this is because there is no such knowledge for me to find. I can't see or perceive god, so it is nonexistent in my life.

2C) My inability to understand god derives form the point about agnosticism. It is impossible for me to believe in anything that does not exist in my realm of experiences, and to me it is a little ignorant for people who do believe in those things to do so. I believe that god is just as if everything else that people understand is supernatural; it is an idea that is implanted in our heads. That is the only place that god exists?Eif you can call it that. God is but a myth.

2D) I have many personal reasons for not believing in god. First of all, the only things that mankind knows about god (or gods) is what other men have passed down through the ages. I hate to pick on Christianity, but it is both the most prominent example and the easiest for us to understand. The bible is a book of stories and myths, written thousands of years ago, rewritten thousands of times, translated poorly from ancient languages into our modern terminology, it has no scientific evidence to back it up, and very little historical evidence- but still this is the main text that religions base themselves upon in out modern age. That is bullshit, plain and simple. The people, places, and events of the bible are almost entirely if not completely false. None of that shit ever really happened; it is all fairy tales and mythology. The ancient Greeks studied the formation of mythology and religion. They could see that it came from superstition. The bible and other similar religious decrees came from an attempt to control people, and to keep them docile. Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses, and that is true in many ways, it keeps people ignorant and that keeps people stupid, and ignorance is bliss as the old adage goes?E

2E) Christianity is hypocritical. The bible professes that it is ok for people to kill, rape, and destroy. God told people to kill thousands, and he turns around and then says not to kill. That is such bullshit, I can't even begin to explain all of the hypocrisy involved in religion, its way too much.

2F) lets look at god from an impersonal view, as if he is an entity that created the cosmos and life and not the over-bearing father figure (yes, in Christianity he is MALE). Lets look at an impersonal god, one that is mysterious and does not show itself to man. Why believe that such a thing exists? You can say that there is no scientific explanation for how life came from nothing, other people argue about the big bang theory, and where did matter come from. This belief in god is also bullshit in my opinion. It has been referred to as "The God of Gaps?Ewhere whatever we cannot explain in the universe we say a god did. This is the largest load of crap that I have ever heard of.
Thousands of years ago they didn't know about the stars or the sun, or about lightning, or earthquakes, so they said that an invisible man in the sky must do it. This is the mentality of an ignorant person, one who lives in fear of the naturalistic universe and immerses himself in superstition and false logic. Just because science cannot explain something, does not mean that it never will. Even if science never can prove something, like the formation of the universe, why must we say that it was god's work, because people are ignorant and they dislike not having all the answers? In fact, that is why we made up god in the first place, in order to cull our ignorance and answer the unknowns in our world. The problem is people still use this excuse in our modern society.

2G) Religion goes against our knowledge of evolution. The world was not created in 6 days, not all the animals were created at the same time, and we were not made out of dirt.
Evolution is not fiction, it is fact, it is the best explanation for how life has evolved, and that knowledge goes against the creation STORY

. Anyway, there are more things I could talk about, but those are all the main points.

Ok, the letter was over here
And then I think I told the girl that I loved her and her god was a fucker, yadda yadda yadda...
Anyway, it is late and I have been drinking again, so I'm going to bed soon.
