What Happens If The Evil One Repents?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
No, not me.

I mean the evil dude. The REAL evil dude, the bad angel cast out from Heaven because it's way cooler to be the ruler of Hell. Yeah, THAT guy. Can't he come back to God and say, “hey, I miss the view from up there. My bad...”

Would he be forgiven? And how exactly would Christianity have to adapt to this new afterlife devoid of a gatekeeper for all the unsaved souls?

To me, this demonstrates that it's all a staged play, where one of the keys, repentance, is excluded by law from one of the players. Of course, this also assumes that Jesus is not Satan, which we can never assume in a rigged game, because if there really were a Satan, he would easily disguise himself as the Soter of destruction.

:m: Peace.
I was gonna say, he wouldn't, he's inherently eveil, but then ... somehow that doesn't apply to born-again Christians, or those that convert 5 seconds beforte they die, so ... I dunno. :p
Satan repents, God says "take over here, I wanna try the bad-boy thing for a while" and goes to hell. God still wants followers so he leaves the bible telling humanity to go to war, hate gays, treat women like shit, etc.....

:D :D
If Satan repents and no one is at the gates of hell, maybe i'll take the job. It's nice warm weather. I get to work with interesting people. But how is the pay? Would my salary be in dollars or souls?:p
Originally posted by Vienna
What the hell is a god?? :confused:


A fictitious character, generally created by a backwards, superstitious people, to give meaning to things that they are too backwards to understand with common sense. example : "If we are good our god may give us a good harvest", or "it did not rain enough so the crops are failed, obviously we must sacrifice to our god because otherwise it wouldn't have happened this way, we are unworthy."